Divine Mother – Love is All
December 21, 2019
by Sitara

A beautiful channelled gem shared from a personal reading with Linda Dillon.
Divine Mother ~ Love is All
Divine Mother: Greetings, I am Mother, infinite and eternal, Mother of Change, Mother of Constancy. Mother of One, Mother of All. Welcome, my beloved, sweet angel of light, sweet teacher of blue, bridge, visionary, magenta, aqua of the distant stars.
You have beckoned to me, as I have beckoned to you, across the infinity of my omniverse and of our omniverse into the realm of [?] that you may hear me and, more importantly, not merely feel me but experience me for that is the purpose of our union this day.
Beloved one, yes, you have come as teacher, as visionary, as bridge between realities, between dimensions, between existences. It is time for my children of this planetary system to awaken to a broader awareness – a broader understanding – and they have reached this point of readiness. They go forward in the anchoring of new realm, new reality, new understandings which in fact aren’t new at all [but] which are ancient and eternal.
Understand – you are being inspired… inspired… to remember, to recollect, to learn, to expand… yes, of course for your sacred self… but as you are beginning to understand, there is no such thing as your sacred self. It is all and it is nothing. And I do not mean that to disintegrate your essential spark which is brilliant and holy.
It is not coincidence that you have and you are studying what you can think of as the physical realm, the chemical interaction, the formulation of materiality, because in so many ways the study of this reality allows you to see that, in fact, it is not real at all – it is all transient; it is all becoming. And so it is a reflection for you to comprehend the infinity of my universe.
It is also grounding, because I do not want you simply wandering through the dimensions or wandering throughout the stars, for you have come to my planet – this beautiful planet of beauty, of diversity, of potential, of wonder, of love – you have come to this time and to this incarnation with the understanding that you will be the teacher, that you will be the voice – the voice not crying in the wilderness; that is over! – to truly open and spark, to act as the catalyst, during this time of transition for those that are seeking.
And what I suggest to you and what is known is those who are seeking are about to implode and explode – no, not as in terms of termination or destruction – but in terms of awareness and awakening. And as they do this – which is my Plan – as they do this, they look around. Many are uncertain and unclear about which direction to travel in.
Think of it in this way. If you have been in a very deep slumber and you awaken for a few moments, you are disorientated. You will think, “Where am I and what was I doing?” That is what is happening with the collective of humanity, and this is all good news. This is the opening that you and so many have not only yearned for but prayed for.
And you have positioned, and I have positioned you, with full agreement and cognizance – and clear cognizance – of where you have need to be as a bringer of hope, as an anchor of vision, in the sweetness of existence. This belief system that so many have clung to – that in fact not only is the journey fixed, but that it is difficult and that it is filled with pain and suffering – is simply not true.
And as you have learned and are learning – this mental, emotional reactivity is just that. So where my humans shift is not only from being reactive, but they shift from being initiators. Now why is this important? In refined discernment, in refined balance, in the anchoring of divine knowing and divine authority, what one initiates, chooses to experience, is love in all its wondrous splendour and forms.
That is the entire purpose of all Creation, of all existence. It is simply for you to know, to be, love – the One.
And you are beginning to comprehend this and so, yes, I am sending you a great deal of energy for you to continue on this pathway of joyous expansion, with the understanding of the collective – their touchstones – because to communicate fully, heartfully, with any being in any galaxy or solar system, you have need to know and understand and be able to relate to their touchstones, to their reference points, to their framework of what they believe is reality.
So the key in this is not [that] you move forward in your understanding, but you don’t, in terms of your vision and your teaching, move too forward that they can’t see you, or hear you, or relate to you any longer.
So, dearest heart, where would you like to begin this day?
Q: Good day, Divine Mother, I am grateful for your compliments. I am grateful for everything you have done for me – all your divine interventions without which I would be lost in the darkness. And I thank you for guiding me towards being unconditionally loving.
With that being said, I would like to begin my first question. As you know, I feel intuitively like I am not meant to go to graduate school… that I am meant to be a spiritual teacher, which you have confirmed. And I want to be your eternal servant. So, therefore, Divine Mother, I wish to ask how I may best serve you once I graduate from the university around May 2020?
Divine Mother: First of all, my beloved child, you are welcome and you are welcomed into my arms, into my sphere, into this space.
That you have travelled into the darkness – and have experienced what you term the dark night of the soul – is very important because many not only travelled there, they live there. And in that bleakness, they do not know that there is a pathway out, [and] that there are choices and options and different experiences.
So having been there serves you well, and serves me well, because you understand. And that is, as I say: you have to speak to the people and touch their hearts where they live. So do not think that this has been a waste of experience. It has not. It has been quintessential.
Now, whether you go to graduate school or not – and we would suggest to you [that you] do not necessarily put this on the side; these, beloved, can be parallel tracks – you see what the humans have forgotten. They tend to think it’s an either/or, and what they need is this human example of not either/or but all… that you can do it ALL.
It does not mean as a spiritual teacher that you divorce yourself or that you exclude yourself from what we would call ‘the mainstream’, because you travel there because that is where your students are. It is not for you in this life to come to the ashram and take yourself out of where the people are.
Now, yes, you are intended to be a spiritual teacher. But in the first run, do not think or do not choose simply that it has to be either/or, because I guide you and I ask you – because I will never intervene in your free will and choices, because your choices are brilliant.
Do not think it has to be either/or. You will be the teacher and you will be the individual – the man who says, “Yes, I know about higher education. I know about career. I have done this, but that is not my priority. It cannot be either/or.”
This duality of the human experience is what is truly in transition.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2019 Council of Love, Inc.
This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted.
[Full terms of copyright at https://counciloflove.com/copyright-notice/]
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
December 21, 2019
by Sitara

A beautiful channelled gem shared from a personal reading with Linda Dillon.
Divine Mother ~ Love is All
Divine Mother: Greetings, I am Mother, infinite and eternal, Mother of Change, Mother of Constancy. Mother of One, Mother of All. Welcome, my beloved, sweet angel of light, sweet teacher of blue, bridge, visionary, magenta, aqua of the distant stars.
You have beckoned to me, as I have beckoned to you, across the infinity of my omniverse and of our omniverse into the realm of [?] that you may hear me and, more importantly, not merely feel me but experience me for that is the purpose of our union this day.
Beloved one, yes, you have come as teacher, as visionary, as bridge between realities, between dimensions, between existences. It is time for my children of this planetary system to awaken to a broader awareness – a broader understanding – and they have reached this point of readiness. They go forward in the anchoring of new realm, new reality, new understandings which in fact aren’t new at all [but] which are ancient and eternal.
Understand – you are being inspired… inspired… to remember, to recollect, to learn, to expand… yes, of course for your sacred self… but as you are beginning to understand, there is no such thing as your sacred self. It is all and it is nothing. And I do not mean that to disintegrate your essential spark which is brilliant and holy.
It is not coincidence that you have and you are studying what you can think of as the physical realm, the chemical interaction, the formulation of materiality, because in so many ways the study of this reality allows you to see that, in fact, it is not real at all – it is all transient; it is all becoming. And so it is a reflection for you to comprehend the infinity of my universe.
It is also grounding, because I do not want you simply wandering through the dimensions or wandering throughout the stars, for you have come to my planet – this beautiful planet of beauty, of diversity, of potential, of wonder, of love – you have come to this time and to this incarnation with the understanding that you will be the teacher, that you will be the voice – the voice not crying in the wilderness; that is over! – to truly open and spark, to act as the catalyst, during this time of transition for those that are seeking.
And what I suggest to you and what is known is those who are seeking are about to implode and explode – no, not as in terms of termination or destruction – but in terms of awareness and awakening. And as they do this – which is my Plan – as they do this, they look around. Many are uncertain and unclear about which direction to travel in.
Think of it in this way. If you have been in a very deep slumber and you awaken for a few moments, you are disorientated. You will think, “Where am I and what was I doing?” That is what is happening with the collective of humanity, and this is all good news. This is the opening that you and so many have not only yearned for but prayed for.
And you have positioned, and I have positioned you, with full agreement and cognizance – and clear cognizance – of where you have need to be as a bringer of hope, as an anchor of vision, in the sweetness of existence. This belief system that so many have clung to – that in fact not only is the journey fixed, but that it is difficult and that it is filled with pain and suffering – is simply not true.
And as you have learned and are learning – this mental, emotional reactivity is just that. So where my humans shift is not only from being reactive, but they shift from being initiators. Now why is this important? In refined discernment, in refined balance, in the anchoring of divine knowing and divine authority, what one initiates, chooses to experience, is love in all its wondrous splendour and forms.
That is the entire purpose of all Creation, of all existence. It is simply for you to know, to be, love – the One.
And you are beginning to comprehend this and so, yes, I am sending you a great deal of energy for you to continue on this pathway of joyous expansion, with the understanding of the collective – their touchstones – because to communicate fully, heartfully, with any being in any galaxy or solar system, you have need to know and understand and be able to relate to their touchstones, to their reference points, to their framework of what they believe is reality.
So the key in this is not [that] you move forward in your understanding, but you don’t, in terms of your vision and your teaching, move too forward that they can’t see you, or hear you, or relate to you any longer.
So, dearest heart, where would you like to begin this day?
Q: Good day, Divine Mother, I am grateful for your compliments. I am grateful for everything you have done for me – all your divine interventions without which I would be lost in the darkness. And I thank you for guiding me towards being unconditionally loving.
With that being said, I would like to begin my first question. As you know, I feel intuitively like I am not meant to go to graduate school… that I am meant to be a spiritual teacher, which you have confirmed. And I want to be your eternal servant. So, therefore, Divine Mother, I wish to ask how I may best serve you once I graduate from the university around May 2020?
Divine Mother: First of all, my beloved child, you are welcome and you are welcomed into my arms, into my sphere, into this space.
That you have travelled into the darkness – and have experienced what you term the dark night of the soul – is very important because many not only travelled there, they live there. And in that bleakness, they do not know that there is a pathway out, [and] that there are choices and options and different experiences.
So having been there serves you well, and serves me well, because you understand. And that is, as I say: you have to speak to the people and touch their hearts where they live. So do not think that this has been a waste of experience. It has not. It has been quintessential.
Now, whether you go to graduate school or not – and we would suggest to you [that you] do not necessarily put this on the side; these, beloved, can be parallel tracks – you see what the humans have forgotten. They tend to think it’s an either/or, and what they need is this human example of not either/or but all… that you can do it ALL.
It does not mean as a spiritual teacher that you divorce yourself or that you exclude yourself from what we would call ‘the mainstream’, because you travel there because that is where your students are. It is not for you in this life to come to the ashram and take yourself out of where the people are.
Now, yes, you are intended to be a spiritual teacher. But in the first run, do not think or do not choose simply that it has to be either/or, because I guide you and I ask you – because I will never intervene in your free will and choices, because your choices are brilliant.
Do not think it has to be either/or. You will be the teacher and you will be the individual – the man who says, “Yes, I know about higher education. I know about career. I have done this, but that is not my priority. It cannot be either/or.”
This duality of the human experience is what is truly in transition.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2019 Council of Love, Inc.
This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted.
[Full terms of copyright at https://counciloflove.com/copyright-notice/]
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Love is all | Divine Mother via Linda Dillon
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/22/2019 10:32:00 AM