GOVERNANCE – transitioning from 3D to 5D
Over centuries as humanity we found ourselves trapped within models of governance that were both not: in the interest of the majority of the people; nor based on equity, equality, and freedom. As global nations of slaves, our inner notion of justice prodded us to rebel against these structures and systems of the monarchy, aristocracy, timocracy, oligarchy, democracy, theorcracy and tyranny. It is my belief that this rebellion by humanity over time was fuelled by an innate wisdom that the Divine Plan has been that we should be free. This notion that Divine Source has the idea that we should be free then brings me to the fundamental question about what is freedom and how do we manifest this at this current time, given unfortunate reality that the majority of humanity is stuck within a the 3D reality.
As light workers our souls made a conscious choice to challenge the unjust systems that continue to enslave us. After many battles (including our inner and personal one), we are finally at the precipice of change. The pragmatist in me has been focused on what this change would look like. As light workers, many of us had to endure hard challenges and I believe there remains many that we still need to face. The vision for the New Earth demands some thought and requires groups of like-minded people who have the skills and knowledge to craft a new way forward for humanity.
In crafting this New Earth we need to look at the structure and systems of governance. Democracy as we know it is a farce and the first task would be to begin to develop a system with related structures that are geared towards meeting the needs of the people. The notion of governance is in itself a tricky issue. This essentially because, as 5D being, self-governance is the norm where the need to we need to devolve our power to another party/person. – is not necessary. However, the corona virus fiasco demonstrates clearly that the majority of people have not yet developed the consciousness and the mechanisms to think for themselves. There are however, increasing numbers of people awakening to the truth globally, which is heartening. This being said, the fact that the majority of humanity remains stuck in a 3D reality, prods the idea that we require a transitional period where those who have evolved continue our mission to assist in the evolution of others that are currently stuck.
The transition period could take up to 4 years after which a new way of being a global citizen. The awakening that is set to happen on 21/12/20
There is a need for the development of global mechanisms and instruments to ensure that as a global community we can work together to effect positive change. The current United Nations system needs to be completely thrown out essentially because this was part of the cabal system of global domination. However, the resources, building and infrastructure of the current UN system can be useful if it is replaced with people who are committed to working together to develop the New Earth. A fundamental need would be to set up a Global Committee of Legal Experts that would be able to develop a framework for the New Earth. There are 3 key principles that would guide this Committee:
The notion of abundance economics directly challenges the current destructive economic models framed in scarcity. The illusion of scarcity and fear need to be debunked and relearning happen about the abundance economics theory.
Equality and Equity
It is critical that we recognize that we are both equal and have equitable resources to live and thrive. Equality and equity is important for interaction at a global level between various sovereign states and a local level for all humanity.
Universal Peace
As evolved beings, universal peace is the ultimate principle we strive for. The starting point is obviously with finding internal peace. This internal peace happens when all our needs to thrive are met: when traumas of the past (individual and group) is healed; when you unlearnt destructive patterns of scarcity and fear; and inter alia, when, your heart is open to functioning at a higher level for your personal and collective evolution of humanity.
Peace at a local and global level is obviously critical. We currently have models where as nations we have Ministries of Defence. The idea that we need to defend ourselves from the onset implies that there is NO PEACE. To address this the New Earth should rather establish Ministries of Peace, whose function it is from the onset to establish and maintain peace locally at a nation state level and globally between nations on earth as well as with other galaxies.
- Constitutional, Legislative and Policy Reform/ Rewriting
- Proposals and Plans to address the Spiritual, Social and Economic, Needs of Humanity
- Accountability Mechanisms – such as Safety and Security (currently defined as Defence and Policing). Local and Global mechanisms to ensure peace. Mechanisms to deal with conflict, etc
We are indeed witnessing exciting times as humanity, and our faith prods us to continue onward to a New Earth where we are able to thrive.
It is critical at this time that we keep our focus on a 5D outcome and shift from focusing on the current battles being waged in this unjust 3D consciousness.
Fatima Pandy is a light worker from South Africa, currently living in the South of France. She has for the past 40 years been involved in human development through political activism, developmental activism and spiritual activism to effect positive change on Planet Earth. Fatima has been divinely guided to work with light workers in Zimbabwe to develop proposals for humanitarian projects. She worked previously as a Director at the School of Government at the University of the Western Cape – where she did work at the UN to fight for the rights of women and girls to education. As a healer, she worked with many individuals and groups towards personal transformation. She is currently the CEO of the Iyad Africa Trust set up to run a large project to meet the needs of humanity in Africa.
Governance: Transitioning from 3D to 5D | Fatima Pandy
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/07/2020 12:25:00 AM