The Role of Free Energy in the Advent of Nova Earth – Part 3/7
December 20, 2019
by Steve Beckow

In 2001, John Christie and Lou Brits announced they had developed a free-energy power supply.
(Continued from Part 2, yesterday.)
What free energy is and does
What exactly is free energy? Goldenlight’s sources help us here as well, to understand the nature and uses of free energy.
“Free energy utilizes and harnesses the inherent co-creative energy of the Creator Source which is energy that permeates everything and All That Is.
“It is the Creative Energy of Universes, Multiverses, Galaxies, Planets, Beings, the energy that propels, creates, gives life to, and animates everything.
“This energy allows your Planet, Mother Earth Gaia to be suspended in space… allows the Sun to beam forth its tremendous power and energy. … It gives life to your being and your lower-dimensional body on Earth as well as your Higher-Dimensional, Multidimensional Being which lives in the higher dimensions.
“We of the Pleiadian civilizations have learned over eons of time how to harness this power of the Source Creator of All That Is.” (1)
That’s a pretty important description: Creator Source energy that supports and gives life to everything.
The Pleiadians use it to propel their ships and have been using it for a long time.
“This Free Energy propels our ships and allows us to travel to your atmosphere to be near your civilization, in tune with you and your energy harmonics. As this channel is not versed in scientific formulas or physics, we will not attempt to have her translate the complex mathematical and physics-based algorithms used to harness free energy and propel our ships, but suffice it to say that we figured out the formulas long ago.” (2)
Wes Annac’s sources include cleansing our planet of pollution among its many uses:
“The clean, free-energy technology we’ll offer will be used for various different important and leisurely purposes, and devices will be and have already been Created that orient specifically toward using free energy to mitigate and cleanse the widespread pollution that remains in your current moment.” (3)
Grener of Ashira, President of the Intergalactic Council, tells us that ideas for the development of free energy have already been seeded into the minds of inventors on our planet:
“So often you say, ‘I want my replicator. I want my healing chamber. I want free energy.’ … We have already seeded so many of those ideas [into] your planet.” (4)
Free energy, Mike Quinsey’s sources tell us, is already available “and many projects have resulted in the design of equipment and appliances that will change your way of life.” (5)
Wanderer of the Skies tells us that the galactics will supply us with their free-energy technology after Disclosure:
“In large measure, it will change because even the least of you will have access to free energy and other technological marvels as you can only now dream about but which exist on your world at this time.” (6)
These inventions will make for increased independence, Diane of Sirius tells us:
“Most of our technologies are simple and easily installed, and allow for much more independence than you have now. We shall set high standards where your daily needs are concerned, and bring you all into systems that are self-supporting. This is essential in locations where people are away from the main areas, and tend to be isolated.
“It is a matter of equipping you in such a way, that your standard of life is immediately improved. A clean supply of water and an ample supply of free energy will overcome many health problems, whilst at the same time giving you heating and lighting where conditions warrant it.” (7)
If the technology is already available, then what’s the problem?
(To be continued in Part 4, tomorrow.)
(1) “Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and the Pleiadian Council: Higher Dimensional Technologies Part II – Free Energy Technology,” channeled by Goldenlight, January 14, 2014 at
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) “Our Universal Family: You’re Helping Raise the Consciousness of your Planet,” channeled by Wes Annac, October 23, 2013. [URL no longer works.]
(4) “Grener of Ashira: We Come in Peace,” March 5, 2017 at
(5) Mike Quinsey, Oct. 27, 2017, at
(6) Wanderer of the Skies, Sept. 5, 2011. [URL no longer available.]
(7) Diane of Sirius, May 29, 2009, at
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
December 20, 2019
by Steve Beckow

In 2001, John Christie and Lou Brits announced they had developed a free-energy power supply.
(Continued from Part 2, yesterday.)
What free energy is and does
What exactly is free energy? Goldenlight’s sources help us here as well, to understand the nature and uses of free energy.
“Free energy utilizes and harnesses the inherent co-creative energy of the Creator Source which is energy that permeates everything and All That Is.
“It is the Creative Energy of Universes, Multiverses, Galaxies, Planets, Beings, the energy that propels, creates, gives life to, and animates everything.
“This energy allows your Planet, Mother Earth Gaia to be suspended in space… allows the Sun to beam forth its tremendous power and energy. … It gives life to your being and your lower-dimensional body on Earth as well as your Higher-Dimensional, Multidimensional Being which lives in the higher dimensions.
“We of the Pleiadian civilizations have learned over eons of time how to harness this power of the Source Creator of All That Is.” (1)
That’s a pretty important description: Creator Source energy that supports and gives life to everything.
The Pleiadians use it to propel their ships and have been using it for a long time.
“This Free Energy propels our ships and allows us to travel to your atmosphere to be near your civilization, in tune with you and your energy harmonics. As this channel is not versed in scientific formulas or physics, we will not attempt to have her translate the complex mathematical and physics-based algorithms used to harness free energy and propel our ships, but suffice it to say that we figured out the formulas long ago.” (2)
Wes Annac’s sources include cleansing our planet of pollution among its many uses:
“The clean, free-energy technology we’ll offer will be used for various different important and leisurely purposes, and devices will be and have already been Created that orient specifically toward using free energy to mitigate and cleanse the widespread pollution that remains in your current moment.” (3)
Grener of Ashira, President of the Intergalactic Council, tells us that ideas for the development of free energy have already been seeded into the minds of inventors on our planet:
“So often you say, ‘I want my replicator. I want my healing chamber. I want free energy.’ … We have already seeded so many of those ideas [into] your planet.” (4)
Free energy, Mike Quinsey’s sources tell us, is already available “and many projects have resulted in the design of equipment and appliances that will change your way of life.” (5)
Wanderer of the Skies tells us that the galactics will supply us with their free-energy technology after Disclosure:
“In large measure, it will change because even the least of you will have access to free energy and other technological marvels as you can only now dream about but which exist on your world at this time.” (6)
These inventions will make for increased independence, Diane of Sirius tells us:
“Most of our technologies are simple and easily installed, and allow for much more independence than you have now. We shall set high standards where your daily needs are concerned, and bring you all into systems that are self-supporting. This is essential in locations where people are away from the main areas, and tend to be isolated.
“It is a matter of equipping you in such a way, that your standard of life is immediately improved. A clean supply of water and an ample supply of free energy will overcome many health problems, whilst at the same time giving you heating and lighting where conditions warrant it.” (7)
If the technology is already available, then what’s the problem?
(To be continued in Part 4, tomorrow.)
(1) “Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and the Pleiadian Council: Higher Dimensional Technologies Part II – Free Energy Technology,” channeled by Goldenlight, January 14, 2014 at
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) “Our Universal Family: You’re Helping Raise the Consciousness of your Planet,” channeled by Wes Annac, October 23, 2013. [URL no longer works.]
(4) “Grener of Ashira: We Come in Peace,” March 5, 2017 at
(5) Mike Quinsey, Oct. 27, 2017, at
(6) Wanderer of the Skies, Sept. 5, 2011. [URL no longer available.]
(7) Diane of Sirius, May 29, 2009, at
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
The Role of Free Energy in the Advent of Nova Earth (Part 3/7) | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/21/2019 12:25:00 AM