Global Pandemic or Global Gift? | Aseim

Global Pandemic or Global Gift?

God, what an insensitive title. Millions are dying here and this privileged keyboard warrior is asking us to celebrate? Has humanity really come to this now?

Well, yes. And well, no. Don’t get me wrong here folks – I have no intention whatsoever here of making light of this globally infectious crisis. Or of the widespread fear, suffering, pain, confusion and chaos that it has so effortlessly brought about all over the place. But just as any coin has two sides to it, and every cloud a silver lining – I wish to share with you all some observations here that will remind you that all is most certainly NOT as bleak as it seems here – regardless of what those who profit greatly from fearmongering (politicians, news media etc.) are making it appear. And besides, I have no choice but help spread love, positivity and joy as far and wide as I can – it’s (quite literally) the only thing I know.

For you see – while there are most certainly those amongst us who see a crisis situation as something to be feared, regretted, or worth losing sleep over; there are also those of us (and so many at that) who see it as a great opportunity -- however unlikely it might appear to be so in the heat of the moment. You know -- the whole proverbial “glass half-full” vs “glass half-empty” battle and all that shit.

Moreover, it only takes but a little effort to see as to what this current global pandemic is truly hiding from us all –– the emergence of an entirely new way of thinking, being and living. One, that is totally unprecedented in almost any which way that one looks at it.


How is that even possible???!

Allow me to explain.

You see, never ever before has humanity EVER been this united. Standing together – in the face of a common threat, with a common purpose, for a common cause. Rising up and above any and all odds to help others out – even as they themselves find themselves faltering nervously on shaky grounds.

Never before have people from Uganda related so easily with the people of Russia; or the people of New Zealand so powerfully with the people of Nicaragua. For this virus – as destructive and vilified as it is (or has been so incessantly claimed to be) – is still far, FAR less discriminatory than what us humans have/had become, it would appear. For this virus most certainly does NOT give a damn whether you are a man or a woman, a child or a granny, or a bat for that matter. It could care less about your celebrity status or wealth or race or religion or nationality or what-have-you.

So, unbelievable as it may appear to be at first – the virus seems to have done a damn fantastic job of bringing humanity together in unimaginably unprecedented ways. People are helping each other out in ways that have never as much as been conceived of before. Some are donating money, some others food, some others masks – and then – there’s even this one guy who is assisting humanity by FREELY gifting people the entire toolkits for 3D printing ventilators. (Seriously, please do spread the word about this one AS FAR AND WIDE as you possibly can -- our world needs so many more of those just about right now.)

And thus, my point here is truly simple indeed ladies and gentlemen – that sometimes, it takes a colossal crisis to bring out the very best in us.

For when someone is lost and struggling, and your heart aches for them and their well being, that’s when you find the courage within to do the unthinkable. For when someone desperately comes to us seeking our assistance with great hope in their eyes (and faith in their hearts) – we suddenly find ourselves releasing our own fears and helplessness to become the VERY ROCK OF STRENGTH AND SUPPORT that they see us as. And for when someone is unable to find the light within themselves – that we find ourselves BECOMING that very light for their sake, if not for anything else.

For sometimes, it’s EASIER TO BE BRAVE for the sake of HELPING OTHERS.

And speaking of helpfulness, did you know that there are countless positive developments occurring all across the world right now -- that your beloved news and social media outlets are entirely too disinterested in sharing with you?

Take – for instance – how China and Vietnam just recently permabanned wildlife trade. Or how Yale – the renowned Ivy League university from Connecticut – recently made its online course – The Science of Well-Being – available entirely for FREE on Coursera for all of humanity's benefit. Add to these the so many, many, many more positive developments and positive acts of love, kindness, strength and support that are now being done by everyone alike -- from individuals and religious communities, to entire nations at large. It is, as if, for the very first time indeed in human history, are we witnessing an unprecedented (and more importantly, global) surge of LOVE, unity, togetherness and positivity unlike any other that has EVER been seen globally before. And that this surge irrevocably trumps any and all outbreaks of fear, worry and helplessness that one might’ve gingerly witnessed attempting to push their heads out of this. For this one's indeed...a global miracle of unquantifiable proportions -- playing itself out in front of us at incalculably slow pace -- in a manner that is well beyond what our full understanding is capable of even grasping at this particular moment in planetary history.

But wait. For there’s something even greater happening under the surface here that’s massively missing everyone’s attention at the moment (now that most of their focus is almost entirely being consumed (and bombarded) by all of the fear, hype and ruckus being generated and sold to them 24x7 through their beloved news media outlets). And that thing is that: Nature has AT LAST found itself an opportunity to heal itself. And that too one, that it hasn’t really even had for ages now.

So, as endangered animals continue to resurface all over again in India, and fishes return to bring back life into Venice, and rare birds begin flocking to beaches all over Peru – a great awakening of monumental proportions dawns ever so discreetly upon us all. And this is but the beginning of that which is to arrive here next.

What’s more – thanks to all of that reduced traffic and halted industrial work, air pollution is currently at an all time low right from India and China in the East -- to the entirety of Europe and the United States within the West. Same is the case with river pollution, soil pollution, oceanic pollution, and what-else-have-you. For much like the labour pains that must be endured by a mother before her newborn sees the light of the day – our planet and it’s populace too, are witnessing history being written (and our present and future being rewritten) -- all in the guise of that which appears to be the very dark night of our collective soul. No wonder they say -- it’s always the darkest before dawn.

So, am I implying that it’s all sunshine and roses out there now? Most certainly not. But I most certainly am asking one and all reading this – to divert their continued streams of attention a tad bit away from the steady broadcasts of fear being delivered to you through your politicians, your celebrities, and your news outlets alike. And to go look up the other side of the picture that they seem to be quite truly disinterested in showing you indeed. After all, where would they get their ratings, profits and votes from – were they to tell you all about the 100,000 PLUS people all across the world who defeated this virus and lived to tell the tale? Yep, you read that right – that’s A HUNDRED THOUSAND PLUS VIRUS CONQUERORS all right.

So here's the deal. The greatest threat to our civilization right now ISN'T the air pollution, the water pollution or the global warming – but instead – it is our very (collective) thought pollution that makes everything else look downright inconsequential in comparison. For dark, fearful, angry, frustrated, depressed and all kinds and manners of negative thoughts wreak havoc on our poor planetary consciousness every single day – which in turn get all kinds and varieties of diseases, illnesses, calamities and other sorts of evils to show up within both our individual lives, as well as within our shared collective reality experiences. After all, it IS INDEED your very thoughts that help create your individual and collective realities after all.

Please remember, that sometimes, the true picture of reality is quite the exact opposite of that which gets depicted to you with great jubilance and fanfare. But therein lies our greatest opportunity to develop better discernment – so that we too may one day be able to separate the wheat from the chaff – and the TRUTH from the LIE for that matter.

Happy awakening.


BONUS: A ‘How To Stay Fit At Home Guide’ created for you by none other than The Terminator himself.
Global Pandemic or Global Gift? | Aseim Global Pandemic or Global Gift? | Aseim Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 3/29/2020 10:27:00 PM Rating: 5

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