Awakening Your Angelic Body of Love by Archangel Michael
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
I am Archangel Michael; I extend my blessings and love to you now from the depths of my soul, allow yourself the freedom to bathe in my light and the love I wish to embrace you with. I, Archangel Michael, am the angelic representative of the first ray of light holding the Creator’s will and divine plan, alongside Archangel Faith my feminine aspect. Archangel Faith is present as I connect with you and you may wish to ask her energies to blend with your own assisting you in enhancing your inner faith in yourself and all that is the Creator. Archangel Faith is waiting to assist you and will only ever share with you the purest vibration of love.
We are here to support you and to love you unconditionally, we act as representatives of the Creator’s love; we hold and channel the Creator’s love of the highest vibration and purest qualities through our beings to all. Love is the only truth; everything else is simply an illusion. When you allow yourself to bathe in the purity of love you will allow yourself to transform like a butterfly into all that your soul spiritually desires you to achieve and embody in your current lifetime on the Earth. We offer you our love as a hand of truth to lift you up and inspire you to realise that the Creator is ever present within you.
Love is the essence of the Creator; it is appropriate that love is the focus of humanity and all lightworkers so all may discover and unite with the essence of the Creator fully. Love is healing, transformational and enlightening, it aligns you to all that you need and all that is the Creator.
Twelve Phases of Your Angelic Body of Love
Our purpose today is to align you with, anchor and activate the twelve phases of integration that allow for the embodiment of your Angelic Body of Love. The twelve phases of integration symbolise twelve qualities of the Creator which the Angelic Kingdom transmit through their existence. Each quality when activated within your being allows for you to further realise, embody and express your Angelic Body of Love. The twelve phases of your Angelic Body of Love embodiment are:
Purity – Recognising the purity and simplicity of your vibration, being and the Creator.Connection – Seeing, sensing and acknowledging the reflection of the Creator in yourself, others and all.
Inner Power – Harnessing the strength and divinity within you to act, react and exist from the space of loving power within your being that creates magnificence.
Peace – Moving beyond the illusions of thoughts, chaos, and uncertainty to recognise the presence of tranquillity and harmony within you; an inner knowingness that all is well.
Healing – The Restoration of your entire being on all levels to your original state of Creator alignment, embodiment, and expression.
Unity – Your natural oneness with all that is the Creator, a sense of equality, respect and harmony within yourself, between you and all, and you and the Creator.
Trust – An unwavering knowingness and intuition within you which constantly guides you appropriately to navigate your life and spiritual evolution with ease.
Joy – A sense of elation and happiness that dawns from within your being, often from alignment and harmony with all that you are as the Creator.
Expansion – The willingness to continuously move beyond your limitations and the illusions of life to focus upon the truth emerging from within your being as expressed to you from the Creator.
Awareness of Self – Recognising self as not an individual but the entire Universe of the Creator.
Bliss – The euphoria of being present with the Creator and knowing the Creator is present with you.
Unconditional Love – Selfless constant expression of love to self and others.
Take time to contemplate each quality and phase, realising how enthusing each quality within your being will impact your life and spiritual reality. Recognise how some qualities may feel embodied by you more than others.
The purpose of anchoring and activating all twelve phases and qualities of your Angelic Body of Love is to balance each quality within your being. Therefore, creating a greater equilibrium and alignment with yourself and the Creator within your entire being. Thus, you experience yourself more fully as an embodiment of love, existing as a beacon of love for yourself and others upon the Earth.
Awakening the Twelve Phases of Your Angelic Body of Love
I, Archangel Michael, wish to share with you an invocation to support you in experiencing an awakening and embodiment of the twelve phases of your Angelic Body of Love thus boosting your experience and expression of unconditional love.
Simply say out loud or silently,
‘I invoke Archangel Michael, Archangel Faith and the Angelic Kingdom to draw close to me now. Support me in receiving and recognising with ease your energies as they pour into my being. Please charge my entire being with your nurturing and tender vibrations of Creator and Angelic love. It is my wish to anchor and activate within me the twelve phases of my Angelic Body of Love.
I now gratefully receive, activate within me and embody the qualities of Purity (breathe deeply and receive), Connection (breathe deeply and receive), Inner Power (breathe deeply and receive), Peace (breathe deeply and receive), Healing (breathe deeply and receive), Unity (breathe deeply and receive), Trust (breathe deeply and receive), Joy (breathe deeply and receive), Expansion (breathe deeply and receive), Awareness of Self (breathe deeply and receive), Bliss (breathe deeply and receive), and Unconditional Love (breathe deeply and receive).
I receive the qualities and phases of embodiment from the Angelic Body of Love. Let these qualities be prominent in my reality, assisting me in the most positive and blissful way while influencing my spiritual growth appropriately. Allow me to experience the integration of the qualities as a body of love and also as individual qualities of the Creator. I open myself fully to experience this now.
I experience the full merge of the Angelic Body of Love from the Angelic Kingdom with my entire being.
I experience the full awakening and embodiment of my Angelic Body of love from within my essence, allowing love to pulsate throughout my entire being. I am a beacon love; unconditional love.
I ask that the more love I absorb and hold, the more love the Earth holds in order to bring forth a true manifestation of love for the Mother Earth and humanity.
I am the twelve Phases of my Angelic Body of Love, let this be so now.’
Continuing and Energising Your Embodiment of the Twelve Phases of Your Angelic Body of Love
Once you have achieved the invocation then you can simply call upon the Angelic Kingdom in the morning, asking them to anchor into your being and the Earth throughout the entire day, the twelve phases of your Angelic Body of Love to integrate fully. Through this process of integration and your work with the Angelic Kingdom you will build your own body of love and begin to convert the consciousness and energy vibration of your entire being into a powerful pure vibrational love, therefore allowing you to exist as the Creator on the Earth.
With deep appreciation and the Angelic quality of abundance,
Archangel Michael and the Angelic Kingdom
Awakening your Angelic Body of Love | Archangel Michael via Natalie Glasson
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/10/2019 06:24:00 AM