By Steve Beckow, May 19, 2020
I’ve been “being with” Archangel Michael “calling me” on engaging in “political intrigue,” (1) which I translate as participating in the meme war that is whipping through the mainstream, alternative, and social media right now.
When we’re called on something, as he did me, we usually go through phases. We either deny the comment or try it on and see if it fits. If it fits, we have to be ready for our internal response.
We may have to vent and get something previously held back off our chest. Having vented, we may be ready to accept the comment. We accept it. (And finally we build it into our story.)
I’m in my anger phase. If you’d allow me to vent, I’d appreciate it.
I’m ashamed of myself for having been a robot, simply feeding the meme war by reposting articles using memes as argumentation. Or watching videos that feed the meme war.
In another post I talked about the left/right meme that has absolutely divided lightworkers. The mainstream media feeds us the meme and we swallow the bait. It breaks my heart. How gullible we are.
What we need to do, coming up, requires unity. Why allow the cabal to split us into two warring camps?
But left/right is not the meme I want to address right now. It’s another meme. It’s contained in the hashtag #Obamagate.
This is the meme that has me most disappointed in the alternative press – and others. I’d expect it from the mainstream media, but not from us. This is the straw that broke this camel’s back.
The Company of Heaven, who don’t engage in meme wars, have always said that the President is innocent of all charges being brought against him, that he’s being made a scapegoat by the Deep State to cover up their own crimes. (2)
The very man whom the cabal did not allow to govern when he was President is now being made the scapegoat for everything the cabal did during his “administration.” And we buy it.
We are the victims of a cabal psyop. They’re using him to cover their own crimes.
President Obama is innocent and Michelle Obama – this just shows how evil the meme war gets – is not a transgender, but a woman. Stop it, guys. Just stop.
A last point on this before I let it go (and thank you for allowing me to vent): To turn this man’s reputation into a hashtag #Obamagate is a basic denial of his constitutional right to a fair trial.
All of us have the right to have charges brought against us in an impartial court of law, not in the court of public opinion. All of us have the right to prepare our defence and deliver it, not be pilloried in social media, unable or unwilling to defend ourselves. All of us have the right to a fair decision, based on factual evidence and law, not trial by sound bite and tweet.
Until that decision is rendered, we are to be presumed innocent. Basic, basic value, folks. Beyond constitutions. If it wasn’t in Magna Carta, it should have been.
This is trial by social media. It’s not evolution, but devolution. I wish we’d wake up. We’re sliding downhill.
Now that I’ve been shown to be a participant in this war of memes, I can see more clearly. I don’t have the dissonance I was beginning to feel.
And one thing I see more clearly is that it’ll cost us to proceed in a war of memes and hashtags. It’ll cost us to divide ourselves into left and right, which action effectively neutralizes our common effort.
It’ll cost us the unity of action that would allow us to make a difference during and after the change of planetary management, which is occurring as we speak.
We need to be unified, not divided, at a time like this. Soon we’ll be asked to speak for Planet Earth. That requires a feeling of unity, not one of discord.
It’ll also cost us on a very personal level.
It’ll cost us our aliveness, satisfaction, joy, peace of mind, full self-expression, and freedom from fear.
All these go out the window when we attack and vilify people. And memes and hashtags invite this.
Please, everyone, stop the meme war.
Thank you for allowing me to vent.
We know how the movie ends. Wouldn’t it be good to arrive there without having betrayed our basic values?
(1) See “Truth is the Casualty in a Meme War,” May 18, 2020 , at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/05/18/truth-is-the-casualty-in-a-meme-war/
(2) “Stop Demonizing President Obama Please,” April 6, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/06/stop-the-negative-propaganda-against-president-obama/
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Trial by Social Media: Stop the Meme War | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/20/2020 01:18:00 AM