The Role of Free Energy in the Advent of Nova Earth (Part 1/7) | Steve Beckow

The Role of Free Energy in the Advent of Nova Earth – Part 1/7

December 19, 2019
by Steve Beckow

The best way to envision what we might do by way of building Nova Earth, I think, is to consider what the nature and shape of society will be after our lightwork has borne fruit.

We know where we and the Company of Heaven are headed; we have a good general idea.

Goldenlight’s description of it is fairly typical:

“Natural well-being and good health is enjoyed by everyone… Hospitals per se don’t exist but there are healing centers of light for all types of physical healing and rejuvenation.

“Aging is … a thing of the past .. With higher dimensional bodies, 12 chakras and 12 strands of DNA activated on everyone as well as bodies that have transitioned to a crystalline base instead of a carbon base, there is no aging or disease.

“Teleportation is developed and taught in special learning centers. Otherwise there are free-energy transports to take travelers whatever they wish to go on a silent smooth ride.

“‘Work’ has a whole new meaning as people begin to practice their god-given talents in Service and Love to All, rather than the former paradigm of service-to-self. Art, music, and all creative endeavors are encouraged and begin to flourish in an atmosphere of acceptance love and spiritual nourishment.” (1)

I think that about sums it up. There are details that could be filled in, endlessly. But Goldenlight captures the flavor of our future, the future that we’re building for.

The area I’d like to look at here is the arrival of free energy as a functioning technology.

Free energy will affect many areas of our life – wherever electricity and the combustion engine operate.

We’ll discover that an elite few plus the military already use it.

We’ll look at how the new technologies will liberate the people of Earth from dependence on polluting and harmful energy sources like petroleum, nuclear, and coal power, free Gaia from the burden of wires and towers, and end reliance on the combustion engine for transportation.

My particular hope is that this information finds its way into the hands of young readers who have proven, through their taking up of the climate-change call, that they hold the key to Earth’s future.

We are building the building. But you’ll be occupying the offices.

Here’s the information. Your peaceful collective action could clear the way for free-energy technology, already in place, to be released sooner rather than later.

(Continued in Part 2)


(1) Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael via Goldenlight: 5th Dimensional Frequencies and the Cities of Light, April 24, 2013, at

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
The Role of Free Energy in the Advent of Nova Earth (Part 1/7) | Steve Beckow The Role of Free Energy in the Advent of Nova Earth (Part 1/7) | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/19/2019 06:19:00 PM Rating: 5

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