Meeting with an Elemental
August 21, 2019
By Narendra Mishra

Meeting with an Elemental
Awakening Spark, 20/8/2019
Readers of my blog will know that I don’t consider myself a ‘dream walker’ or someone who regularly receives information from dreams. Yet, I’m no stranger to astral travel during dream state (1). This morning proved to be one such occurrence for me. It was my very first meeting with an elemental spirit.
In the wee hours of the morning, a time sacred to Hindus as Brahmamuhurta – or the time presided over by the Creator, Brahma – my astral journey in dreamtime began.
I suddenly became aware that I was in a vehicle travelling to a temple. Somehow, I missed my turn and ended up going along a strange path. I was unperturbed and decided to follow the road.
Eventually I ended up at another temple in a remote location, surrounded by forest. As I pulled into the car park I realised that service was in progress in the temple.
I came out of the vehicle and was milling about in the driveway, in conversation with someone when I heard a commotion among the trees on the other side of the road.
I turned to see a large treant, an elemental caretaker of trees, walking out of the forest toward me. I went up to greet him with hands folded to my heart, the universal greeting of Namaste.
He greeted me with a deep penetrating look and a sad smile.
“You have to stop the pollution,” he said gravely.
My chest heaved as a wave of grief washed over me.
“I am trying,” I replied, emotionally, “but there are so many humans that just don’t get it.”
Just then a black SUV came seemingly out of nowhere, reversing as if to hit the treant. I rushed to the driver’s side of the vehicle in an attempt to stop the vehicle from the impending crash.
To my surprise, the driver was another treant who spoke to me, “We have already morphed and adapted to humans several times. The next adaptation will not be pleasant to humans.” (2)
Just like that the dream ended and I awoke from my astral travel, both astounded at my unexpected encounter with elementals and the gravity of the situation.
I wondered why they chose to contact me in the first place. Though I’m aware of environmental issues and try to do my part, I’m in no way an environmental activist. Perhaps my role is simply that of communicator – one which I’m fulfilling through this blog.
How can we help this sad situation? Knowledge is power. We need to educate ourselves and others. Research and spread the word. Use social media wisely to generate awareness and interest. If you feel moved, start or join an activist group.
A great resource to get started is UN Environment. Undoubtedly, each country and district will have their own guidelines tailored specifically to its own needs.
As Lightworkers we’re already aware that the current mission of Ascension is focused on Earth and ALL of Her inhabitants. We’re already aware that ALL of creation is Divine Consciousness expressed variously as flora and fauna, minerals and elements.
Perhaps it’s time now that we take up the call for authentic Lightworker Leadership in the area of conservation of the environment. (3)
(1) See for example, my most profound awakening experience on the morning of December 20, 2012: Two Unusual Experiences in Tobago.
(2) I have paraphrased the second line since it was not clear exactly what was said. It did have some ominous undertones though.
(3) Synchronistically, Steve Beckow of the Golden Age of Gaia has been inspired recently to raise awareness of Lightworker Leadership recently. See for example, “The Essential Qualities of a Global Leader,” Aug. 20, 2019, at
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
August 21, 2019
By Narendra Mishra

Meeting with an Elemental
Awakening Spark, 20/8/2019
Readers of my blog will know that I don’t consider myself a ‘dream walker’ or someone who regularly receives information from dreams. Yet, I’m no stranger to astral travel during dream state (1). This morning proved to be one such occurrence for me. It was my very first meeting with an elemental spirit.
In the wee hours of the morning, a time sacred to Hindus as Brahmamuhurta – or the time presided over by the Creator, Brahma – my astral journey in dreamtime began.
I suddenly became aware that I was in a vehicle travelling to a temple. Somehow, I missed my turn and ended up going along a strange path. I was unperturbed and decided to follow the road.
Eventually I ended up at another temple in a remote location, surrounded by forest. As I pulled into the car park I realised that service was in progress in the temple.
I came out of the vehicle and was milling about in the driveway, in conversation with someone when I heard a commotion among the trees on the other side of the road.
I turned to see a large treant, an elemental caretaker of trees, walking out of the forest toward me. I went up to greet him with hands folded to my heart, the universal greeting of Namaste.
He greeted me with a deep penetrating look and a sad smile.
“You have to stop the pollution,” he said gravely.
My chest heaved as a wave of grief washed over me.
“I am trying,” I replied, emotionally, “but there are so many humans that just don’t get it.”
Just then a black SUV came seemingly out of nowhere, reversing as if to hit the treant. I rushed to the driver’s side of the vehicle in an attempt to stop the vehicle from the impending crash.
To my surprise, the driver was another treant who spoke to me, “We have already morphed and adapted to humans several times. The next adaptation will not be pleasant to humans.” (2)
Just like that the dream ended and I awoke from my astral travel, both astounded at my unexpected encounter with elementals and the gravity of the situation.
I wondered why they chose to contact me in the first place. Though I’m aware of environmental issues and try to do my part, I’m in no way an environmental activist. Perhaps my role is simply that of communicator – one which I’m fulfilling through this blog.
How can we help this sad situation? Knowledge is power. We need to educate ourselves and others. Research and spread the word. Use social media wisely to generate awareness and interest. If you feel moved, start or join an activist group.
A great resource to get started is UN Environment. Undoubtedly, each country and district will have their own guidelines tailored specifically to its own needs.
As Lightworkers we’re already aware that the current mission of Ascension is focused on Earth and ALL of Her inhabitants. We’re already aware that ALL of creation is Divine Consciousness expressed variously as flora and fauna, minerals and elements.
Perhaps it’s time now that we take up the call for authentic Lightworker Leadership in the area of conservation of the environment. (3)
(1) See for example, my most profound awakening experience on the morning of December 20, 2012: Two Unusual Experiences in Tobago.
(2) I have paraphrased the second line since it was not clear exactly what was said. It did have some ominous undertones though.
(3) Synchronistically, Steve Beckow of the Golden Age of Gaia has been inspired recently to raise awareness of Lightworker Leadership recently. See for example, “The Essential Qualities of a Global Leader,” Aug. 20, 2019, at
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Meeting with an Elemental | Awakening Spark
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/21/2019 01:11:00 PM