The Role of Free Energy in the Advent of Nova Earth – Part 2/7
December 19, 2019
by Steve Beckow
(Continued from Part 1)
Nova Earth will have a New Kind of Energy – Free Energy
Goldenlight’s informants tell us that Nova Earth will have a new energy source, generally known as “free energy.” Other names for it are scalar energy and energy from the Void.
“This New Earth has FREE ENERGY, wherein the multitudes are no longer slaves to the energy corporations or the oil corporations for their heat, electricity, fuel, telecommunications, and basic utility costs. …
“This FREE ENERGY also runs the modes of delivery and transportation; not only are these transportation methods free but they do not generate any pollution at all.” (1)
Free energy isn’t new. It was used in Atlantis and Lemuria, SanJAsKa reminds us.
“Free-energy-based technology … was widely utilized by many of your ancient civilizations [such as] Atlantis and Lemuria. [When it is] disclosed and given to all, the pollution that’s been fed will truly cease to be and widespread prosperity, abundance and ease of Living will rapidly begin making their way to all of your civilizations.” (2)
Its advent will end all forms of domination by companies connected with the old-energy paradigms.
“The [four] basic methods that the world corporations and government were once using to dominate and control the people are removed: oil company domination, utility company domination, corporate monopolies of control, and mass media brainwashing. Oil extraction and production no longer exists as there is no longer a need for it. …
“There will be a new form of energy developed to run things that are now run by electricity, a new energy that is similar to electricity but not created using any fossil fuels or running electrical poles with wires all over the earth, which also harms Mother Earth’s own energetic field.” (3)
Their energy needs no wires or towers, but travels through the ethers, Ker-On of Venus explains. There’s no such thing as private ownership of it.
“Our energy use is through distribution from central points, and requires no means of transportation as it is sent out through the ethers. Free energy covers all of our needs, and personal transportation such as it is. There is no necessity for ‘ownership’ as all facilities belong to everyone alike. These may make Venus sound like Utopia, but in the near future you will also take your place on your ascended Earth and enjoy the same.” (4)
It’ll involve the use of crystals for distribution, such as were used in Atlantis (and whose misuse caused its destruction).
“The use of these electrical lines has suffocated [Gaia] and will eventually be removed and replaced with a clean form of energy that does not use wires. All we can say now is that it does involve the use of extremely large crystals, crystals similar to those used in Atlantis which generate massive amounts of energy and that will be regrown to create a similar type of energy that was once used in Atlantis. Your new Cities of Light, which have been visited and ‘seen’ by many upon your Earth, will be the centers for much of this type of energy. …
“Just try to envision and imagine this!” (5)
Let’s imagine it! Imagination is creative on the higher dimensions. May it speed the advent of free energy.
But what is free energy?
(Continued in Part 3, tomorrow.)
(1) “Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and St. Germain via Goldenlight: The In Between Times,” Channeled by Goldenlight, February 4, 2013, at
(2) “SanJAsKa and the Pleiadian Council of Nine: A Magnificent Revolution of Individual Sparks Uniting,” channeled by Wes Annac, June 7, 2013. [URL no longer works.]
(3) “Council of Angels, Archangel Michael,” ibid.
(4) Ker-On, Apr. 24, 2009, at
(5) Loc. cit.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
December 19, 2019
by Steve Beckow
(Continued from Part 1)
Nova Earth will have a New Kind of Energy – Free Energy
Goldenlight’s informants tell us that Nova Earth will have a new energy source, generally known as “free energy.” Other names for it are scalar energy and energy from the Void.
“This New Earth has FREE ENERGY, wherein the multitudes are no longer slaves to the energy corporations or the oil corporations for their heat, electricity, fuel, telecommunications, and basic utility costs. …
“This FREE ENERGY also runs the modes of delivery and transportation; not only are these transportation methods free but they do not generate any pollution at all.” (1)
Free energy isn’t new. It was used in Atlantis and Lemuria, SanJAsKa reminds us.
“Free-energy-based technology … was widely utilized by many of your ancient civilizations [such as] Atlantis and Lemuria. [When it is] disclosed and given to all, the pollution that’s been fed will truly cease to be and widespread prosperity, abundance and ease of Living will rapidly begin making their way to all of your civilizations.” (2)
Its advent will end all forms of domination by companies connected with the old-energy paradigms.
“The [four] basic methods that the world corporations and government were once using to dominate and control the people are removed: oil company domination, utility company domination, corporate monopolies of control, and mass media brainwashing. Oil extraction and production no longer exists as there is no longer a need for it. …
“There will be a new form of energy developed to run things that are now run by electricity, a new energy that is similar to electricity but not created using any fossil fuels or running electrical poles with wires all over the earth, which also harms Mother Earth’s own energetic field.” (3)
Their energy needs no wires or towers, but travels through the ethers, Ker-On of Venus explains. There’s no such thing as private ownership of it.
“Our energy use is through distribution from central points, and requires no means of transportation as it is sent out through the ethers. Free energy covers all of our needs, and personal transportation such as it is. There is no necessity for ‘ownership’ as all facilities belong to everyone alike. These may make Venus sound like Utopia, but in the near future you will also take your place on your ascended Earth and enjoy the same.” (4)
It’ll involve the use of crystals for distribution, such as were used in Atlantis (and whose misuse caused its destruction).
“The use of these electrical lines has suffocated [Gaia] and will eventually be removed and replaced with a clean form of energy that does not use wires. All we can say now is that it does involve the use of extremely large crystals, crystals similar to those used in Atlantis which generate massive amounts of energy and that will be regrown to create a similar type of energy that was once used in Atlantis. Your new Cities of Light, which have been visited and ‘seen’ by many upon your Earth, will be the centers for much of this type of energy. …
“Just try to envision and imagine this!” (5)
Let’s imagine it! Imagination is creative on the higher dimensions. May it speed the advent of free energy.
But what is free energy?
(Continued in Part 3, tomorrow.)
(1) “Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and St. Germain via Goldenlight: The In Between Times,” Channeled by Goldenlight, February 4, 2013, at
(2) “SanJAsKa and the Pleiadian Council of Nine: A Magnificent Revolution of Individual Sparks Uniting,” channeled by Wes Annac, June 7, 2013. [URL no longer works.]
(3) “Council of Angels, Archangel Michael,” ibid.
(4) Ker-On, Apr. 24, 2009, at
(5) Loc. cit.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
The Role of Free Energy in the Advent of Nova Earth (Part 2/7) | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/19/2019 06:20:00 PM