Thursday, December 17, 2020

Many Sages have Spoken about Ascension | Steve Beckow

Sri Ramakrishna in samadhi

By Steve Beckow, December 17, 2020

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Many of Earth’s sages have spoken about Ascension. Sri Ramakrishna, for example, made a distinction that reflected knowledge of it.

He spoke about a man who climbed to the roof of his house and, once at the top, realized “I am God.” The same man then climbed down the steps and, upon reaching the ground again, realized “God has become everything.”

“I am God” is God-Realization or Brahmajnana and is not Ascension. Ascension is beyond the seven-chakra system, beyond Brahmajnana.

I make the assumption that “God is everything” is beyond God-Realization; hence it would be Ascension. (1)

I believe Sri Ramakrishna’s name for Ascension was “vijnana,” perfect jnana or beyond (Brahma)jnana.

The name I use for Ascension as an enlightenment event is that employed by Sri Ramana Maharshi – Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi. (2) “Sahaja” is our natural state.

Gosh, this is getting embarrassing to talk about. But I briefly experienced my original innocence and purity in an experience of the Self at Xenia Retreat Center, Sept. 18, 2018. My natural or Sahaja state is innocent rather than sinful and pure rather than base.

The Buddha knew Ascension. So did Jesus. Franklin Merrell-Wolff. Bernadette Roberts probably did (people use different terms so I’m not sure). But, throughout the centuries, only a relatively few have ascended.

Most sages stopped at Brahmajnana, a stage that came to be called “halfway up the mountain.”

Bernadette Roberts

Ascending in consciousness is like ascending a staircase. You’re up higher. You can see more. You can get a panoramic view that brings greater understanding.

Our ascending to Fifth-Dimensional frequency is one step on that staircase. Just one step.


It’s a big step because we enter a vibrational domain that’s radically different from our own 3rd/4th Dimensional world.

There everything is universal. Love flows like a river to everyone open to it. The bliss, happiness, or joy that you find there in endless quantities flows to all and sundry, without exception or preferential treatment.

There we reach the end of needing to die or be reborn. We step off what the Buddha called the wheel of birth and death. This is what Hindus term moksha, mukti, or liberation from the need to reincarnate.

Ascension is a phenomenon known and described cross-culturally. Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, western, eastern masters have experienced it, calling it by different names.


In the Fifth Dimension, the environment is plastic and responsive to our desires. Our bodies are malleable. We gravitate back to what we regard as our optimum age and never get sick or die.

But the main feature of the Fifth Dimension is – how did Mike Quinsey put it? – the most exotic love which you cannot imagine. Exactly.

Having briefly tasted the Ocean of Love, I can see why Christians would call Ascension “the Rapture.” It is rapturous. It also turns out to be our “Salvation” if you’re weary of third density. Both are fitting terms.

Always before Ascension had been an individual matter and one had to leave the physical body behind. Now we go together and take our bodies with us, as the Mother’s universe continues to unfold into new vibrational settings and evolutionary processes.


(1) Notice here that Ascension is depicted as being the result of realization whereas my experience of a heart opening, a very junior version of Ascension, led to higher-dimensional experiences of love, not realizations. I

(2) Sahaja —-> Natural
Nirvikalpa —-> Still-Minded
Samadhi —-> Trancelike state of concentration