From Ignorance to Innocence.Definitions. Rajneesh Bhagwan Shree
Group Meditation Paradox
I noticed in Sex Abuse female groups, a couple things the group, and I separated on, and one was the group intention itself, and the other was how lucky I was to, already have experienced my individual Universal Cosmic Light Existence deep within Nothingness Special Moment.
I noticed a similar couple things in Meditation Groups, where I enjoyed going deeper than the rest in Stillness-meditation too, especially without depending on any tiny Mortal-group ID so while others grew more dependent on each other’s Group ID, Nothingness ID’d ‘me’ in devotion to my, more individual Truer Humble Nothingness Devotion.
I noticed a similar couple things in my Earth Family-freedom, and another same freeing thing in renouncing the World thingeee Humble-do Nothingness Sweet Innocent Life too, so double down tripple-trip letting go of any Group Meditation Paradox frees me, even and, especially Voyage of Light@ a Sweet Innocent Life away from any Mortal Gender Duality Illusion to remain split in Two Master Matrix-anxiety Failure.
There was a point of inflection in Sex abuse female groups when they remained ID’d as females in a group helping each other hate men together, instead of continuing deeper into the pain, and shame of Duality-separation Mortality Illusion. Sure I was lonely at first, but soon I realized another gift of Universal Cosmic Light Existence is to trust Nothingness, more than anything of the arrogant Money World Master bait-slavery.
Like feminist schools, and females surpassing males with higher intellect, than Nothingness Intuition, publishing was, also Worldly Collective Group identified as a female Narcissist Mother-triangulation Family-group anomaly too. Females dominate Spiritual groups, whether Religion, or Spiritual(Know everything), anti beatitude non-humble dolled-up World-power Political-intention, or a mere Group Meditation Paradox Team-hate Anti-spirit intoxication.
This sacred and, as missing as any Sweet Innocent Life on Earth Universal Cosmic Light Existence Nothingness moment seems to require an individual, direct experience of Sweet Nothingness/Lovingness to, even begin to notice how any Gender/Family/Meditation/World/Dolled-up/Team-hate anti-spirit intoxication Group Paradox works, directly against any Sweet Innocent Life, still missing on Earth Mortal Gender suffering Voyage of dolled-up Intellectual-female-publisher anti-intuitive Worldly Collective-ugly self-destructive Demoncrat Hate-group Illusion.
A 45 year old son, and I used sign language, all afternoon role playing, with reverse psychodrama, and laughing together while we discussed, all these factors above. Instead of focusing on his suffering Son’s deadly duel with similar groups above, we focused on how much the great Spirit loves us to be able to watch ourselves before, as helpless as his Son is now. We both suffered Sex Abuse, and murder in Family generations, and the whole World that blames men for everything, so we could both enjoy seeing exactly how helpless ‘we’ were and still, are under the hateful shaming on Mother-hate Earth-blame Group-vengeance demise.
We directly experienced how none of what was, and, still is done to us even now was, is, and, will be our Male-fault lonely delusion, so we both can use our new enlightening Compassion to better listen with genuine regard to his Son now too. My Mother-clone keeps trying to win the Presidency, but now at least there are two men who the Satanic elite can, never separate with “Divide and Conquer”, and it’s not because of sign language alone, either.
He was abused by elite foster care for Native American sacrifice, even continuing through deaf school violations. It is so sweet of him to cook a lovely dinner in a dish while remembering how soft food makes it possible for me to chew with decades-old false teeth. Our great bond comes from neither of us ever knowing our fathers this lifetime, and growing up so alone in both our generations of unaware unconscious slavery.
We are so grateful for Holy Spirit to give us this compassion-for-self Christmas Gift on the solstice, so when his Son self-discloses, acceptance from either of us will inspire back into his own innocent Vulnerable-need for self-compassion through our new ability to Listen with genuine regard_against-the-will-of-the-World suffering-separation unaware group paradox Team-hate Anti-spirit intoxication.
Imagine how sweet it seems to us now to be able to share all these hard earned Group fails, when we, really needed support, and all was there seemed like another disregard lonely mind-control violation, until yesterday when we both loved his Son into our similar shared Nothingness pieces. Sweet is really Sweet, and Cool is really Cool with the Great Nothingness Spirit of Holy Spirit forgiveness miracles, and we feel a new confidence, and innocence of this body take-over, with the scent of Pine healing my guilt, my Son’s guilt, and his Son’s guilt_Ka-powwee sign-language Pow Wow-to-ya style.
Son Shepard’s Pie-soft was, just an extra sweet devotion toothless welcome…back to Hate Group-less innocent Nothingness Life for~every~where in timeless reverie Spirit-child Light-remembering.
Sweet Innocent Life | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/22/2019 10:30:00 AM