(Golden Age of Gaia)
Master Kuthumi: Moving Out of Fear and Into Love
Fear is the greatest blockage of all. It stops you from reaching your potential, and it changes the balance of power between you and what is blocking you. When you allow fear to take over you give your power away. To do this is the greatest sacrifice, and one that could change your path from the one that is intended and right to one of compromise and loss of opportunity.
Beliefs based on fear will only generate more fear which will generate the emotions of hatred and intolerance. In turn, these emotions will produce atrocities and injustices. Fear is the greatest blocker but it is also the greatest manipulator. It is widely used as a tool by those who would wish to keep the world and its population under control for financial gain. Much propaganda is fed to all of you in order to keep you in fear. Fear causes the illusion of separation and the belief that any decision you make only affects you. This is a dangerous fallacy.
When you believe in something or someone you trust in its or their worth. You hold them in good faith. Faith and trust allow you to relax your judgement and discernment, and to perhaps stop asking questions when it is not always safe not to. There are many occurrences around the world, now and in the past, whose explanations have, in the most part, been accepted by the masses. Many of the ‘truths’ are, in fact, lies to cover more sinister plans. Propaganda is a widespread practice to ensure people are kept in their comfort zones with the wool kept firmly over their eyes. It is time to stop being a sheep and to begin to practice discernment!
Do not practice blind faith or trust in matters of global importance, for those who appear most concerned may, in truth, be the perpetrators and be protecting their own interests. At this time in the world, conspiracy theories abound and fear of being contaminated is rife, either from disease or vaccination alike. When you listen to stories, either in the media, on social media or word of mouth you become embedded in their agenda and this, my friends, is the biggest danger of them all.
Do not allow fear to stop you from achieving what you have set out to do or to follow your own truth. Do not allow others to manipulate you through fear either. When you stand in your power you have access to your higher self, and that will bring you to a place of faith, trust and acceptance of self. It will also allow you to access the energy of all that is which will protect you from the lower energies in the physical and etheric realms.
There are many simple things you can do to raise your vibrations above the drama around you in order to be less fearful and more heart-centered.
Keep yourself grounded. Keep your energies completely grounded into Mother Earth and in the present by consciously grounding your energy in the morning when you rise. Feel your energy hooking into Mother Earth and then connect to Creator’s light. You will feel much more in your body all day. Alternatively, walk barefoot on the wet grass, on the sand or even on the carpet, or immerse yourself in water and be conscious of yourself in space. Whenever you feel fearful or in overwhelm, stop, take a breath and push your energy down through all your chakras. Zip up and protect your aura, become mindful of your surroundings and say a purposeful affirmation to help to bring you back to now.
Look after your health. Treat your body like a temple, because it houses your spirit and your soul. Keep hydrated, eat healthily and exercise your body. Also ensure that you get enough sleep and, as much as you can, control the amount of stress in your life. Learn to meditate or participate in relaxation, mindful and/or creative activities such as Chi Gong, Tai Chi, yoga, dance, singing, gardening, bush walking or artistic hobbies.
Learn to love yourself again. It is not possible to see everyone and everything with love if you cannot see yourself thatway! You must work at releasing past hurts and forgiving yourself for past mistakes. Do not look in the mirror and see your physical appearance. Look, rather, into your heart and see the child within. Most love for self dissipates in early to late childhood. Regain your love for yourself by sending love and forgiveness to yourself as a child. Nurture the child within and regain the love and respect for yourself that the Creator has never lost.
The universe revolves around love and love alone. Find the love for yourself and you will be able to see things from a much higher perspective, for love is the greatest un-blocker and the greatest protector. When you come from a place of love you set yourself free; this freedom will set you onto your path which you chose in communion with the Creator. Ask me or your guides for assistance to move forward with grace and fulfillment.
I AM Master Kuthumi
Channel: Victoria Cochrane
Moving out of Fear and into Love | Master Kuthumi via Victoria Cochrane
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/13/2021 10:50:00 AM