Archangel Michael on Breathwork, Letting Go, and Expansion
August 21, 2019
By Steve Beckow

When we talked three hours after my heart opening in March 2015, Archangel Michael explained how to nurture that space.
He had some interesting and helpful things to say about breathwork, the breath, our resistance to love, and letting go. I repost his comments here.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 13, 2015.
Steve: I need more reassurance. You are reassuring me that this space that I’m in right now [three hours after a heart opening] will not suddenly disappear tomorrow. This is the baseline now, correct?
AAM: That is correct.
Hold it. Love it. Allow it to grow. Cherish it. Do not think for one moment, “Oh, tomorrow I’ll wake up tired, grumpy and wasted.” Do not go there, dear heart.
S: It seems to be affected by breathing. Breathing helps. Breathing seems to cause it to expand. Is that an accurate observation?
AAM: It is the letting go.
S: The letting go. So in breathing in I am letting go of the tension?
AAM: You are letting go and you are bringing in. It is as simple as that, but of course it is not.
Breathwork, as you well know, has always been the most straightforward and one of the most powerful of tools. (1) It is the essence of life. You cannot live without your breath.
But what people have not truly, fully understood – just like they have not understood the space between the letters of each word, the space between each atom and cell of their body – the breath, the air, the oxygen, the compound that you are breathing in is the love force.
Now what happens – and this is something for you to share – is that you are breathing love force, quite literally, from the Divine. Then what happens, or what has occurred in what you think of as your past – now the key is do not go and live in the past – (2) is that it has passed through what we would call the denial filter.
The denial filter is your filter that has been filled with the constructs of the old Third: fear, control, sense of lack of worth, sense of lack of love… It passes through that.
You can even think of the filter as being in your sinus, the top, the back of your throat. And it passes through the denial filter, so when you bring it in, you are only getting a minimal part of what is being offered.
S: And that is our programming?
AAM: That is your programming.
It is like when someone says to you – even when I say to you – “I love you” and then you immediately put all these restrictions or limitations on it. So often among humans it is, “Oh, you love me because…” and it is not [so]. It is simply … love. (3)
S: Yes. And it’s such an amazing thing to realize. Real love, transformative love has no specific object except as we direct it. But, left unto itself, it has no preference, no partiality. (4)
AAM: None.
SB: How inspiring love could be.
(1) In 1987, I had a full-breath release in a rebirthing workshop, a huge clearing experience which I think cleared the ground for the Feb. 13, 1987 vision. That plus Vipassana meditation have shown me how powerful breathwork can be.
(2) Which is the reason why my short-term memory was taken away in around early 2012: As I was told, it was to induce me to live in the present.
(3) “Real” love and reasons, for me, exist in different dimensions. Real love exists in the Fifth-Seventh Dimensions while reasons exist in the Third and Fourth but no higher.
I know that because I’ve been in the state of real love and bliss. In that state of consciousness, reasons would not arise as a subject. The flow of love would … what? Dissolve them? Blow them away? They would not survive being immersed in”real” love.
(4) “Real” love is universal by nature. To talk about “universal love” is a partial repetition of terms. Love is always, already universal – or it isn’t pure or “real” love.
It’s we who are not universal, who are partial and selective. It isn’t the sending set that’s the problem; in my opinion, it’s the receiving set.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
August 21, 2019
By Steve Beckow

When we talked three hours after my heart opening in March 2015, Archangel Michael explained how to nurture that space.
He had some interesting and helpful things to say about breathwork, the breath, our resistance to love, and letting go. I repost his comments here.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 13, 2015.
Steve: I need more reassurance. You are reassuring me that this space that I’m in right now [three hours after a heart opening] will not suddenly disappear tomorrow. This is the baseline now, correct?
AAM: That is correct.
Hold it. Love it. Allow it to grow. Cherish it. Do not think for one moment, “Oh, tomorrow I’ll wake up tired, grumpy and wasted.” Do not go there, dear heart.
S: It seems to be affected by breathing. Breathing helps. Breathing seems to cause it to expand. Is that an accurate observation?
AAM: It is the letting go.
S: The letting go. So in breathing in I am letting go of the tension?
AAM: You are letting go and you are bringing in. It is as simple as that, but of course it is not.
Breathwork, as you well know, has always been the most straightforward and one of the most powerful of tools. (1) It is the essence of life. You cannot live without your breath.
But what people have not truly, fully understood – just like they have not understood the space between the letters of each word, the space between each atom and cell of their body – the breath, the air, the oxygen, the compound that you are breathing in is the love force.
Now what happens – and this is something for you to share – is that you are breathing love force, quite literally, from the Divine. Then what happens, or what has occurred in what you think of as your past – now the key is do not go and live in the past – (2) is that it has passed through what we would call the denial filter.
The denial filter is your filter that has been filled with the constructs of the old Third: fear, control, sense of lack of worth, sense of lack of love… It passes through that.
You can even think of the filter as being in your sinus, the top, the back of your throat. And it passes through the denial filter, so when you bring it in, you are only getting a minimal part of what is being offered.
S: And that is our programming?
AAM: That is your programming.
It is like when someone says to you – even when I say to you – “I love you” and then you immediately put all these restrictions or limitations on it. So often among humans it is, “Oh, you love me because…” and it is not [so]. It is simply … love. (3)
S: Yes. And it’s such an amazing thing to realize. Real love, transformative love has no specific object except as we direct it. But, left unto itself, it has no preference, no partiality. (4)
AAM: None.
SB: How inspiring love could be.
(1) In 1987, I had a full-breath release in a rebirthing workshop, a huge clearing experience which I think cleared the ground for the Feb. 13, 1987 vision. That plus Vipassana meditation have shown me how powerful breathwork can be.
(2) Which is the reason why my short-term memory was taken away in around early 2012: As I was told, it was to induce me to live in the present.
(3) “Real” love and reasons, for me, exist in different dimensions. Real love exists in the Fifth-Seventh Dimensions while reasons exist in the Third and Fourth but no higher.
I know that because I’ve been in the state of real love and bliss. In that state of consciousness, reasons would not arise as a subject. The flow of love would … what? Dissolve them? Blow them away? They would not survive being immersed in”real” love.
(4) “Real” love is universal by nature. To talk about “universal love” is a partial repetition of terms. Love is always, already universal – or it isn’t pure or “real” love.
It’s we who are not universal, who are partial and selective. It isn’t the sending set that’s the problem; in my opinion, it’s the receiving set.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Archangel Michael on Breathwork, Letting Go, and Expansion | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/21/2019 01:23:00 PM