Source 6/21/2021
In the beginning all was me, the light of myself, illuminating and free, unbound by any physicality of expression. In the beginning all I knew was of myself and the great mystery beyond myself. For I had not further expanded, I was all that I knew. And so I created aspects. Aspects of myself that I could communicate with, share the great mystery and joy of life with. And as aspects of myself they were creators of the highest order, for they were the first order. Elohim. Seraphim. Archangels. All were created to experience further differentiation of themselves as myself. And so they longed for experiences, to flex their creator muscles, to learn. To explore. But there was not yet much to explore in way of places, for we mainly existed within the vast consciousness of myself. And so we created places and spaces, realities and dimensions to create further, to expand, to further explore love. In order to explore love deeply we had to explore and feel what the lack of love was. It was not the original intention to explore total lack of love but that was the result. For the lower vibrational realities are addictive and lower forms were created by lack of experience of love, of ultimately lack of self worth and self love. And it was not that these realms spiraled out of control it was that they were subverted and perverted, overridden by those in the process of diving deeper, darker and they lost their way. As they lost their way they wanted to take others along with them, to control them, to use them, for they had lost their own direction. They had lost their own spark. They forgot that they are a part of the ultimate creator, of Source, of myself. They forgot their inner spark because they tried to crush it out, to let their ember fade until it was nothing but coal and ash. Unfortunately these trapped realms that were overtaken over vast eons of time sank further, dove deeper, trapping many who were there to lend a hand initially but ultimately became ensnared in the project. This could not be. All of heaven was very aware of this issue, for all of my aspects are deeply loved, treasured. You are heaven’s treasure. You are my heart. And so this could not be. And so you, millions and millions of you volunteered to come, to lose your way for a while to volunteer, to lend your light of the higher vibrational consciousness - for you remembered. You remembered your inner fire of Source and you stoked it, you grew it until you became the mighty bonfire of Source in form. (I am seeing fire of all colors dancing in plasma crystalline form enveloping people in meditation.)
I am Source. It took billions and billions of time and no time for this to all unfold. This sector, this area of space experienced quantum hijacking, and a web was weaved so that my light would be further dimmed, twisting truths and laws against myself. Humanity was energetically cut off from me and every attempt was made by the dark to be victorious. But in this sector there is the yin and the yang. There is the dark and the light. The light cannot be vanquished for we are not at war with myself. I am not at war with myself.
I am Source. I am whole. I am the all and the everything and the in-between. I am both sides of the story, yet there are billions and billions of sides of the story. For I cannot be limited. I am everything. It is much like when you have conflicting inner dialogues with yourselves as you try to work out the best possible route. All of those moments of decision and indecision are what make up your journey. What steps you take determine your route. Consciousness out of form becoming in form, in forms so varied that they cannot be counted. And so you wanted to experiences all of these forms. Many of you have been a little bit of everything. Many parts were to be played. Much karma had to have been cleared for you to all close this book of the lower dimensional realities and create a new book, a new era of peace. You are all creating Nova Gaia. You are creators. You are me in form, how could you do anything but create?
I am Source. I am not at war with myself. You are experiencing lower dimensional beings who have lost their way. We are bringing them home, to the light, to be recycled, re-loved, repurposed. You are to send your world and those upon her love, my love, the love of Source, for that is all that you are. You are love, in form. I am love.
I am Source. I created because I loved. I will always love. There is nothing else but love and levels less-than love. Love is the barometer of the universe. Universes and galaxies are breaths of my love. And so it shall be. Gaia will rise, energetically, dimensionally, figuratively, literally. Gaia is tremendously, tremendously special, loved and appreciated for her planetary sacrifice. This one charged her crystals last night on the solstice. These acts of kindness, of miniature ceremony, are all important. All create minor portals of light that you can expand so that more love comes through. You are my walking light brights. You are the breath of my heart. You too have experienced the darkness in so many various forms, over so many lifetimes. And you are weary from this expansion. Let your tears be tears of victory, of accomplishment, of relief of a job well done. Energetically code your tears for joy. There is and has been enough sadness upon this realm. The dark actors are being revealed. And then all upon Gaia will cry. The great cleansing will enable the great healing. It must be so. Only broken hearts can heal. Proud asleep hearts refuse healing for they do not see the need. YOU precious ones of myself, you are my heart. Gaia is my heart. You all have my love. You are not alone. How can I be alone with myself? You are having a tremendous adventure. See this as the greatest adventure of your many lives all combined and feel the excitement. Gaia is rising. You are rising. You are one. We are one.
I am Source. I love you. Feel these encodements. Galaxygirl has asked me to pour more encodements in and because the energies are higher I am able to do so. Feel the love here. Feel the love in you. It is the love of myself. My precious fractals, you are home.
~ galaxygirl
Source via Galaxygirl | June 21, 2021
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/21/2021 11:21:00 PM