By Steve Beckow, March 25, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
The Eye of the Beholder – Part 1/2
As I continue to prepare for both the Reval and Ascension, I look deeper and deeper into one particular matter.
The matter is how I can know something unless I’ve done/tried/experienced it myself.
When we say something is “in the eye of the beholder” or “it takes one to know one,” we’re referring to what I’m talking about.
I see that, while my having tried or experienced something myself is crucial to my deep understanding of it, the levels of knowledge also come into play.
And that is only if I’m making the claim that I “know” that thing or event (phenomenon). (1)
If I’m not making the claim to “knowing” it, but simply reporting what I’ve read or heard, well, in that case, the value of my information drops off significantly (in spiritual terms).
The value of what I’ve read (book knowledge) is less compared to the value of what I “know” (direct, realized knowledge).
Let me call the first the reporter and the second the realizer.
In my scheme of things, there are three levels of knowledge.
The first is the intellectual. Both people who are reporting what they’ve read or heard and those who claim to know but are only sharing ideas are operating on the intellectual level.
For the most part, I think the world operates on an intellectual level. I think it could also be said that more men are intellectual; more women are experiential.
Compared to higher forms of knowledge, intellectual knowledge is safer. There’s less emotional investment. The claims to know, when based solely on this, are more modest. We may play safe by remaining intellectual.
But it’s also as dry as oatmeal compared to the juiciness and awesomeness of higher forms of knowing. Truth can be found on the intellectual path, but it’s a drier path. Not as satisfying as the other two higher forms of knowledge.
The next more intense, more revealing level is the experiential. We’ve actually experienced what we’re talking about and so, on that basis, we say we “know” it.
The information, awareness, and knowledge have been impacted by an internal experience – the emotions and divine qualities may stir. We may be horrified or wafted aloft in bliss.
Whatever else it may do, this deepens the experience and etches it on our memory. It’s also the seed that can lead to a vasana or core issue, whether a pleasant or unpleasant vasana. This feels far more real than mere ideas.
In many a Hollywood movie does the experientialist grow impatient with the intellectual. It’s a favorite gag but there’s some truth to it.
Experience satisfies more than ideas; as Werner Erhard said, the person who lives on ideas alone is eating the menu instead of the meal.
The experientialist says: I saw it myself. I heard it myself. I smelt it. I felt it. It’s gotten inside of me and touched me. I can vouch for the thing’s identity, qualities, etc. This knowledge is more certain that mere ideas. But it’s not the end.
The most intense and revealing level of knowledge that I’m aware of is realization.
(Concluded in Part 2, below.)
(1) I use quotation marks to emphasize that “knowledge” has many meanings. The only one I’m concerned with is knowledge that leads to a realization of the truth.

By Steve Beckow, March 25, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
The Eye of the Beholder – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
I’m really coming to believe that realization is temporarily experiencing and knowing from a higher level. What was not apparent at a lower level is now apparent.
That description leaves out the initial explosion of bliss that lifts us up to that higher level in the first place.
Realization takes us out of the domain we have known till then. I don’t think it can be reached by experience alone, but I don’t know.
It is like a hand thrust down into the water that we latch onto and use to pull ourselves up into the boat. Thanks to the hand we’re able to sit in the boat.
Thanks to realization we’re able to – briefly or permanently – see from a higher level.
I saw, in my vision of the purpose of life in 1987, the centrality of bliss in the process of realization. I was in a realized state for the eight seconds of the vision: so not just a momentary blast but an “extended” experience. (1)
The bliss I was feeling, which filled me up, allowed me to know what I was seeing. That over there is God the Father. There’s God the Mother. There’s God the Child. I now knew how the pieces of the puzzle of enlightenment fit. (2) And bliss was what brought all things to remembrance, so to speak.
I don’t want to exclude from this, minor moments of realization such as Aha’s, Eureka moments, peak experiences, transformational moments, etc. They may not result in our achieving a higher level of knowing, but they resolve a problem, create a new paradigm, release us from dissonance and tension, etc.
All three levels are open to both reporter and realizer. But the reporter may not appreciate or learn from their emotional or realized experiences whereas the realizer probably will.
I was in a seminar once where a woman had had a senior experience of enlightenment, did not know what it was, and felt like she was going insane. Adyashanti explained that she had had an enlightenment experience and talked her out of her fears.
Without Adya or another spiritual teacher there, she could quite possibly have gone insane; I don’t know.
In the case of a reporter, they may lack the context and information they need to make sense of a realization, whereas a realizer will know what they’ve invited and have a greater chance of welcoming it.
We lightworkers are seekers or we wouldn’t be lightworkers. In addition to having signed on to come here to serve, which makes us lightworkers rather than lightholders, we probably have our private or personal sadhana or spiritual practice. Off duty, mine is awareness. But on duty, mine is karma yoga, seva, service.
Our seeking Reval monies is for the purpose of reviving the terrestrial population and building Nova Earth. We’re in service to the Divine Mother’s Plan and Mother Gaia’s Ascension.
You’ve already heard Michael and the Divine Mother say to me over and over again, we don’t want you getting blissed out and unable or unwilling to complete your service. Remain grounded. Stay put.
The lesson is: Not to seek such elevated enlightenment experiences that we cease to be unwilling or unable to serve.
In my opinion, lightworkers need to go up along with the population they serve. And we know that folks here to help with Ascension are already ascended so it isn’t as if anyone will miss out. We already have it. We just hung it up at the door and will pick it up when we leave.
We gave up access to that knowledge when we incarnated. If we weren’t already ascended, we’d be focused on our own Ascension. That would not serve the Mother’s purposes in having us here.
I’m not worried about my Ascension. I know that I’m already ascended. If you’re an angel, and most lightworkers are, you come from the Transcendental, never mind simply the Fifth or Sixth or Seventh Dimension.
The Company of Heaven brought ascended people here to serve as the yeast in the loaf. We’re here to help the whole of the bread rise. We do it by taking what we experience up through the three levels again and again and again.
We read about something. We contemplate it. We look for it in the realm of our own experience. If we’re very fortunate, we realize it.
And we begin again.
The result is we become clearer and clearer in our consciousness and happier and happier in our lives. I can vouch for that. I know it to be true from my own experience and realization.
Our becoming clearer and happier contributes to Ascension. It’s proof that we carried out our mission to be the yeast in the loaf.
(1) I said in my earlier write-up that it was not an enlightenment experience. I actually have no idea whether it was or wasn’t: it didn’t come with a label.
But it was definitely an extended state of realization while it happened. I don’t feel I know enough to give a precise label to it.
Interestingly, I did not go on to study the subject of visions, but of enlightenment. The message of the vision was that enlightenment was the purpose of life.
Here is a description of that experience: “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue,” August 13, 2011, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2011/08/13/the-purpose-of-life-is-enlightenment-ch-13-epilogue/
(2) The Child of God was the Father in the Mother’s created human body, in the Mother’s educational world of matter (mater, Mother), etc. Enlightenment in the Third Dimension followed the pattern of knowledge of the Child (fourth chakra), knowledge of the Mother (sixth chakra), and knowledge of the Father (seventh chakra).
When I say “knowledge of the Mother,” I don’t mean full knowledge of the Mother, which is an impossibility as far as I’m aware. Perhaps initial knowledge of the Mother and Father might be a better way of saying it.
The Eye of the Beholder | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/25/2021 11:26:00 PM