If I appear in Split/Soul Gender-separation, this condition Time-suffering condition my Shame-condition is in, no matter what, Karma-cellular memories converge, all my Silo-lifetimes Toxic Shame Mortal-adventures.
Am I a Man-holdout with a tiny Criminal-gender Mortal-evil Shame-silo ID?
How Busy~dizzying am I handling my Deathly-fear Gender-denied Toxic-silo Shame?
Am I a Woman-holdout with a tiny Criminal-gender Mortal-evil Shame-silo ID?
How Busy-dizzying am I handling my same Deathly-fear Gender-denied Toxic-silo Shame?
A ONENESS thank you Holy Spirit Nurturing for, directly experiencing abundant Forgiveness Miracles Enlightening Compassion, and for Unifying Karmic-dissonant divisive-gender role-reversal lifetimes Mercy | Grace switches from tiny Criminal-gender Mortal-evil ID through Light~heavy Water~mist Timeless-quickening into Universal Cosmic Light Existence Holy Spirit~devotion ID freedom in a Water Course Way.
Light Water Timeless-reverie is how benevolent heavy mist quickening rocks, and rolls, where no vessel holds us in one shape. Heavy Water Mist Quickening Timeless Light replaces, all Shame in the twinkling of an eye~embrace, as long as willingness to let go form makes the fear of sublimating~humility seem like an odd, mere unpleasant dissolution of the Karmic-toxic lifetimes silo-draining Fertilizer-rotting Mortal-past.
Thank you ONENESS Spirit Conscience Flux~flow Freeing~energy Nirvana Nothingness Aether Neutral absolute unborn infinity Spiritual Sovereign Singularity for creating us in the same ONENESS Spirit Conscience Flux~flow Freeing~energy Nirvana Nothingness Aether Neutral absolute unborn infinity Spiritual Sovereign Singularity Water Course Way.
Thank you Fear-prayed courage for the Kind wisdom of eternal gratitude to turn within Pineal Portal opening into Orion Nebula Universal Cosmic Light Existence Holy Spirit~devotion ID Light~heavy Water~mist Timeless-quickening Water Course Way.
Let we, gender begin to discuss “Water”, not swimming in the Water, not drinking in the Water, and not, ever separate from the, same Water, but as the, very Light~heavy Water~mist Timeless-quickening, only Gender seems to miss misting Shame-form within Light Source Love Force into Coalescing Ever~new wet mist of Spirit Joy in Bright Star Brilliance Heavenly Creative Intelligence Harmony.
Aren’t we all, the same Gender-holdouts with a tiny Criminal-gender Mortal-evil Shame-silo ID?
How Busy-dizzying are we can’t-handling our same Deathly-fear Gender-denied Toxic Shame?
If we appear in Split/Soul Gender-separation, this Karma-hate Mirror-double Illusion condition Time-suffering condition our, same Shame-condition is in, no matter what, Karma-cellular memories converge, all our Silo-lifetimes Toxic Shame, Hate-same Mortal-blaming Patsy-adventures, without any Individual Intuitive Independent Oversoul Delicate Overtone~fineries to draw us up tingling within Universal Cosmic Divine~timeliness Symphony-synergy Ascension~excitement Light Existence ID 3 6 9 Tesla Freeing Wonder.
Light~heavy Water~mist Timeless-quickening | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/09/2019 10:05:00 AM