Me: Ivo, Jesus dropped a truth bomb in the Course in Miracles last night. I need to discuss this. Sometimes I think it's confusing because of the way I accept the truths he's saying, and this would pertain to the “absorption factor” in other truths as well, including what you tell me. They get absorbed into my psyche at differing rates than would otherwise be beneficial. I think linear fashion would be best, one truth growing from the previous truth like they used to teach us in school.
Ivo: My love, your lessons are circular. What you need to learn will always come back to you.
Me: He's saying that all we see around us is a projection of our own minds. Period. Our mind creates the reality that we see. Which makes sense because I don't see John Smith's reality from down the street, and I don't see life his way. Maybe John is one of the bikers who drives up and down the street, and I don't see life his way, no not at all. What I see is a reflection of my beliefs.
We discussed this in another video about acceptance and we basically said that Life “is” and it's not bad and it's not good, so stop judging it as bad or good and just accept it, whether you like the reality that's in front of you or not. Maybe you just saw someone get stabbed on the street and you don't like that reality. Saying, “I don't believe it!” doesn't help you at all because you're rejecting the reality you're creating. Or saying, “Oh! That's bad!” doesn't help either. It just is. Accept it.
I think my reluctance to do this would come back to the fact that for me, a non-reaction might imply I don't care and that's not the case at all. However I'd be the one to either help the victim, or chase down the knife person or at least get a license plate and a description. I'd get involved. That's for sure so I do care.
Ivo: Of course you care. One of the truths you say about yourself is that you cannot stop caring and that is quite true of you. You did not come here to be nonchalant.
Me: No. I came here to be a galactivist.
So Jesus says and I'm paraphrasing: “Stop attacking the world. You are playing with your own consciousness. You are seeing your own beliefs, thoughts and ideas manifested in front of you in form, so when you attack that form you are literally attacking a part of your own mind.
That causes you suffering because you don't understand what you're doing – you're literally attacking your own mind. This sets up fear and guilt within the mind. When you forgive the world and understand why - because it is a projection of your own mind, playing out for you to see you understand that your part in salvation is so important because you are helping to manufacture a dangerous and violent world when you have unloving thoughts in your mind. You are literally creating a world from your beliefs and ideas.
Once you understand this principle you will evolve very quickly, and have a deep acceptance and surrender. You can remove those ideas from your mind - they are your enemies, they are not there to benefit you.”
So he says to forgive the world for all the errors I have made. That's the first thing. I can see that – I was taught the wrong things and have behaved contrarily to universal law as a result. I've corrected some of that as I've gone along through my life.
But then he says everything you see around you is a reflection of your mind. That scares me! I must have a scary mind because there are bikers living up the street, a gang no less, the girl that used to live above me is a hooker prostituting herself to support her drug habit.....
Ivo: And where did you learn this to be true?
Me: From 70's cop shows I used to watch.
Ivo: (smiling) So you are living your 70's cop show dream.
Me: Oh god! Yeah, but prostitutes and bike gangs do exist. Why did I end up among them?
Ivo: Yes, because of your low income. You are also here to hold light in your low vibrational town.
Me: So everything I learned existed even though at the time I had no idea of it has appeared within my life at some time or another.
Ivo: (smiling) I would suggest you occupy yourself with things other than your “who done it” TV shows. You still watch them on youtube because you like to guess who the suspect is and it does fascinate you, the science of CSI for example. However, by broadcasting these shows upon television, your controllers are offering up these roles to the people of earth to fulfill. You saw the people who grew beards and wore clothes such as the Duck Dynasty characters.
Me: Yeah. I did.
Ivo: And you complain that ever since the Cougars show came out, you are being flirted with by 20 year olds who now suddenly think you are sexy. You also remember the men in the bars in the 80's who dressed like Don Johnson – in white suits with no socks and pink ties – because they watched the television show, Miami Vice. So you see how much influence television has on the people around you. Because you watched it as well and still watch youtube, you recognize the characters around you as one big campy television show.
Me: Yeah, my life feels really cheap now.
Ivo: (laughing) So, then turn your focus to higher mind. Begin to physically manifest the reality that you feel would be more enlightening and more spiritual. When you move, you will set about doing this. But you see how television has created the reality for the actors on this stage and you are seeing it played out in front of you. Yes, you are co-creating this as well. Co-create a different reality – one of being more spiritual. One of love.
Me: I'm speechless, Ivo.
Ivo: You then see the control the deep state has had over you and your mind and the mind of others around you.
Me: Maybe the bikers came first, then the TV shows came afterwards.
Ivo: No. They came around the same time. You see the younger people drive the imported bikes that are noisier and faster than the Harleys. The Harleys pertain to people who are around their 50's and 60's and will eventually go out of style, try as they may to merchandise their brand as you see they have outlets in tourist locations such as Niagara Falls. They will become a thing of the past.
Speaking of merchandising, of course everything is merchandised from these TV shows and from advertising and this sets you up to live the lifestyle as depicted on the television. That is one reason I say to turn it off. Create your own reality.
You have simply created your own television show right in front of you. Everyone behaving as the actors in these shows.
Me: I used to think that my autistic brother was the only one affected by the tv. I see I am because I've got all the actors around me and they have been for a while. That's gross (that's an attack on my own mind.)
Ivo: You are not the only one affected. But you must disaffect yourself now. Refuse to watch anything that the matrix puts out to influence your mind. Create for yourself. Start with what you know you love: spirituality, flowers, nature, peace and quiet – and build a new reality for yourself there. Even if you are the only one who enjoys it, create it for yourself.
Me: But then I'll go out into the city and see that the tv actors are all still there.
Ivo: Just watch.
Your minds are very powerful. You can create any reality you want. What you must do is accept the reality you now have and forgive the world for teaching you to believe in it. Do not attack the reality that you have created, such as calling it gross, but envision a new reality for yourself, which you do on a regular basis.
Your new reality encompasses peace and quiet and flying saucers and visitations from myself and other Ets. And so you shall create that. One of the first steps in the disclosure movement.
Your new reality will encompass helping others in financial need and to purify the drinking water of the first nations people in your country or elsewhere if necessary. You will attempt to end suffering for many. That is your new reality and you are impatient to get started but understand it will start when you and all others that are creating it are ready. And you are not yet.
Your collective ability to hold this light quotient to meet these high standards of living is not there yet. It is not high enough. So we tell you all the time – raise your vibration. The best way to raise your vibration is to purify your intentions. See our last video on becoming a 5D. There are some good suggestions in there for all. Another way is to stop exposing yourself to lower vibrational influences.
Me: So he says, 1. Forgive the world for misteaching me, and 2. Stop attacking your reality because it's your mind that created it.
Ivo: Love it and let it go. Accept it. You will change to a new reality now that you are awake and aware. You will attract the people you need to help co-create this new reality that is not based on anything you typically see on your television screens. You have visitors coming next month who are part of this new reality.
You understand that you are still reassessing what you have understood to be true and what you have lived by as the truth for so long as you observe your neighbours drinking beer on the back porch on Friday nights for example. That was what you at one point believed that the future would entail and although you have no objection to relaxing, you do not allow alcohol in your life anymore. Going through an ascension process is about releasing everything of lower vibration. Lower vibrational energies cannot be sustained at higher levels. It all has to go. At this point many of you are still a mix of the old and the new.
Me: Yes.
Ivo: And we will be in your new reality – we of the higher dimensions.
Me: That's why I can't wait!
Ivo: Be patient. It will come.
Me: Thank you Ivo.
(#316) ACIM Lesson #115 With Jesus' Commentary
YouTube: SharonandIvoStewart
Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart | July 13, 2019
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/13/2019 09:38:00 PM