Devotion: Allowing Existence to Flow Through You | Sadhguru
Every One is Inside Everyone
Every Time is Inside Every Lifetime Hologram of, all Time, Everything, and Everyone
And we never leave Home without us
So how does it feel to hate Patriarchy
Pretty feminine lost New Age rage jealous haters become the hate-vengeance take-over
Every Patriarch-hater is Inside Patriarchs
Every Thing is Inside Everything
Every Lifetime is Inside Every Lifetime
Every Time is Inside Every Lifetime Hologram of, all Time, Everything, and Everyone
ONENESS Spirit Conscience is Inside Every Thing, Every One, Every Time
Spiritual Sovereign Singularity is the same ONENESS Spirit Conscience Inside
Absolute Unborn Infinity is, never wrong
Mold grows on every gender born constantly
Gender limits ONENESS Spirit Conscience
Hate is, never separate from Spiritual Sovereign Singularity
Even Patriarchy can’t exist without Gender-separation anomalies
Unborn Infinite Life Inside, never measures up to Mortal separation Quantum expectations
Gender is Nothing, but Nothingness on an ego New Age feminine vengeance trip
Every woman is Inside Every man
Every Time is Inside Every Lifetime Hologram of, all Time, Everything, and Everyone
Shame the Blamers Inside every Observer ‘making copies’
Only Intellect can separate everything in the Feminine New Age
Only Intellect can separate Mothers from their children
Only Intellect can justify disregard
Barking dogs never lie
Imagine every complaint about Patriarchy means another woman is, so busy blaming man, that an infilled Mercenary-hate traitor CIA’s it’s ok for Satanists to eat boy-babies?
CIA’ing every Patriarch man-hater means another self-hater approves Satanic Child-sacrifice, as long as after Ascension there are no men allowed, ever again, even though Spiritual Sovereign Singularity Absolute Unborn Infinity life Inside is, no place for Gender-separation anymore.
Let’s get a gang of haters together, and make sure, only women can hate after Ascension, even if we have to, still allow Satanic Child-sacrifice to prove it was all man’s fault all along, not the women for hating man’s every woe-damned breath?
Every man on Earth connected to a woman in any way needs, all our compassion for always being wrong and, even worse, every woman on Earth wronging every man needs, even more compassion for the toxic shame, that overcomes any predator, no matter who we hate all the time, even before Duality Body-prison gang murder by Sex-association.
Here comes Pine Cone whistling along happy tunes to write about ONENESS, and bumps right into a gang of man-haters, already setting up Ascension, as an outside Gender job, so thank you Holy Spirit for fear prayed courage enough to keep singing like a canary in this feminine-exclusive coal mine to warn everyone, everything, every time about how ‘born’ it is of us here to perform hate and, still claim the Light, only includes the female-form when, only Intellect is Mother-capable of such Duality-ego festering-hate New Age Gender-insanity.
I don’t care what the gang communicates here I, still Love you(from a safe-canary distance), all for being here, so driven, that my normal response to gang attacks may be seen as ‘my attack’ on you, but the canary within is singing like crazy to, barely stay alive where, no man’s land swallowed me up, even before my Tall Pine crowned this portal Pine Cone Intuitive-regular normal-special man?, I don’t think so_self-hate enough-hated small, duh! How bout dis, and a dat Duality Hate rat a tat tat tat Gender-coal mine man-Karma flash back, for ample example?
Devotion: When You Don't Matter Anymore | Sadhguru
Every Thing is Inside Everything | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/21/2019 01:25:00 PM