What is Karma? How Do You Break the Karmic Trap - Sadhguru
Someone beautiful empath~sensitive is Truth-present with a 3D-judge trigger-alter more powerful than a loco-motive Parent-motor.
We have many precious children alters here that, really are Intuit-sensitive and care, more than we can know, from playing out the awful tiny 3D evil Parent-gender battle between the judgmental sexes in a, never ending Reptilian Proxy War that can’t be won, and is getting in our way.
The problem isn’t the tap Tap TAP of the pain-sensitive empathic alter precious child feeling, really feeling the near-by suffering, but both the 3D Gender pirates who judge each other for, even allowing permission for empath super-sensitive suffering presence-ability in the Tiny evil 3D judgmental overall Earth-matrix V of L vroom.
A terrible Mother blamed June’s sister, Mary for killing June, so badly, and consistently-projected onto Mary, that this evil Narcissist Mother, never knew one of her alters inside was a June-like empath, and the other daughter Mary soaked in the awful War-duty to act out that suffering Mother’s Eastern European former parental 3D gender War from way before. The bitter old Mother co-created her, own Inner War and set up June, and Mary sisters for her, own self-observa cation, but the Judge Mary-judged the empath June, so badly in her, that after June died, Mary(male/female) joined our V of L powerful healing group.
My part was to play the male-sensitive intuit empath in this former Masters-group, so the old European bitter marriage before became my, own same tiny 3D evil criminal judge generational echo from way before both appearances at once. Mary hated the, only male in the group `me, just like her Mother’s severe judgmental contempt for Mary’s ex-father. Every time we as a, very sensitive group got to the point of tap Tap TAP>too much for Mary to handle she would completely destroy our group sensitivity, required for absentee healing energy to be sent far and away thousands of miles to one of our group members, sick other Mother too.
We noticed our group energy was, too much for Mary to handle and we asked her to step out in the hallway, any time we were going to get all warmed up with empathy enough to heal another’s Mother in Kansas, just like Mary’s Mother needed and, never got to receive before she, already died of Mary-projected daughter/sister_June bitterness. I was startled to watch a Master set Mary outside in the hall, but that gave Mary the chance to make her choice to stop tipping over her family tap, and come back in our group later, or leave us to our Healing group’s intention Wonder.
A few, very kind MPD’s told me I had many alters that they had, even talked with before without my knowing about it, but their healing message was for me to understand how badly we judge our little-child inside-alters, and the job of the Host(me) was to thank all my Mary-type alters for taking the terrible hit for my 3D parent’s War from my, own awful tiny 3D family befores. I had internalized my Parent War with, both being unknown empaths, and both projecting the other-gender judgmental stasis of our collective out onto each other, all projected out onto their children split right in Patsy-two too.
Some one among us is, very sensitive and, also has carried their 3D family’s War along with them like Mary had done in our intentional healing group, while she also hated me as if I was her Mother’s ex-husband she shunned out of June and Mary’s life already too. For a short while Mary was successful projecting her, own Mother’s man-hate onto me, but I was clear enough, by that alter-healing acceptance-time to be able to function, without Mary playing her awful Mother judge out in our wonderful healing group, that gave Mary out-in-the-hall the opportunity to come back in any time she could behave herself, and wanted to own her Mother’s judge-part.
All 14 of us had come from, all over the World and we spoke three different main languages too, but when each of us were feeling in our, own language we, all learned that feelings are Universal, and we became as Universal as our precious feelings, became a sort of metaphorical alter-empathy too. We all were spending thousands of dollars to become part of the experiential advanced degree absentee-healing effort, so asking Mary to go out into the hall, also meant a possible Money-loss for her too.
Once Mary realized how much an empath she, really was, and knew her other judge-alter was created by her 3D Mother-judge, not her own, Mary became a, very grateful part of our healing group again, after she chose to stop judging herself, and me-the 3D Male-intuit Patsy for killing her sister June Mother-killer in Shame-blame transference. What brought us altogether was the same sort of miracle healing Voyage of Light adventures we had, all experienced as healers do suffer, as judged empaths in our evil 3D tiny gender criminal Earth Matrix.
Very reactionary judgmental alters inside me, never allowed my sweet innocent alters to be empaths, until I thanked all my alters for taking the hit for, so much violence in my former 3d evil tiny gender ID family playing all the tapes from before. What all my alters and I, also added to our intuitive appreciation is we, all learned how to Listen to each other inside so, even the alters began to help heal each other too, just like Mary, finally got a chance to do when she became ‘aware’ of her Mothers patsy-projection blame on her wasn’t hers to have to deal with any more.
Sure this may seem complicated enough to lose focus, but the main aspect in, all this is to start appreciating the empaths out-in-the-hall in all of us, and stop doing the Mary-alter thing, so we can become an example for Earth to see how, very sensitive empathy TOP tip=over tap trappings requires, not pretending anyone isn’t bringing our old 3D evil family tiny gender ID projection-isms righty smack back in the Mary-middle of our opportunity to resume healing either, without Mother-narcissism Family Triangulation, not Listening(judging) stopping our empathic, so called 3D evil tiny gender ID Earth-wily ways.
Is there a Ghost-judge in the Mary-house that, still won’t allow an empathic alter to function freely without reacting, still? Oh yeah there is, and I wonder who Voyages of Light can’t be, considering we wouldn’t, even be here if we weren’t, already so out-in-the-hall Mary-empathic we don’t miss tap Tap TAP Mary>TOP tip=over tap feeling everything? Who isn’t running things if it isn’t our 3D Parents, still working it, with, or without our, even evil tiny gender ID realizing its(Plural) in sister/brother siblin-gate all of us with two Shame-criminal Mary-type Patsy Alter-parents?
tap Tap TAP the bad Earth plumbing gender-hate won’t stop leaking out all over every body…
We all need to call, the Earth-plumber, and get a Mary-grip on ourselves
It’s not, even our plumbing that, still needs Parent-fixing anyways
what a human sallow stain it leaves on the porcelain
so who’s been pissing in the Parent-sink again
Maybe we all need a hall Alter-pass
A burro beast of Euro-burden
Mary MPD Choice
OSHO: The Fear of Knowing Oneself ...
Tap Tap TAP>TOP tip=over tap | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/10/2019 04:36:00 AM