Era of Light Report For 7/9/2019: The Event, Major Victory, Free Energy
Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!
This is a response to some of the comments and a couple of emails to my most recent update/report.
First, please understand my message was/is not ill-intentioned.
This process we find ourselves in now is about gaining spiritual maturity.
No where in my message was it stated that money, or asking for help with financial support was wrong in any way shape or form. As a matter of a fact it is encouraged that one asks for help, it creates a positive chain reaction, it opens the doors for more abundance to flow.
The lightworker community has become so focused on the Global Currency Reset, that quite many have forgotten what this process is really about.
I ask the questions now, in the lightworker community, yes, including all the currency holders;
How many (still)believe in/ the Ascended Masters, the Archangels, The Federation of Light, and their messages? How many read the messages in hopes of spiritual insight? How many read these messages in hopes of finding a date in there as to when the RV might unfold?
How many truly believe in Ascension, that humanity and Earth are ascending? There are many in the lightworkers community that still laugh at such an idea. All they want is the GCR, and think that with this they’ll be free.
Do we truly wish to free the world, Humanity and Earth? Or do we wish to free OURSELVES? Is that why we are angry? For the predicted events not manifesting? Because we think we are stuck in this prison system until such events become reality.
I am in no better position financially than any other lightworker out there. I too wish, pray and ask the Universe to bring this about now so we can all assist humanity as much as we can.
But I would be lying if I said that the GCR was the first thing on my mind. It isn’t.
You know what is, besides strengthening the connection with my soul self? Open Contact. Full ET Disclosure. Open Contact with our family from the stars is more important than anything(personally) as far as our current process and situation is concerned in our world. Nothing else would have a greater impact.
The Event Is Already In Process
Saint Germain: You spoke of The Event earlier in your discussion and what The Event is, and what would happen after, and what has kept it from happening up to this point. But the truth is, my friends, that The Event is already in process of happening. » Source
Major Victory As All Three Power Obelisks Fall
Benjamin Fulford: Last week saw a major victory for humanity as the Khazarian mafia lost its grip on all three centers of Western power-Washington D.C., London, and Rome, according to Pentagon and other sources. Each of these capitals has an obelisk, variously symbolizing military, financial, and religious power. » Full Article
Creation Of The Future In Every Day
Yeshua: Beloved one, the first thing when you wake up in the morning, thank the body for being with you, being your servant for that day. Thank the breath as you take it in, before you start thinking about, “What do I have to do today? What’s on the schedule? » Source
Debri From Welsh ‘Roswell’ A 1983 UFO Crash
One morning a farmer awakes to find his field covered in strange metallic debris, at first looking rather like crumpled tin foil. Assuming a plane had crashed the farmer called authorities and an air-force team investigated the material. Sound familiar? » Source
Strings of Thought
Archangel Uriel: There is another component to this. It is not just about being aware of what you are thinking and feeling; it is about taking that awareness to another level of understanding and another level of use. It is through this string dynamic that this is very easily and succinctly seen. » Source
The Truth About Zero Point Energy Generators
The electricity companies might not be happy with this book launch: the Nikola Tesla Secret. This is about a genius person’s discoveries about the ability to generate free electricity. Even one of the reviewer of the book stated this is all about the utilities companies has kept away, because it could potentially end their independence. » Source
Supporting the Course of Events
Ashtar: We are close to you, we follow the events on the planet Gaia with great excitement and delight. What is going to happen and is also predicted to happen is happening now. You let it happen, you support the course of events through your way of being. » Source
Cannabis Oil Can Reduce or Eliminate Seizures in Kids
A small study conducted by researchers at the University of Saskatchewan adds to the growing body of evidence that cannabis can be used to successfully treat seizures in children, according to the CBC. » Source
It is our understanding that Ascension is on schedule, and this schedule, placed in a 3D perspective is Autumn 2024. This would leave only five years remaining.
I think many cannot comprehend the magnitude of Ascension and what it entails. For one and so simple, money will be obsolete in 5D. Unless the money from the GCR is to be used by those that choose to remain in 3D?!
Not to mention the fact that in the lightworker community there’s a split. With many believing and expecting the GCR, while others having moved on.
Even channelers that bring all these messages through from different sources, they too are split. With messages saying we are so close, while other messages saying that no such thing may occur. The latter being ignored by lightworkers.
What we seek as conscious beings is love and freedom. This TRUE love and freedom can only come from WITHIN. Through the rekindling of the connection with our SOUL SELF.
The bridge to the new world is a spiritual one. Those lost in 3D concepts will not see this bridge.
After everything, we ask you to continue holding your light, faith and hope, for something grand is imminent. But also, do not limit yourself to one single reality.
From heart to heart, Kejraj!
Source: Era of Light
The Event, Major Victory, Free Energy | KejRaj
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/09/2019 12:57:00 AM