Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - February 2021
It is another beautiful day in Paradise our dear Lightworkers Starseeds. It is another beautiful day in Paradise because we are making it so.
We, who from heaven to earth came down, we Galactics who chose to become human and so help humanity from inside the third dimensional matrix, we have moved into a whole new dimension.
It is a dimension of love, a dimension of light, a dimension where fear and worry are left behind and intellect and intuition are integrated. We are living the human life having left behind our indoctrination story.
We are free, we are free, we are free. We are free of the trials and travails that come with third dimensional life. We are lifted above the fray of the clashing of human perceptions.
In the early years of our life we were each indoctrinated into delusional ideas. We took on the thoughts, ideas and behaviors of those amongst whom we were born. It was our task to become aware of our entrained dysfunctional perception.
It was our job to awaken to our Divinity, to realize that the story we held so dear of being a victim, of being bullied, of having been taught false concepts, was just that, a story.
A story that has served us well, for by experiencing that story, by living life through the filter of understanding that that story gave us, we have gained much.
We have gained a knowing of ourselves as the Divine Beings that we are. Having dismissed that earthly biography, no longer focusing on the wrongs that have been done to us, having forgiven all, we are free indeed.
We came here to planet earth to experience limitations and emotions. The life we lived, our story, the events of that story, both preferred and not preferred, gave us the limitations we needed to experience fear and negative emotions.
The experiencing of these painful feelings taught us how great, how grand, how wonderful it is to be in the love vibration. We came from that love vibration. We came from the high vibrating agape, unconditional love of the Spirit World, to experience the low vibrating human story and to help mankind out of his deep and dark indoctrination.
And, having lived through all the many and various trials and tribulations that we assigned to ourselves, for we planned our lives before we ever came to earth, we are now in the holy, blessed, flowing, knowing glow of the love vibration.
Yes, we have moved into a whole new frequency. Wonder of wonders. This last year, the year of the great deception, the year of masking and separation, the year of the fearful pandemic, has been a great gift to us all.
The trickery and 24/7 vitriolic, malicious spewing of false information from our media sources, from the television, from the newspapers, has awoken many. And, our isolation has given us wayshowers of the world time to slowly but surely leave behind our third dimensional entrainment and drop our human victim story.
This 21st century ascension, this great revelation that we are living through has been a gradual process. Divinity, the light alliance have wished to preserve as many humans as possible in physical form.
Looking at all that is happening on earth at this time. Looking, as an observer, at the chaos in our political and economic systems, at food quality and food distribution, at the health industry in crisis, at the loss of jobs, at the homelessness that is rampant, at the poverty, failing relationships, we see that humanity is living through tumultuous turbulent times.
The old system, the draconian control system, the shadow government and its bought and paid for minions have lost their power. They are in the last gasp of desperately attempting to hold on to what has already been lost.
And it is wonderful that this is so. For large changes, large jumps in frequency would be unsustainable. As it is, from the third dimensional perspective life seems to go on from day to day to day as usual. More fear is felt, more restrictions are introduced, and more panic ensues.
Yet you, our dear Ones, are above this mortal coil of deception. Think of how you were a year ago. Think of how you still suffered under emotions and victimhood.
So much wonderful has happened to you this past year. Being in the fifth dimensional vibration of love has increasingly become your every day state.
You have gradually normalized to living in a higher frequency. You have had time to get used to each level that you attained. And this process is inevitable, inexorable.
You have realized by now that you are different. As you watch your suffering brethren writhe and squirm in anxiety and perturbation you can see that you are blessed and above that low vibrating fear frequency. You are lightworkers, starseeds who have from heaven to earth come down. How wonderful it is to realize that.
Let us now look at the qualities we have imbued that are an inherent part of us in our magnificent new dimension. The process has been so gradual that we have barely noticed the changes.
We are calmer, more peaceful not much upsets us any more. We can see the big picture of life on earth from the upper room. We know our destination is heavenly, we see the light at the end of the tunnel.
We are no longer looking at the details, the events, the dirt on the walls of the tunnel, we look towards the light knowing, deep within our hearts that all is well. Divinity is in charge and we will inevitably, wonderfully, reach our fifth dimensional destination.
We have forgiven all that transpired in our human life. We know that nothing wrong ever happened. We have dropped our story for we realize that the suffering we experienced was a great gift.
In fact now, when we see the dysfunctional behavior of our brethren we can’t tolerate it. We flinch as we hear the painful, negative psychological prods and pokes they throw at each other with words.
Yes, it is a real challenge for us to be with our third dimensional human brethren now. They are still deeply asleep and enmeshed in their entrainment, in their false perception and in their victim story.
They live in fear.
And your step is lighter. You often feel as if you are floating on a cloud. And your thoughts are beautiful a great deal of the time. You are a walking meditation as you glide around your world listening to the voice of your Soul, to the voice of your intuition.
What happens next? It is up to us. We are creating our wonderful new world with our thoughts, with our enthusiasm with what gives us joy.
The purpose of life is to reach the joy vibration. You are fulfilling that purpose. Having experienced the fears and worries of third dimensional human life, having integrated your ego, your intellect and your intuition, you have moved yourself into that joy vibration.
How wonderful to realize that our purpose here on earth is to navigate the positive and negative events of our life and by our choices, through our free will, find our way back to the joy, the peace, the agape unconditional love the compassion, that we truly are.
Your purpose now is service, for service to others gives you joy. It is joy to be in communion and camaraderie with your like minded brethren. It is joy to help them. Find your joy, live in your joy and you are creating your new paradise on earth.
Doing what we love is fulfilling. Doing what we love puts us in the joy vibration. Choose joy, choose joy, choose joy and then again choose joy.
Yes dear brethren, it is another beautiful day in paradise for, with your love, your light, your joy, you are making this planet earth into a paradise for humanity. And yes, life is good now and wonder of wonders, the best is yet to come. Indeed, the best is yet to come.
Aita Channeling Her Higher Self. We Are Blessed Beings Indeed.
Choose Joy, Choose Joy, Choose Joy | Aita Channeling Her Higher Self
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/03/2021 03:27:00 PM
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