Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart | August 21, 2019



Ivo: Disclosure would cause more fear right now than it would any good, my love. And in so doing, lower the vibrational frequency of those upon her. In the same way the dark has worked in the background to enslave you, the Light will work in the background to liberate you. It is that simple.

Me: Why are you dealing with just frequency?

Ivo: To raise your people to a fifth dimensional frequency. To align with your planet, which is swiftly increasing its vibrational rate.

Me: So how is the GFL going about this task?

Ivo: We are holding off heavy incoming energies to stop your people from being, well, basically electrocuted by these energies. There are heavy energies coming in which your people are not prepared to deal with. Your ascension has been too slow. Many are lagging behind. So we are buffering them. Releasing enough energy to you to help your ascension but holding enough back that you do not die of it.

Me: Well, thank you for that. I'm ready to go but I believe I'm here to keep communicating for you and that's my life's work.

Ivo: I would have you back in a millisecond, my love, but yes, you are not finished yet..... The priority right now is frequency - because for those who understand, the rising of your frequency will change everything. It will eradicate the dark, who cannot stand it and cannot align with it, and will raise your vibrational frequency to eliminate the dark within you. Earth will become as new again.

Those falling behind are already leaving your planet. Some are cloned but will die of mysterious causes within a few years, and others are simply passing on. These are people of all ages who have decided not to continue with this.

Me: So they'll reincarnate elsewhere?

Ivo: Yes. There are other third dimensional planets where they can incarnate and continue to learn.

Me: So by removing the darksters off this planet, you're raising the planet's vibration as well?

Ivo: Yes, my love. They must be removed because just their very presence keeps you at a lower vibration, and their influence on you also does. So we are removing both. The veil of amnesia is falling and you are remembering your multi-dimensionality.

Me: Oh yeah, I saw myself in a hangar last night before I fell asleep. It just popped into my head. This vision of me in a hangar. I think it was a mothership hangar. Then I saw myself at home on Elteron.

Ivo: You are remembering more, my love. Much more will come to you. Your entire history to the extent that you can hold the vibrational frequency of the history. Because you have lived in much higher dimensions than even 5D. You will begin to get your lower physical lifetime memories back first, then as your body ascends, other memories will return.(And these memories will help me in this life now!)

Me: So let's go back to disclosure for a moment. You're saying that disclosure of the Light forces to our world would be detrimental more than anything else right now. It wouldn't have a positive effect?

Ivo; Your people are manipulated into fearing an alien invasion. It is in many of your movies. Your people fear any outside influence on your planet as being hostile. Your collective vibrational frequency is too low to embrace the truth of the existence of a benevolent extraterrestrial species existing, never mind an entire galaxy full of them. Once your collective vibration rises to the point that this truth can be embraced, we will show ourselves to more and more people. You must rise beyond fear.

The lightworkers and starseeds now do not fear us because their vibration is higher than the average. But we are speaking of the collective here, not the individual who is ready to meet with us. Because many already have. We work with you as a collective and it is also up to the lightworker to spread the truth to the collective and to help to raise its vibrational frequency to embrace the light, not the darkness and untruths they have lived in for so long.

Me: Thanks, Ivo!

Ivo: My love, I wish to tell all that it is ALL ABOUT FREQUENCY. Nothing else. That is the solution. Gaia has sought her own solution in raising her own frequency and it is up to you to keep up with her.

Me: Ivo, that's so simple and it makes so much sense. I hear so much baloney being shot around the community that you will reveal yourselves to the world now or the next solstice or the next portal opening, or whatever....

Ivo: No, not now, there is still too much fear. Your collective vibrational frequency still aligns more with the dark than the Light. When it rises, we will show ourselves, but only to the extent that it can be accepted with love, not rejected in fear.

Me: There's so much conjecture and guesswork and it's so simple.It's about frequency.

Ivo: Yes. It is simple. Your people get caught in their ego's and complicate everything.

Me: Thank you Ivo.


YouTube: SharonandIvoStewart
Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart | August 21, 2019 Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart | August 21, 2019 Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 8/21/2019 01:44:00 PM Rating: 5

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