The #HappinessMasteryChallenge | Aseim

Hold on a second. Is this yet another useless and viral social media fad with trendy hashtags meant to be pasted and plastered all across the net? Naah. Rather, it’s quite the opposite.

For despite how this particular experience has been “packaged” – and you will all learn eventually as to just why it had to be “packaged” this way – this “challenge” is something which will positively and irrevocably change many, many peoples’ lives permanently and irrevocably, and for the better at that.


Allow me to explain.

You see, with all of these quarantine and lockdown situations being ceaselessly announced all across the globe, many tend to lose their innate sight of the many incredible once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that such kinds of situations invariably tend to present. I speak here of downright unprecedented opportunities of IMMENSE significance. Opportunities, that when used rightly, can easily and permanently help shift one (and many) from an older, outdated 3D (negative-emotion-and-FEAR-based) consciousness to a NEW and INCREDIBLE 5D (positive-emotion-and-LOVE-based) consciousness!

That sounds dope.

How exactly can we make it happen though?

Great question. Here’s how.

You see, 21 days is the exact time period that is required for forming, integrating and solidifying any new habit permanently. And – as it stands as of now – it just so happens that nearly ALL quarantines and lockdowns being announced ALL across the world are, well, all applicable for a period of exactly 21 full days to be precise. The golden opportunity that is therefore lying here (in wait) should truly be more than obvious to anybody and everybody reading this right now.

But, before I get there, allow me to take a moment to describe to one and all as to what exactly this 5D (5th Dimensional Consciousness) is all about. You see, strictly spiritually speaking, the higher the amounts of positive energies/emotions that you feel and experience on a constant and consistent basis – the higher is said to be your ‘vibrational frequency’ (sometimes referred to as simply ‘frequency’). And in much the same way that your television or radio sets tune in to specific frequencies to play you specific channels – YOU tuning in into all POSITIVE feelings (i.e. feelings of love, joy, hope, positivity, gratitude, abundance, happiness, bliss, peace, beauty and the like) allows YOU to experience more and more of those exact same amazing emotions on a day-to-day basis – in much the exact same way.

Which is why, when you truly ‘master’ a frequency – your ENTIRE REALITY changes (for the better) PERMANENTLY to reflect the ‘new you’. How? Because there is such a thing (known) as the ‘Law of Attraction’ (or, as some people choose to call it, the ‘Law of Magnetics’). This law proclaims that “Like Attracts Like”, NO MATTER WHAT.

When translated into English, what this law states is rather simple: Your reality is always and permanently a perfect mirror reflection of your ATTAINED vibrational frequency. And the higher and higher that you are able to elevate this particular ‘frequency’ of yours – the more and more joyful/peaceful are you able to remain – and constantly and consistently at that!

But wait, there’s a certain ‘side effect’ to this that makes things even better. Can you guess what it is?

No? Alright. I’ll tell you. In much the same way that your TV/Radio channels change when you tune into wholly new and different frequencies – your entire reality changes and transforms whenever you “shift frequencies” to ‘tune in’ into a new one!

In other words – your new frequency instantly makes you a magnet for attracting everything that resonates at that exact same frequency level. Or, to be more specific, the happier you are – the more you become a powerful MAGNET that attracts all kinds and manners of happy places, situations, objects, events, opportunities, luck, beauty, abundance, and a whole lot more! Moreover, every happy person/situation/activity/opportunity/experience that you attract into your life makes you ALL THE MORE HAPPIER – attracting EVEN MORE AND BETTER AND HAPPIER persons/situations/activities/opportunities/experiences etc. into your life – to create a self-perpetuating and self-multiplying cycle (or loop) of sorts! What’s not to love here?

You will see many, many, real-life examples of this. You will see as to how optimists mostly end up getting whatever the hell they want (sometimes, without really even trying.) And you will also see how those who crib and complain and bitch about life all the time about life/people/places/events etc. get nothing but more of that very stuff. Because (and guess what), you can only really see the exact same channel that you’ve ‘tuned in’ into. TV logic for the win!

And this is where my #HappinessMasteryChallenge truly comes in to change things for you in a PERMANENT way, once and for good. For you see, if YOU CAN USE the NEXT 21 DAYS of your quarantine/lockdown for your OWN PERSONAL BENEFIT – you will quite frankly be able to live a life of joy that well exceeds your wildest dreams. You don’t even need to believe me on this one – your (new and updated) vibrational frequency will do all of that talking for you.

More importantly – and this one’s super important folks – an opportunity as incredible as this one may NEVER EVER show up in your life EVER again – because let’s be real here folks: When was the last time that your school/college/workplace gave you a whole 21 full (and habit-forming) days of pure, unbridled freedom? Yeah, we all know the answer to that one.

So, how exactly does one go about doing this now, more specifically?

Here’s how:

STEP ONE: PUT your imagination to WORK.

Your imagination – also known as your ‘inner sanctuary’ – is that one place within you within which you can experience absolutely any imaginable reality that you can possibly conceive of.

You can be Superman here. Or Batman. Or meet aliens. Or revisit ALL of your favourite memories. Or go check out any location that you can possibly imagine – or even recreate the feeling of one by taking cues from online pictures and videos about it – and so on and so forth. So whether you are looking to experience what it feels like to have an orgy with all of your favourite celebrities or whether you are looking to grab a quick bite of that one specific dessert that your gym instructor has strictly forbidden you from as much as even touching – there are NO LIMITATIONS to experiencing happiness within this realm. Yeah, here’s a place in which you can walk through walls or meet up with your favourite aliens for coffee – right in the middle of Jurassic Park if you so please. And furthermore, even though your experiences here are “imaginary” – the happy/loving/peaceful feelings that they (your imagined experiences) generate here are as real as they could possibly get. Furthermore, the more that you are able to practice staying within these higher frequencies here – the better shall you start integrating them (within your physical body), to eventually TRANSFORM YOU INTO the very EMBODIMENT of those higher/positive frequencies! Now, just try imagining the sheer types of people, experiences and realities that you would be able to attract into your life here – simply by being ‘tuned into’ such high and fantabulous frequencies of love, peace and joy! The sky isn’t even the limit here, folks.

Also – and just so you know – listening to happy/positive music (especially through the use of headphones to create the requisite ‘mental isolation’ and silence critical for performing such an exercise) works wonders when coupled with your imagination – to transport you into places and times filled to the brim with sheer magnificence and bliss!

STEP TWO: START Following Your Highest JOY

You can couple the above method of staying permanently ‘blissed out’ by bringing in the exact same ‘bliss frequency’ into your ‘real world’ as well. This you can do by following your highest joy at ALL TIMES – that is – doing only AND ONLY those things that bring you pure and unbridled joy in any given moment. So whether it is enjoying a warm cup of tea or gaming or enjoying your favourite hobbies (that you otherwise rarely get time to partake in) -- or having rich conversations with your loved ones or simply taking a nice, long nap -- there are by far countless ways that allow you to tune/tap into your favourite high frequencies of joy, love and peace, in truly tangible ways that are very, very REAL.


Let’s get real here folks – simply doing things that bring you joy is only half the battle won here. For your job here isn’t truly done really until you fully complete your last remaining task. And that task is – breaking off absolutely ALL contact with ALL remaining people, things, memories, ideas, thoughts, experiences and addictions that are filled with endless negativity and misery to boot. Because there’s a real good reason that even our ancients said: “Man is known by the company he keeps.”

[ LIKE (energy) ATTRACTS LIKE (energy), remember?) ]

So, while many of you may not enjoy doing this step initially – nevertheless – if you truly wish to ‘master’ happiness, you WILL HAVE TO find some or the other way of cutting out ALL TOXICITY AND NEGATIVITY from the one amazing shot at life that you have here. Which means cutting yourself off of – or at the very least, distancing yourself from all of the toxic, negatively-oriented, sad, angry, fearful and pessimistic people in your life (who ever thought ‘social distancing’ would come in this handy?). Folks, this means EVERYONE – friends, parents, well-wishers, boyfriends, girlfriends – it doesn’t matter WHO THEY ARE. If they are TOXIC to YOUR LIFE (in absolutely any way, shape, or form) you HAVE TO distance them for your OWN GOOD. At least for the course of this 21 Day period (if not forever).

‘Negative things’ here also include (but aren’t limited to) ALL NEWS that you consume (when was the last time that you read/saw absolutely ANY news that made you TRULY HAPPY?), ALL NEGATIVE MUSIC (absolutely anything that makes you unhappy, angry or negative), ALL NEGATIVE ENTERTAINMENT (yeah, that INCLUDES your favourite horror flicks or gory shows or Game of Thrones or what-have-you), and basically ALL CONTENT THAT CAN BE DEEMED AS ‘NEGATIVE’ (in any way shape or form). Yes, that even includes books, comics and games filled with depressing or gory stuff! And c’mon guys, it’s just a matter of 21 days here. You can ALL sacrifice at least THAT MUCH of “joy” for yourself this long – we all can. I’m not asking you to experience/endure CIA-level torture or anything here, folks.

Furthermore, I would also recommend that you pull a complete and total U-turn from the online realm, and quit ALL SOCIAL MEDIA (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter -- EVERYTHING!), even if just for the coming 21 days! And you only need to look once at the comment sections on all of the social media posts and videos that get uploaded now-a-days to see as to why I’m even saying this. Like c’mon, what’s the worst that could happen here now anyways? You’re already in a god-damned QUARANTINE to begin with. Might as well make the most of this isolation, no? If life gets really that difficult (and it SO won’t, trust me on that), you can always decide whether you still wish to get back to your beloved Social Media outlets after the quarantine or not. It’s not like they’re all going to vanish away into nothingness after this whole task now, are they? In fact, you’ll see for yourself just how much you actually enjoy being on those social outlets once this 21 day transformative experience is done and dusted with. Till then, what’s the harm in giving this a try? You decide.


Once you have mastered the very art of ‘tuning in’ to happiness, the next step is to master that of ‘permanently residing in’ its beautiful frequencies. For starters, this short article byTom Kenyon is a great place to make a start on that. Though I’m going to swiftly explain it here to all of regardless.

Here’s how this works. One: You enter into a state of happiness using any/all of the methods that I’ve prescribed you above. Two: You ‘drop the image’ and ‘hold onto the feeling’ instead. For instance, imagine/visualize yourself enjoying your very favourite beverage whilst relaxing in a cozy and scenic location of your choice – or at your favourite tourism destination for that matter. Next, imagine those happy and loving and grateful and cheerful feelings rise up within yourself (that come up in response to your imagination/visualization). Continue to sink ever deeper into pure bliss and contentment and satisfaction -- and then -- just let go of the process of visualizing/imagining and bring your ENTIRE FOCUS onto the amazingly blissful FEELINGS that you have now tapped into. These feelings ARE the high and positive frequencies that I’ve been so consistently and continuously yapping on about in here. But wait, it gets even better than THAT!

Because what I’m about to ask you folks to do now is the very culmination of everything that I’ve told you above. And that is:

STEP 5: TAKE The #HappinessMasteryChallenge

Finally and at long last! The time to reveal the actual challenge (for which this entire article has been created) is at last here!

The challenge works as follows. Now that you know how to ‘tap into’ (i.e. ‘tune into’) the positive and utterly joyful frequencies of your liking – you must now demonstrate your complete and total mastery over the high frequency realm. What this means is that, you should now be able to rest (or stay) longer and longer and longer and ever so longer within these frequencies that you have now found infinite access to. And therein lies my challenge for all you folks reading this:

Day 1: I want you to stay within the aforementioned ‘high frequencies’ for at least 1 second. That’s easy. Next!

Day 2: I want you to double that (time) and stay within the aforementioned ‘high frequencies’ for at least 2 seconds. Hmm, still not too bad. Next!

And then, on every consecutive day thereafter, I want you to ‘double the time’ for which you can last in (and within) PURE, UNBRIDLED HAPPINESS (frequencies).

Here’s how you can expect that to pan out:

DAY ONE: 1 SECOND (of high frequency)



DAY SEVEN: 1 MINUTE (approx.)

DAY THIRTEEN: 1 HOUR (approx.)

DAY SIXTEEN: 8 HOURS (approx.)



Yes. You read that right. For by Day 21, you (i.e. your entire body and mind) will be SO CONTINUALLY IMMERSED WITHIN (and thoroughly accustomed to OR ‘tuned into’) the ‘bliss frequency’ – that you will have trouble remembering as to how life used to be BEFORE the #HappinessMasteryChallenge was ever a thing (in your life). Because by the 21st day of taking up this challenge, your SHEER FORCE OF HABIT will PREVENT YOU from EVER RETURNING to the (not so) ‘good old days’. And that’s just how ‘habits’ work, really. No rocket science here!

Furthermore, as a bonus exercise, I recommend that you CONTINUE (practicing) staying in higher frequencies for AS LONG AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN -- all throughout the day, every single day! Like honestly, if there’s one ‘time-investment’ out there that you shall NEVER EVER regret making like EVER, this one’s IT!

To keep your ‘bliss frequency’ experience ongoing, you can also try any or all of the following things: ONE: Look for all kinds of things in life that you can appreciate or be grateful for. This includes being grateful for ALL GOOD THINGS that you CURRENTLY HAVE be it the fact that you have enough food to be alive right now to the fact that you have the sheer ability to breathe right – as also for the fact that YOU now have access to a challenge that not too many people in this whole wide world have even as much as heard of! Start BOTH feeling AND treating yourself as the luckiest person alive in the whole wide universe (by repeatedly counting and appreciating ALL OF YOUR BLESSINGS) and you won’t even be needing ANY additional efforts to glide right through this truly unique, truly transformative, and once-in-a-lifetime challenge!

And finally, a few critical words of caution:

Just as evil feels threatened in the presence of GOOD, and dark feels threatened in the presence of LIGHT – so it is that ALL OF YOUR REPRESSED NEGATIVE EMOTIONS (fear, anger, sadness, jealousy and what-have-you) will be SCRAMBLING TO RISE UP TO THE SURFACE WITHIN YOU RIGHT AS SOON AS you begin this challenge and start shifting yourself (and your life) higher and higher and ever higher into the positive, loving, peaceful and blissful frequencies that YOU SO LOVE AND ENJOY.

And when that inevitably happens – when you feel the fear, the sadness, the hopelessness, the helplessness, the loneliness, or whatever other (negative and repressed) emotion it is that is scrambling to get right out of you – stop right there, and STAY with it. FEEL RIGHT INTO IT until it can be felt no more – because IT won’t be able to withstand the NEW YOU for too damn long.

But no matter what you do, DO NOT REPRESS IT, IGNORE IT, DISTRACT YOURSELF FROM IT (through music or reading or chatting or whatever) OR RUN AWAY FROM IT. Because you cannot RUN AWAY from your TRUTH forever.

Instead, simply ACCEPT WHOLLY that it exists, and use spiritual tools such as the “Violet Flame” to TRANSMUTE it. You can find out what that is (and the many useful techniques for utilizing it) simply by Googling up that term for yourself. But in case you’re of the lazy variety (much as myself), all you need to do is to FEEL INTO THE SPACE/AREA that holds the negative emotion/feeling in question. As if that FEELING/EMOTION/ENERGY was actually PHYSICAL and PHYSICALLY THERE (both of which things are actually true). And then, you imagine/visualize a Violet Coloured Temperature-less (or mildly warm/cold) Flame “flaring up” within the said “area” (or feeling-space) and DISSOLVING IT/BURNING IT UP ENTIRELY. That is pretty much what’s there to it – and trust me on this – it works EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Also, as an addition to that, FORGIVENESS is a truly fantastic tool that MASSIVELY works wonders in this regard. So that whenever any trauma, negative memory, negative experience, negative energy or negative emotion (or even anything negative arising out of the actions of any person/group) comes up or surfaces during this time – the best thing to do is to simply FORGIVE THEM ALL. Understand that many people act in the way they act as a result of someone traumatising them endlessly (in this or their previous lives). Many of them DO NOT EVEN KNOW/REMEMBER YET that they can choose SO MUCH better. And they, more often than not continue acting out this way for LIFETIMES AFTER LIFETIMES– which is a hell of its own (if you understand how Karmic Laws work).

Finally, if you look at your OWN LIFE (or some of your past lives for that matter) – you will find that you too, have not really been as “perfect” (behaviour-wise or otherwise) as you might have imagined. So, FOREVER REMEMBER that someone forgave you for doing something terrible or vile once – so now – it is your turn to pay that (favour) forward.

Also, this is why the one known as Jesus Christ (so very) wisely said: “Forgive them, for they KNOW NOT what they do.” And that guy knew EXACTLY what he was talking about. As also did he know the SHEER POWER of forgiveness as a spiritual tool. For forgiving someone DOES NOT and CANNOT free someone from their own negative karma. However, it sure DOES free you from HOLDING ON TO all of that negative energy which was NEVER YOURS TO CARRY AROUND/GET INFECTED BY to BEGIN WITH! USE THIS brilliant tool AS MUCH AS IS NEEDED – and for AS LONG AS IT’S NEEDED. Not like it costs you anything anyways.

Enjoy completing the challenge, and please DO SHARE this challenge with everyone in the rest of the world out there, and also over all of your social media channels and feeds RIGHT BEFORE you QUIT that social media stuff entirely FOR GOOD – and enter into your beautiful inner retreat/sanctuary for the life-transforming 21 Day experience that is the #HappinessMasteryChallenge! (Now you’ll know exactly why I had to come up with a #hashtag for this one.)

Enjoy the new and blissful you!

P.S. – The whole POINT of this entire challenge/exercise is to make joyful living a HABIT. Because once something becomes a habit – it becomes entirely automatic for you. Much like an ‘auto-pilot mode’ if you will. For no longer will you need again to deliberately try super hard and “think” positive, or “try and do” things differently -- or “put in” absolutely any kind of conscious thought or efforts into “forcing yourself” into doing something or the other AT ALL --- EVER AGAIN – once you have programmed the habits of your own choice within your own consciousness.

The very process, once set into motion (and momentum) speeds itself up infinitely and becomes DOWNRIGHT UNSTOPPABLE like a racing train without the brakes on – and without ANY need or reason to ever want to stop.

Until now, you were a victim of (negative) habits and programming ingrained into you by a society that lives eternally in self-perpetuated misery -- and which knows of NO OTHER WAYS TO LIVE OTHERWISE. Right from your parents, teachers and siblings to your friends, relatives, co-workers and even your (so-called) well-wishers – nearly everyone has played some part or the other into keeping you locked within the cage and the web that is negative frequencies. And the funny thing is that many of them firmly and sincerely believe within the heart of their hearts that what they keep advising you to do will actually “benefit you” in some way or shape or form. This occurs because they know not about the laws of energy, frequency, vibration, or anything else related to the ‘Law of Attraction’ for that matter.

This is where we use society’s own mental programming techniques against its (unconscious) agendas to SET OURSELVES FREE FOR GOOD. For this indeed IS a “Mastery” Challenge after all – and YOU’RE ON.

Yeah, share this one far and wide. #HappinessMasteryChallenge
The #HappinessMasteryChallenge | Aseim The #HappinessMasteryChallenge | Aseim Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 3/27/2020 08:39:00 PM Rating: 5

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