Remembering Your Higher Dimensional Expression of SELF--Arcturians through Sue Lie

The Arcturians Through Suzanne Lie
Dear Readers, I share the below information that I received for myself because I believe that many of us are going through the same experience, but in our own individual way.
Dear Arcturians,
Do you have a message for me today?
Dear Suzille,
We, your Arcturian family, are always with you. You are our brave ones who took a third dimensional vessel during this challenging NOW on Gaia’s Earth. In fact, even when you feel like you are alone, confused, or unable to connect with others, we are with you. In fact, when you are within the above type of situations it is often when you are in the process of expanding your consciousness into a higher frequency of reality.
If you had spent much of your life in a desert and suddenly found yourself in a huge forest, you would likely be confused and wonder how you suddenly had such a unusual experience. It is in this manner that you may be feeling like you do not know why everything appears to be different than it has been before.
It is not that you do not have people who care for you, and who are willing to assist you when you need it, what is different is that you are having trouble remaining within the same time/space as before.
Let us explain what we mean by “the same time/space.” Yes, you are aware of the physical time and physical space. However, there is often something that is confusing your perspective of how you fit into the time/space of this often changing reality.
Therefore, some memories may be difficult in your 3D world because you are constantly being bombarded by higher dimensional information that you cannot easily fit into your daily 3D life. Yes, you are in your 3D life, and yes, you can still function there.
However, more and more, there is confusion in your consciousness in that there is a “something else” that is within, or seemingly above you, that is difficult for you to integrate into your brain/mind.
We say “brain/mind” because your mind is perceiving higher and higher frequency waves of reality that your brain has not yet adapted to. Because your brain has not, fully adapted to the higher frequencies of reality, it is difficult to fit these higher frequency into your daily life.
For example, you may feel as though something is wrong because you seem a bit “out of sync” with your old perceptions of reality. Yes, more and more of you, the grounded ones, have had many of these “new perceptions” since you were a child.
However, then you could put these perceptions into the category of “my imagination.” However, more and more your “imagination” seems to be more “real” than the reality that you are perceiving around you.
For example, your thoughts do not always match your perceptions. As an example, you may be busy driving, taking a walk, being at your job, and other daily activates, but your increasingly expanding “imagination” is experiencing something that is totally out of sync with your physical life.
In fact, sometimes you may feel as if you are living in two realities within the same NOW. One reality is your familiar third dimensional self in which you take care of your daily obligations, have times with friends, conversations with others, and spending alone with your own SELF.
It is often within your “alone time” that you are beginning to hear, see, feel, or even know, that something is VERY different. You may not understand what is different, or why it is different, but you have a growing feeling that it is the NOW for you to really focus on these moments of “difference.”
When you focus on these “moments of difference,” you can more easily integrate these seemingly new thoughts, feelings, and even physical sensations that seem to be arising within your daily life.
Of course, these “moments of inner perceptions” are not calling you in a manner such as your child calling you, or you calling your child. There is no “calling” with these feelings because it seems more like remembering something that you always knew, but forgot.
The key point here is that you “always knew.” Yes, you have always known what seems to be coming into your consciousness as new information. However, you have not always known this information from the perspective of a higher frequency of consciousness.
Quite often, this higher consciousness cannot be shared with others. Or, perhaps you do not think that you can share your higher states of consciousness with others. Therefore, you do not dare to share them. You do not dare to share them because you know that these thoughts, emotions, dreams and imaginations are NOT about your third dimensional life.
In fact, you are beginning to remember what you have ALWAYS known, but FORGOT! You have always known that there is much, much more to the reality around you than your daily perceptual field can accept as real!
Uncountable times a day you are consciously, or unconsciously, remembering that there is something that is trying to enter into your 3D life, but your 3D brain cannot accept it as “real.” You may feel that this information, or visions cannot be accepted as “real” because it seems to be too much like a Science Fiction book or movie.
On the other hand, you are also beginning to remember thoughts, dreams or moment of “imagination” when you realize that there is something new, different, and most likely impossible.
You may think this “something” is impossible because your 3D brain cannot compute this information as “real.” Therefore, your 3D brain pushes away this inner, higher, somewhat frightening, feeling and/or information that seems to tell you that something very different is occurring.
You may, or may not, think that you have received information from within your “expanding imagination,” which could not be possible in the “real physical world.” You are correct in that thought, as most of the people you may wish to share your inner/higher “imagination” with, may wonder what you are talking about.
On the other hand, the percentage of humans who are allowing their “imagination” to be “real” are having inner, sometimes outer, experiences of a reality that is quite different than the reality that is limited to the third dimensional physical life.
Hence, many people who are having “higher dimensional experiences,” are keeping these experience to themselves. In other words, they are worried that if they shared their “higher dimensional experiences” with others, they would be laughed at, or thought of as “a bit crazy.”
However, from our Arcturian and Pleiadian perspective of the higher fourth, fifth and beyond frequencies of reality, it appears a bit “crazy” to shun inner information, thoughts, visions and dreams that seem to be too “out of sync” with your third dimensional life.
From our higher perspective, we can observe, and visit, other frequencies of reality which feel might feel very “weird,” to our grounded ones on Earth. However, more and more of our grounded family are beginning to “imagine” something that seems very “familiar.”
In fact, when these grounded ones allow themselves to relax into what they think of as their imagination, something happens inside of them. We say inside of themselves because they have allowed that which had formally been “above them,” to begin to seep “into them.”
Therefore, their dreams and imaginations may feel more like a possible reality that is higher, or at least, very different from the reality that many, if not most of the people around them could not—yet—even imagine to be “real.”
However, exactly what does “real” mean? Your dictionary says that “real” is what you envision, dream, suppose, visualize and/or conceive. But what if you are the only one around you who can envision, dream, suppose, visualize and/or conceive what is entering your mind, your imagination, your dreams and even your daily thoughts?
What if more and more of the grounded ones were to have daily thoughts about things that others would think of as “weird,” “just a dream,” or even “just their imagination?”
What if the ones who have not YET allowed themselves to perceive their own “imagination” as “real,” began to believe that maybe, just maybe, their “weird thoughts,” “dreams,” and “make believe” was, in fact, Higher Dimensional Information.
Then they may begin to put their “dreams, imaginations and make believe” into the category of “a possible reality.” Before this ensuing NOW, they may not have been able to embrace such a “weird” concept as speaking to, listening to, or even “channeling” higher frequency information.
Those who have been able to embrace this higher dimensional information, often feel that they need to “keep this information to themselves,” because it is too “weird” to be true.” They may even think that there is no such things as higher dimensional realities, or Space Ships that are flying around Earth to check out how the humans are doing.
However, what if there IS such a thing as “Space Ships,” which are often called “Star Ships,” filled Gaia’s skies? In fact, if one could gain access to all, or even a few pages, of the hidden information that is stored in many hidden places on Gaia’s Earth, they would see that many, many people have seen Starships, and have had the experience of being on Starships, or pilots who have seen Starships fly right past their airplane.
“Oh NO, that is just all made up!” some may say. These people may be those who are not yet ready to even imagine that there are beings, many of whom appear to be very human, that live on Starships. In fact, sometimes these Starships may be close enough to Earth to be seen, and have frequently exposed themselves to pilots of regular 3D planes.
Our Arcturian question that we have for the many humans who still cannot, and/or will not, believe that there could be beings who are so advanced beyond the humans on third dimensional Earth that they have a Starship is:
“Why do these people think that these higher dimensional beings, who are much more evolved that earthly humans, would want to harm any one, or even any thing?”
The answer is that these humans are afraid of what is more advanced than they are because they cannot conceive that a society can be advanced beyond fear, and beyond the need to have the power over others that many humans still suffer from.
We, the members of your Galactic Family, have great compassion for the many humans on Gaia’s Earth who have not yet evolved enough to remember their own Higher Dimensional SELF.
Many of these “humans” have become so lost in the fears of “power OVER others” that they cannot conceive—yet—that they too are often members of our Galactic Family, but they have become lost in the hardships of the third dimension.
As these “lost ones” awaken, they will begin to remember that the Galactics have evolved beyond fear, and beyond the need to have “power over others” or “power over” any living beings.
Because the Galactics innately resonate to the fifth dimension and beyond, they are free of the many fears and illusions that humans face everyday. In fact, many humans were once Galactic Travelers who came to Earth to assist Gaia in Her process of Planetary Ascension.
In fact, many of these brave saviors for Gaia took human forms so that they could walk among the humans and show them how to remember their true, Higher Dimensional SELF. Unfortunately, some of these brave leaders were killed, harmed, and/or became lost in the challenging “power over others” reality of third dimensional Gaia.
These brave warriors for Gaia who became lost from their own Higher Dimensional SELF, became humanoids on Earth who could not remember their true fifth dimensional SELF.
“CAN THESE LOST ONES EVER REMEMBER THEIR TRUE SELF?” we hear you ask. The answer to that question is YES! One can remember that they too are members of the Higher Dimensional Worlds of the fifth dimension and beyond.
When a human can remember their higher dimensional expression of SELF while they are wearing a third dimensional earth vessel, they can establish an ongoing relationship between the human and Galactic members of their greater SELF.
This greater SELF exist, not only above them in the higher dimensions, but also WITHIN their current third dimensional body. When their third dimensional self is ready to remember WHY they chose to take an earth body during their present incarnation on Earth, they will begin to remember their own Higher Dimensional expressions of SELF.
We, the members of your Galactic Family, will hold that wonderful moment in our Multidimensional Mind so that we can fully assist ALL humans who are ready to remember their true SELF!
Contact Suzanne Lie at
Source: Awakening with Suzanne Lie

The Arcturians Through Suzanne Lie
Dear Readers, I share the below information that I received for myself because I believe that many of us are going through the same experience, but in our own individual way.
Dear Arcturians,
Do you have a message for me today?
Dear Suzille,
We, your Arcturian family, are always with you. You are our brave ones who took a third dimensional vessel during this challenging NOW on Gaia’s Earth. In fact, even when you feel like you are alone, confused, or unable to connect with others, we are with you. In fact, when you are within the above type of situations it is often when you are in the process of expanding your consciousness into a higher frequency of reality.
If you had spent much of your life in a desert and suddenly found yourself in a huge forest, you would likely be confused and wonder how you suddenly had such a unusual experience. It is in this manner that you may be feeling like you do not know why everything appears to be different than it has been before.
It is not that you do not have people who care for you, and who are willing to assist you when you need it, what is different is that you are having trouble remaining within the same time/space as before.
Let us explain what we mean by “the same time/space.” Yes, you are aware of the physical time and physical space. However, there is often something that is confusing your perspective of how you fit into the time/space of this often changing reality.
Therefore, some memories may be difficult in your 3D world because you are constantly being bombarded by higher dimensional information that you cannot easily fit into your daily 3D life. Yes, you are in your 3D life, and yes, you can still function there.
However, more and more, there is confusion in your consciousness in that there is a “something else” that is within, or seemingly above you, that is difficult for you to integrate into your brain/mind.
We say “brain/mind” because your mind is perceiving higher and higher frequency waves of reality that your brain has not yet adapted to. Because your brain has not, fully adapted to the higher frequencies of reality, it is difficult to fit these higher frequency into your daily life.
For example, you may feel as though something is wrong because you seem a bit “out of sync” with your old perceptions of reality. Yes, more and more of you, the grounded ones, have had many of these “new perceptions” since you were a child.
However, then you could put these perceptions into the category of “my imagination.” However, more and more your “imagination” seems to be more “real” than the reality that you are perceiving around you.
For example, your thoughts do not always match your perceptions. As an example, you may be busy driving, taking a walk, being at your job, and other daily activates, but your increasingly expanding “imagination” is experiencing something that is totally out of sync with your physical life.
In fact, sometimes you may feel as if you are living in two realities within the same NOW. One reality is your familiar third dimensional self in which you take care of your daily obligations, have times with friends, conversations with others, and spending alone with your own SELF.
It is often within your “alone time” that you are beginning to hear, see, feel, or even know, that something is VERY different. You may not understand what is different, or why it is different, but you have a growing feeling that it is the NOW for you to really focus on these moments of “difference.”
When you focus on these “moments of difference,” you can more easily integrate these seemingly new thoughts, feelings, and even physical sensations that seem to be arising within your daily life.
Of course, these “moments of inner perceptions” are not calling you in a manner such as your child calling you, or you calling your child. There is no “calling” with these feelings because it seems more like remembering something that you always knew, but forgot.
The key point here is that you “always knew.” Yes, you have always known what seems to be coming into your consciousness as new information. However, you have not always known this information from the perspective of a higher frequency of consciousness.
Quite often, this higher consciousness cannot be shared with others. Or, perhaps you do not think that you can share your higher states of consciousness with others. Therefore, you do not dare to share them. You do not dare to share them because you know that these thoughts, emotions, dreams and imaginations are NOT about your third dimensional life.
In fact, you are beginning to remember what you have ALWAYS known, but FORGOT! You have always known that there is much, much more to the reality around you than your daily perceptual field can accept as real!
Uncountable times a day you are consciously, or unconsciously, remembering that there is something that is trying to enter into your 3D life, but your 3D brain cannot accept it as “real.” You may feel that this information, or visions cannot be accepted as “real” because it seems to be too much like a Science Fiction book or movie.
On the other hand, you are also beginning to remember thoughts, dreams or moment of “imagination” when you realize that there is something new, different, and most likely impossible.
You may think this “something” is impossible because your 3D brain cannot compute this information as “real.” Therefore, your 3D brain pushes away this inner, higher, somewhat frightening, feeling and/or information that seems to tell you that something very different is occurring.
You may, or may not, think that you have received information from within your “expanding imagination,” which could not be possible in the “real physical world.” You are correct in that thought, as most of the people you may wish to share your inner/higher “imagination” with, may wonder what you are talking about.
On the other hand, the percentage of humans who are allowing their “imagination” to be “real” are having inner, sometimes outer, experiences of a reality that is quite different than the reality that is limited to the third dimensional physical life.
Hence, many people who are having “higher dimensional experiences,” are keeping these experience to themselves. In other words, they are worried that if they shared their “higher dimensional experiences” with others, they would be laughed at, or thought of as “a bit crazy.”
However, from our Arcturian and Pleiadian perspective of the higher fourth, fifth and beyond frequencies of reality, it appears a bit “crazy” to shun inner information, thoughts, visions and dreams that seem to be too “out of sync” with your third dimensional life.
From our higher perspective, we can observe, and visit, other frequencies of reality which feel might feel very “weird,” to our grounded ones on Earth. However, more and more of our grounded family are beginning to “imagine” something that seems very “familiar.”
In fact, when these grounded ones allow themselves to relax into what they think of as their imagination, something happens inside of them. We say inside of themselves because they have allowed that which had formally been “above them,” to begin to seep “into them.”
Therefore, their dreams and imaginations may feel more like a possible reality that is higher, or at least, very different from the reality that many, if not most of the people around them could not—yet—even imagine to be “real.”
However, exactly what does “real” mean? Your dictionary says that “real” is what you envision, dream, suppose, visualize and/or conceive. But what if you are the only one around you who can envision, dream, suppose, visualize and/or conceive what is entering your mind, your imagination, your dreams and even your daily thoughts?
What if more and more of the grounded ones were to have daily thoughts about things that others would think of as “weird,” “just a dream,” or even “just their imagination?”
What if the ones who have not YET allowed themselves to perceive their own “imagination” as “real,” began to believe that maybe, just maybe, their “weird thoughts,” “dreams,” and “make believe” was, in fact, Higher Dimensional Information.
Then they may begin to put their “dreams, imaginations and make believe” into the category of “a possible reality.” Before this ensuing NOW, they may not have been able to embrace such a “weird” concept as speaking to, listening to, or even “channeling” higher frequency information.
Those who have been able to embrace this higher dimensional information, often feel that they need to “keep this information to themselves,” because it is too “weird” to be true.” They may even think that there is no such things as higher dimensional realities, or Space Ships that are flying around Earth to check out how the humans are doing.
However, what if there IS such a thing as “Space Ships,” which are often called “Star Ships,” filled Gaia’s skies? In fact, if one could gain access to all, or even a few pages, of the hidden information that is stored in many hidden places on Gaia’s Earth, they would see that many, many people have seen Starships, and have had the experience of being on Starships, or pilots who have seen Starships fly right past their airplane.
“Oh NO, that is just all made up!” some may say. These people may be those who are not yet ready to even imagine that there are beings, many of whom appear to be very human, that live on Starships. In fact, sometimes these Starships may be close enough to Earth to be seen, and have frequently exposed themselves to pilots of regular 3D planes.
Our Arcturian question that we have for the many humans who still cannot, and/or will not, believe that there could be beings who are so advanced beyond the humans on third dimensional Earth that they have a Starship is:
“Why do these people think that these higher dimensional beings, who are much more evolved that earthly humans, would want to harm any one, or even any thing?”
The answer is that these humans are afraid of what is more advanced than they are because they cannot conceive that a society can be advanced beyond fear, and beyond the need to have the power over others that many humans still suffer from.
We, the members of your Galactic Family, have great compassion for the many humans on Gaia’s Earth who have not yet evolved enough to remember their own Higher Dimensional SELF.
Many of these “humans” have become so lost in the fears of “power OVER others” that they cannot conceive—yet—that they too are often members of our Galactic Family, but they have become lost in the hardships of the third dimension.
As these “lost ones” awaken, they will begin to remember that the Galactics have evolved beyond fear, and beyond the need to have “power over others” or “power over” any living beings.
Because the Galactics innately resonate to the fifth dimension and beyond, they are free of the many fears and illusions that humans face everyday. In fact, many humans were once Galactic Travelers who came to Earth to assist Gaia in Her process of Planetary Ascension.
In fact, many of these brave saviors for Gaia took human forms so that they could walk among the humans and show them how to remember their true, Higher Dimensional SELF. Unfortunately, some of these brave leaders were killed, harmed, and/or became lost in the challenging “power over others” reality of third dimensional Gaia.
These brave warriors for Gaia who became lost from their own Higher Dimensional SELF, became humanoids on Earth who could not remember their true fifth dimensional SELF.
“CAN THESE LOST ONES EVER REMEMBER THEIR TRUE SELF?” we hear you ask. The answer to that question is YES! One can remember that they too are members of the Higher Dimensional Worlds of the fifth dimension and beyond.
When a human can remember their higher dimensional expression of SELF while they are wearing a third dimensional earth vessel, they can establish an ongoing relationship between the human and Galactic members of their greater SELF.
This greater SELF exist, not only above them in the higher dimensions, but also WITHIN their current third dimensional body. When their third dimensional self is ready to remember WHY they chose to take an earth body during their present incarnation on Earth, they will begin to remember their own Higher Dimensional expressions of SELF.
We, the members of your Galactic Family, will hold that wonderful moment in our Multidimensional Mind so that we can fully assist ALL humans who are ready to remember their true SELF!
Contact Suzanne Lie at
Source: Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Remembering your Higher Dimensional Expression of Self | Arcturians via Suzanne Lie
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/10/2019 04:08:00 PM