Channel Lynne Rondell
I am coming back to this beautiful Thursday with this channeling. This one's going to be from the galactic federation of light. It's going to be all 12 councils and they're on the 12th dimension and they're calling this one « this election is about journeying into truth »
So here we go.
We are the galactic federation of light, we are all 12 councils and yes we're on the 12th dimension coming through this channeler with this message that we feel is very important and very timely as you have a lot going on with your election in the united states.
We thought we would talk about what this election is really bringing forth, we thought we would talk about what this election represents and we thought we would talk about how this election is really about journeying into truth.
For this election is going to go down in the history books. This election is at, we're going to say, a tipping point where the dark can no longer stand on the ground, it's been standing on. This election represents the light actually coming to the surface now to be realized and the truth also coming to the surface to be told.
This election is a pinnacle point we're going to say to how you and the united states are going to move forward. We're not going to get into talking about each candidate as each of you do have different views.
This election is about journeying into truth, this election is about how powerful truth really is and this election is about the truth coming out, the truth being exposed and the truth of all that has actually been going on on your country for hundreds of years with a lot of these elections, with another very dark agenda that's always running the undercurrent of who gets elected and who doesn't.
This election is going to show all of you some bad behavior from those who are going to get found out. This election is also going to show all of you that you have been told a lot of mistruths.
For this election when it is finally over and it may not be over for a little while yet. It's going to start to unravel what has been going on for so very long and it's going to start to really unravel the knowing that you have not been told the truth by a lot of your media, by a lot of those that hold the power, by a lot of those who have the most money.
Therefore they think they have the highest say and they can control and manipulate. This election is a pinnacle to being your journey into truth. This election holds much more weight than any election ever has in the united states for the fact that as this draconian grid, this third dimensional matrix that is actually breaking apart as you have been held down not told the truth for so very long and been in a lower dimension, this third dimension.
You just went along with it believing that everything that you were told on your media, with your media and all the social medias were the truth. This election is going to be the pinnacle of all of you journeying in to truth. For this outcome is going to show all of you what the truth is, this outcome is going to show all of you, a lot of you that you've been lied to, that you thought it was one way when it was really another.
This election is bringing forth truth on your planet. This election is very important for now. The truth is going to start coming out and it's going to start unraveling little by little by little by little until it all unravels until you all on this planet start to hear, know and feel the truth.
This is a pinnacle point we're going to say for humanity, for the united states, they're going to really start to feel that they were wronged a lot of people and the truth is going to start coming out.
This is a journey for all of you into truth, the truth is what really is the truth and it has been hidden from all of you with a lot of different dark agendas for a very long time as this channeler has brought through many messages about what has been going on with those running their very dark agenda, this is going to be exposed as well.
From this point forward you're all going to witness, the truth is going to be told, the truth is going to come out and it's going to be your job to decipher if you can hold the truth, it's going to be your job to feel what is right and what is wrong, it's going to be your job to really know in your hearts what is truth as a lot of you will be backed up against a corner, we're going to say.
When these truths start coming out, you won't want to believe them. We ask you to just hold it in your heart and see how your heart feels. The truth is going to roll out and this planet is now journeying to that of truth, the entire planet not just the united states but the entire planet.
This election holds a lot of weight from all the high councils all of us because we are pushing truth down, we are pushing the truth energy, we are pushing light that actually is opening all of your consciousness up to hearing the truth, to feeling the truth, to seeing the truth and to knowing what is the truth and to holding your truth in your heart for when you are centered in your heart you're going to know what out there is mistruths and you're going to know what out there is truths.
From this election going forward you are going to start to live very differently on your planet with more truth and in all the countries the entire planet you're going to see the truth come out everywhere with everyone and you're going to be feeling some of you angry you're going to be feeling some of you rageful and some of you are going to say « oh i did know that was the truth »
It's a journey into truth. This is a huge pinnacle but your entire planet is now opening up to knowing the truth. You have to know the truth before you ascend to the fifth dimension. You have to not only know it, you have to live in it, you have to live by it and you have to own your own truth.
You also have to let all those on this planet have their truth and you have to be okay with that as well. For when everything is really running in a more truthful way there will not be such a dichotomy and such polarity. All of you that are going to the fifth dimension as we say, you're holding on that fourth dimension beautifully.
This is going to be a huge shift in your consciousness along with the sun that is sending solar blasts daily, now for all of you, you're going to shift. This channeler has known about this for some time. You're all going to shift your consciousnesses and those that are lightworkers, starseeds, healers they're actually doing the work for the entire collective to shift their consciousness as well.
All of us in the highest councils of the galactic federation of light, we wanted to bring through this message to you as you're at a pinnacle point, you are journeying into truth, you are shifting your consciousness to one of truth, you are shifting the consciousness of humanity to that of truth, this is huge. We are journeying with you. We are so happy that this moment is upon you and the truth is going to start unraveling and unraveling and unraveling and unraveling everywhere, till all of you know what is truth.
We are so happy to bring this message through to all of you from this channeler.
We're sending all of you such love, we're sending you all of you our blessings and such light and we're also along with a lot of other collective of light, along with the angelic kingdom sending you energies to expose the truth, sending your energies to widen and open your consciousness expanded and sending you energies to bring you from your ego mind to your heart center so you can live in your truth. Sending you love, light and blessings.
Thank you galactic federation of light, all 12 councils. Well I hope this message resonates with all of you. It's time we're all told the truth, it's time we all were able to live in our truth and see that truth. I look forward to channeling many more messages through from high councils of light and the angelic realm. Something to think about, sending you such love, sending you such light and blessings.
Source video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-uu7iH0okQ
This US Election is about Journeying into Truth | Galactic Federation of Light via Lynne Rondell
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/07/2020 12:34:00 AM