OSHO: Why I Am Against Belief
I am a Mortal like everyone is a Mortal, but these last 5 decades of many hours per day chanting, and meditation, combined with increasing Inner~dependence on Holy Spirit forgiveness nurturing, to enlighten Compassion for others, as my mirror-self, changes all my perspectives about everything.
I taught Love Listening in groups for 50 years, along with therapy for about a thousand families who had given themselves away to the Evil Matrix infrastructure, and nothing serves me more than Listening to my mirror Saviors able to say what I needed to hear about myself, hidden inside from me too.
The imprint of my vibrating body chanting, and meditating for three hours to begin with, every day reserved the energy of stillness to greet me on the following days. I discovered something, so simple about wanting to hear other’s heart felt intimations, in that when we ‘won’t’ listen to others, we ‘can’t’ Listen well in meditation either.
Inside I became the chanting vibration in every cell of my melodic body letting go. Inside I opened the Pineal Portal deeper within the Universal Cosmic Light Existence telepathic Inner Realm to, all other dimensions. Inside I, actually ‘gained energy’ by, not fixing others, but by Listening to others with the inspirational motive to discover what I needed to hear about myself so, no separation warmed our hearts in Delight Bonding Communion Intimacy.
Inside I went deeper, and deeper within, so my writing also created confidence to, absolutely trust the Inside, as no more trust for the outside stopped my reacting in defense/self-attack from ego-centric reactive Evil 3D Duality criminal gender tiny ID censure anymore. What chaos this devotion within has caused about every, single facet of our Mortal Evil Matrix infrastructure, and most can tell, right away that Pine Cone sounds about as strange as can be, that’s for sure?
The first couple decades seemed like a bridge of forgiveness steps from Mortality toward Immortality, and every new step provided the underpinning for the next day’s step, but there was, no bridge, or steps as my inside Heaven on Earth, merely were circles eclipsing within my New mind of Delight.
Turning within, going inside, coming inside, being inside and, never leaving inside for one instant any more assures me that everything, and everyone abides inside me, so I renounce the World of anxiety Illusion in favor of no Satan Claws for children and, no more Childhood-replications of make believe God outside-needy Santa Clause for Adults either.
I have, never felt, so sure about my new perspective experiencing how the Matrix sold a bill of Goods about looking outside for God, and then selling our souls to the religions and, all the ones who can’t Love Listen, but are stuck fixing others, where one is above, and the other is below in codependent-resentment building fused addictive relationship-fails, loss of energy non-intimate non-inside Non-Spiritual Sovereign Singularity humble surrender.
The soul merchants helping; always fixing in reactions, merely protect their Power-over ego-centric cunning form sort of gossip, but when the chips were down, and dirty for addicts, and a sponsor helped this codependent way, they actually cheated their sponsee out of their own chance to turn within, and unlearn the outside Santa Clause for adults some call “God for Matrix-cowards.”
Muktanada’s Guru, Nityanda who, hardly ever spoke, stopped Mukti, one afternoon and asked “What’s that book you carry around with you all the time?” Muktananda proudly answered “The Bhagavad gita”, whereupon Nityananda said “Put that book down a book, never made a man” I was ready to hear this story from all the Listening I was becoming successful at, so what it meant to me is to turn within, and turn within, more to learn, experientially who we are(Universal Cosmic Light Existence ID), and who we are not(3D Duality-mortal Evil tiny criminal Gender Karma illusion ID)
By now everyone knows about my horrifying abuse, so it’s a miracle, and then some for this outside Matrix-addict to, ever be able to let go of Santa Clause for adults, from a lifetime not trusting myself at all, and selling my soul to childhood perpetrator replications from, all my amnesia fears blocking me from inside, that I couldn’t, even remember for decades. The two edged sword is that, as much as I didn’t seem to have any chance to recover, what I did have over everyone else is the helpless-exasperating gift of desperation motive.
I am, so grateful to surrender inside with Holy Spirit, because I am learning, first hand how much forgiveness nurturing inside outclasses any morbid sense of God Merchants cheating others out of their, own, experiential Holy Spirit devotion Grace, and Mercy within. I see many using the threatening use of the word you, you, you too much countless times in presentations, as if someone else knows better what’s good for them, sort of like a parent owns the child, or Santa clause outside is an old man eating a sacrifice cookie left for them to outside-depend on.
Since any fix-it merchant won’t listen, and they can’t listen in their meditations either, then what good can they be, except to self-serve their own needy ego-centric Narcissistic Supply Authoritarian Hostage-addiction, or their vested money-interest, and both most of the Grapes of Wrath taking Owned-slave low vibration separation collectivist-anomalies. People stuck in the Matrix, sure do seem strange to me now and, so strange that it surprises me, that I, never could see how, Starling murmuration, very startling-strange until, just Darkening-clouds lately.
Does God Exist? - Sadhguru
Santa Clause for Adults | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/09/2019 02:34:00 AM