FIFTY8 / The Purpose of Life
My newest empowerment film about the purpose of life.
To understand life, we must first understand ourselves, because we are the creator of our life. All we know is ourselves. This plane is the most restructured and utterly most limited because it is the lowest frequency of all other existences.
It is a pure thought and pure Spirit that enter into the matter of flesh which then become vulnerable to the pain, the hunger, the conflicting effects of thought over the body. Then the body becomes scrutinized by others, and we set up a very confined ideal as to how everyone should be, taking the individuality away from each being in doing it. Then you must not only put up with the body but you must also put up with the ideal and live according to the ideal, and so a pure thought and pure Spirit become very judged and not so pure any longer.
Ask yourself what do you think of you? Follow your own advice. It will never let you down. You are the greatest critic, lover, friend and being you will ever know and possess, so why care what others think? Your opinion of yourself should only matter to you. As long as you live for the expectations of others, you will never be happy, you will never lead, you will never accomplish and you will never be remembered. Do not be intimidated by this reality and strip yourself of innocence and virtue, to be in a hurry to become someone to be noticed or loved. Be you.
When you are still and listening to you, within that your solutions can be found. In this contemplation answers are flowing in the soul that is searching for them. You are listening to God, to you. The more you listen, the more you become. Then you are your Spirit.
Your everyday thought processes, which is the most important value of life, is Spirit speaking to you. Your ego is the one who judges those pure thoughts, which then becomes altered. Everyone has an Ego, Ego means God. Altered ego means altered god, which is limitation.
Learn to listen to the feelings within you. It will never forsake you. Go by the feeling that is in your being and let that be a flame unto your night. It will always find your path, right where you are. Go with your feelings. This is how you create in the moment, in the Isness of your being.
This wonderful thing of self-love will bloom into a wonderful flower, and beings will come from all over to smell your perfume and fragrance. And they will test you, for you will be unique and different, and true happiness will flow within your being naturally and beautifully.
Life is your teacher. To run away from it, is only to run into more life. Life is the thing that will give you the greatest learning that you are seeking. You must be a participant in it by living it. We are here to live in this moment, to experience every feeling, which is equal to who we are being in these masks/bodies that we wear.
Live for who you are and what you are, whatever you confess that to be, and love it. When sadness comes, let it come, for that is the voice of the Soul. Be who you are and cherish it and love it and live it. That is the purpose of life.
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FIFTY8 / Digital - FIFTY8 Magazine -
My newest empowerment film about the purpose of life.
To understand life, we must first understand ourselves, because we are the creator of our life. All we know is ourselves. This plane is the most restructured and utterly most limited because it is the lowest frequency of all other existences.
It is a pure thought and pure Spirit that enter into the matter of flesh which then become vulnerable to the pain, the hunger, the conflicting effects of thought over the body. Then the body becomes scrutinized by others, and we set up a very confined ideal as to how everyone should be, taking the individuality away from each being in doing it. Then you must not only put up with the body but you must also put up with the ideal and live according to the ideal, and so a pure thought and pure Spirit become very judged and not so pure any longer.
Ask yourself what do you think of you? Follow your own advice. It will never let you down. You are the greatest critic, lover, friend and being you will ever know and possess, so why care what others think? Your opinion of yourself should only matter to you. As long as you live for the expectations of others, you will never be happy, you will never lead, you will never accomplish and you will never be remembered. Do not be intimidated by this reality and strip yourself of innocence and virtue, to be in a hurry to become someone to be noticed or loved. Be you.
When you are still and listening to you, within that your solutions can be found. In this contemplation answers are flowing in the soul that is searching for them. You are listening to God, to you. The more you listen, the more you become. Then you are your Spirit.
Your everyday thought processes, which is the most important value of life, is Spirit speaking to you. Your ego is the one who judges those pure thoughts, which then becomes altered. Everyone has an Ego, Ego means God. Altered ego means altered god, which is limitation.
Learn to listen to the feelings within you. It will never forsake you. Go by the feeling that is in your being and let that be a flame unto your night. It will always find your path, right where you are. Go with your feelings. This is how you create in the moment, in the Isness of your being.
This wonderful thing of self-love will bloom into a wonderful flower, and beings will come from all over to smell your perfume and fragrance. And they will test you, for you will be unique and different, and true happiness will flow within your being naturally and beautifully.
Life is your teacher. To run away from it, is only to run into more life. Life is the thing that will give you the greatest learning that you are seeking. You must be a participant in it by living it. We are here to live in this moment, to experience every feeling, which is equal to who we are being in these masks/bodies that we wear.
Live for who you are and what you are, whatever you confess that to be, and love it. When sadness comes, let it come, for that is the voice of the Soul. Be who you are and cherish it and love it and live it. That is the purpose of life.
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The Purpose of Life | FIFTY8
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/21/2019 01:47:00 PM