Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - May 2020
Dear Lightworkers, Starseeds, Planet Earth is in transition from the third dimensional fear paradigm to the fifth dimensional love paradigm. You are in transition. Your bodies are changing from carbon to crystalline. You are spiraling higher and higher in frequency. You are becoming Mystics.
As a Mystic, you are now in direct touch with your Soul. You have broken through the limitations of the ignorance of your ego’s programmed, false, inherited thought system.
As you release yourself from the false concepts and fears that have been indoctrinated into you, you feel the bliss that is your True Self’s inheritance. Yes, the “God bumps,” the light and blissful feeling in your head, is often present now.
It’s all about where you put your attention. Dear Hearts, Dear Souls, your attention is mostly on your Divinity now. You have broken through and made a clear relationship with your True Self. The thoughts you think and the words you speak revolve largely around Divinity.
For you know now that your Soul, your true essence is Divine. In fact, the words “I am Divine” circulate in that fresh new lovely and loving circular track of your thoughts in your brain.
You sing songs of praise constantly as you walk through your day. You crowd out the old negative fears and worries as you think and talk about love, joy, peace and gratitude.
That is easy for you now and Man learns by repetition. You now think delightful, delicious, delectable, Divine and loving thoughts.
This is what Mysticism is. Metaphysics is the art of turning a bad picture into a good picture by journaling, meditating, mantras and affirmations. Mysticism is often achieved through the practice of metaphysics.
Mysticism is the knowing that nothing needs to be changed healed or corrected in God’s perfect World, in God’s perfect Planet Earth environment.
Mysticism is being in the love vibration, the light and love frequency. Mystics have loving, delightful, bliss filled thoughts circulating in their heads.
Mystics are calm, peaceful and unconcerned about any apparent chaos going on around them, for they know that Earth is a schoolroom. They know that all Humans are here with the important mission of conquering the world of third dimensional fear and moving into 5th dimensional love.
What are the qualities of mysticism?
Mystics are compassionate for they have lived through the morass of concerns, worries and programmed fears of the victim mode of Human life and they deeply understand how humans suffer and struggle with their negative thinking.
Mystics listen unconditionally. They deeply, kindly and lovingly listen to the stories of those who need to share their pain with them.
Just by listening with the love and compassion of their True Self, their Soul, Source Energy, they help all those they hear.
And, those that share their stories feel relieved, for at last someone hears and sees them.
Third dimensional interaction, in the fear mode, cannot hear or listen, for the mind is enmired and enmeshed and scattered in the circular track of fear thoughts.
As you, Our Dear Lightworkers, pass through your day, you often hear those you interact with, say: “I have never told anyone this before, but I can tell you.” Then they launch into the story that is their most intimate concern.
Usually it is a story of the apparent wrongs that they perceive have been done to them.
They do not realize that there is no assertion only attraction. No one can assert any experience into anyone’s life. No one can do anything to anyone. This in the sense that there are no accidents.
All, all that happens to us is Divinely ordered and guided. By our emotions, thoughts and words we create the blueprint of our life and attract everything that happens to us.
Our words are the blueprint to the out picturing of our life, to what we manifest.
Mystics dwell in the higher frequency of love. They are a walking meditation as they go through their day. Their thoughts revolve around Divinity. They think of how they can help others, they sing hymns of praise to Spirit, to God all day, every hour, every now minute.
Mystics are impeccable in all they say and do. What they promise they act upon. Their word is their bond. They are impeccable in looking after their Earthly vehicle, that is their body.
In fact they love themselves, deeply, for they know they are Divine. So it is automatic that they look after their body temple that allows them to live the Planet Earth experience.
Mystics see the big picture. They are calm and peaceful for they know Planet Earth is a schoolroom. They know all is of God. They do not disturb themselves over Earthly events and apparent catastrophes.
They trust the plan that they know the Universe, God has for them and for all humans, all animals, plants, rocks Mother Earth, the Galaxy and the Universe.
Mystics know we are here to learn love by experiencing fear and thus realize we prefer love.
Mystics have a deep connection with their True Self, their Soul. They realize that not even their thoughts are their own.
They realize that all the thoughts that have ever been thought are available to us. We pick up those thoughts that we resonate with, be they loving or unloving.
Mystics thank Spirit for every loving, creative thought they have for they know it comes from Spirit, from their Soul.
Mystics intuitively know what to do. To be intuitive is to listen to the still small voice of your Soul, your True Self.
In the third dimensional victim mode of Humanity, painful, fear filled thoughts and worries crowd our minds. We have no clarity as to anything around us.
We are scattered and illogical in our thinking. Mystics have cleared away this accumulated dark thinking debris. They can see clearly for the fog has gone.
So, the portal to the voice of their Soul is open. They pick up the thoughts that their Soul sends them, they hear that still small voice and follow its guidance.
Mystics surrender and allow what is - to be in peace and serenity. They do not attempt to control their lives, or worry about outcomes, for they are listening, internally, to the voice of their Soul. And so, they have no concerns about what to do.
They know that God, Source Energy is handling all the events of their life for the best and highest good. And so what’s to worry about?
Allowance and surrender is the order of the day. There are no accidents. All, all is in Divine order.
We are very grateful and very blessed. Thank you, indeed, thank you that Planet Earth is a schoolroom from which we are graduating.
Ascension is upon us and we are all becoming Mystics. The road from third dimensional victimhood to fifth dimensional mastery and mysticism is being traveled by us all.
Aita channeling her Higher Self. We are Blessed Beings indeed.
What is Mysticism? | Aita Channeling her Higher Self
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/20/2020 12:24:00 AM