I am a great big fat ugly hairy Mortal you, and you, all are a great big fat ugly hairy Mortal me too. My Mortal Physical Role-reversal mirror-double Karma Illusion of Time is everyone else’s Mortal physical Role-reversal mirror-double Illusion of Linear Time RR exact same too-too.

You, all are a great big fat ugly hairy Mortal me, and I am a great big fat ugly hairy Mortal you too. Everyone else’s Mortal physical Role-reversal mirror-double Illusion of Time is my Mortal Physical Role-reversal mirror-double Karma Illusion of Linear Time RR exact same too too.

Back Home at the Universal Cosmic Light Existence Holy Spirit forgiveness nurturing ranch, where, no Judging Mortal is allowed in a Body Prison of self-hate Karma Shame projecting Patsy-blaming pretension, no more Victim-pretending is, even Spiritual Sovereign Singularity possible.

It’s so easy to get caught up trying to Spiritually out-do each other as Mortals but, not only are we “All One” in absolute unborn infinity and Universal Cosmic Light Existence Holy Spirit devotion butt we, Judging Mortals will, always remain exact same mirror-double Body Prisons of self-hate Karma Shame projecting Patsy-blaming, and pretending separate of, for, from each other’s same exact Karma Illusion of Linear Time RR exact same Prime Beef #2 choice juicy A-holiness.

I AM YOU, AND YOU ARE ME makes Two I AM THAT THAT I AM’S who, both forgot who we, really are in Poke Our Pirate Eyes out POP EYE Marriage-fails up the Judging Mortal hairy gump stump, using Sex to avoid intimacy, and dumping, all our self-hate on each other waiting alone to see who dies second. We are each, as all, and Wee are, all as each Lying, Pretending, and Faking-out each other in deadly Mortal-competition Sting-operations.

My Karma Cellular-memory Silo can’t, possibly be any different than anyone else’s same exact Karma Cellular-memory Silo, because whether we are dead Mortal, or alive in Spirit back Home at the Universal Cosmic Holy Spirit forgiveness nurturing Ranch, We, Were, Are, and Will Be Atoning, and Ascending with, for, and from each other’s Mortal Judging B***ing Bronco Rodeo Earth-perversion at the Prime Beef OK Corral.

Karmic Women get to, directly experience how they harmed Women before as Karmic Men, and I have, never heard one Victim-woman glad about it, so the way men treat women must be really Bad-harm, and Karmic Man deja vu vice versa too too; the way women treat men must be, really Bad-harm from each other’s same exact Karma Illusion of Linear Time RR exact same Prime Beef #2 choice juicy A-holiness.

Mortal pirates conspire, yet we, all deny Gang Stalking conspiracy, so when we bury our precious Island treasures we must, also bury, all these other wonderful secret I AM THAT THAT I AM Popeye AM’S Olive’s exact same Dawning Adam AM’S Eves? Names, and Numbers Numb us down Dumb us, until Individual Intuitive Independence relieves our Collective Hate Indigestion unconscious Mob Consciousness, it seems to me, ever so clearly this Awakening-mourning New Morning in relaxing Pleasance~relief?
I AM THAT THAT I AM | Pine Cone I AM THAT THAT I AM | Pine Cone Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 8/09/2019 10:07:00 AM Rating: 5

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