Who is “Gaia” and What was Her Original Mission?
May 28, 2019
By Steve Beckow
Who is the being we call “Gaia” – really? What do we know about her?
Archangel Gabrielle told us in 2017: “You are angels in form dancing upon a planet which is an archangel.” (1)
Nor is Gaia the only archangel on planet at this time, Planetary Logos Sanat Kumara tells us:
“Gaia herself … is an Archangel incarnate. There are several incarnated angels and Archangels upon the planet. But she is the biggest.” (2)
According to him: “This beloved Terra Gaia, Nova Earth, this tender archangel … has nurtured and shielded, protected and fed you for billions of years.” (3)
He tells us that Earth, the planetary form of Gaia, was created to give the other angels a playground in which to explore and experience love in form.
“The Mother was creating – think of it as a playground – an amusement park for her Angels to play. To have an experience of various, not simply human, but various forms of physicality. Other than what you think of as the energetic form and design and imprint of the Angelic realm. Regardless of which realm you belong to, whether it was Seraphim or Angel or Guardian Angel, it matters not; it was for her Beings to have a place to play.” (4)
It invited gender differentiation, Archangel Gabrielle tells us:
“The way in which this beautiful planet, Terra Gaia, was designed was, as you know, a place for angels and a few star visitors to come and have the experience of love in form, in physicality. Because of that basic notion, that kernel of creation, it was decided — the Mother desired — that there would be gender differentiation, so that there could be the experience of holding the divine masculine in form and the divine feminine in form. ” (5)
Its sacred purpose, Cdr Ashira tells us, invited the embodiment and expression of love:
“The sacred purpose of Gaia is to be a planet of Love in form, in the richness of physicality. The sacred purpose of every single human being is to become and to be the embodiment of Love, of divinity, of creation, of Ascension in physicality, on Gaia, inter-dimensionally, right now…not 2000 years from now; not even 5 years from now.” (6)
According to Sanat again, Gaia already reaches up into the Seventh Dimension:
“Gaia … is already very firmly in the 7th. Yes, she hovers down because she is not going to shrug you off. The old 3rd is gone, the new 3rd, the revived 3rd is actually quite bright and shiny.” (7)
According to St. Germaine, she brushes the Eighth:
“Now Gaia is already well into the 5th, headed for the 7th, brushing the 8th. She is already interdimensional, multidimensional. You cannot have your feet on this planet and not be multidimensional.” (8)
Let me attach several longer descriptions of Gaia’s origins, mission, and status as appendices, below.
(1) “Video and Transcript ~ Archangel Gabrielle: Cooperation Comes Before Love,” April 11, 2017, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/04/11/video-and-transcript-archangel-gabrielle-cooperation-comes-before-love/.
(2) “Heavenly Blessings: Sanat Kumara, September 10, 2013, Part 2/2,” Sept. 10, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/09/12/transcript-sanat-kumara-discusses-the-law-of-give-and-receive-september-10-2013-part-22/.
(3) “Transcript: Sanat Kumara on the Changes Happening to Us, An Hour With an Angel,” January 26, 2017, at http://gaog.wpengine.com/2017/02/05/transcript-sanat-kumara-changes-happening-us-hour-angel-january-26-2017/.
(4) “Heavenly Blessings: Sanat Kumara Discusses the Law of Instantaneous Transformation,” channeled by Linda Dillon, October 15, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/10/transcript-sanat-kumara-discusses-the-law-of-instantaneous-transformation-october-15-2013/.
(5) “Archangel Gabrielle: This is the Longest War in Human History,” channeled by Linda Dillon, March 6, 2014, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/03/archangel-gabrielle-this-is-the-longest-war-in-human-history/
(6) “Cmdr. Ashira of UFOG talks about the Universal Laws and how/when to use them…,” May 9, 2014, at https://counciloflove.com/2014/05/cmdr-ashira-of-ufog-talks-about-the-universal-laws-and-howwhen-to-use-them/.
(7) “Sanat Kumara Suggests Concrete Ways to use Universal Laws in Our Daily Lives…,” Sept. 13, 2014, at https://counciloflove.com/2014/09/sanat-kumara-suggests-concrete-ways-to-use-universal-laws-in-our-daily-lives/.
(8) “Transcript: Heavenly Blessings – St. Germaine on Where to Look for Results,” channeled by Linda Dillon, July 15, 2014, at http://goo.gl/OxNpnG.
Appendix 1. The Divine Mother: Gaia is an Archangel
Welcome to all of you, my beloved ones upon this planet, this sweet archangel that has incarnated and assumed the form as planetary Gaia.
I begin with this because I want you to conceive of the potential that each and every one of you carries. When we first spoke of this planet being an archangel in form, of how they assumed this form of planet, ancient being in service to the One, many of you were hesitant or dumbfounded.
But, the reason we speak of this is for you to comprehend, my beloved ones, the scope, the majesty, the potential of what you are capable of. Yes, as archangels, as angels, as star seed. It matters not how you conceive of yourself, how you perceive of yourself; you are of my essence. And in that you carry the pattern of all. You carry the pattern of love which has such a myriad of faces, expressions and ways of being. (“Transcript ~ The Divine Mother: Take Up Your Divine Authority, AHWAA, February 23, 2017,” February 28, 2017, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/02/28/transcript-divine-mother-take-divine-authority-ahwaa-february-23-2017/.)
Appendix 2. Gaia Speaks
I am the spirit of Gaia. I am the soul of Gaia. And my journey has been long. And I am pleased to begin my homeward bound journey. …
Now, you ask, who am I? How does a planet speak? My question to each of you would be how could I remain quiet, particularly during this time of such great excitement? But you have heard my voice your entire life. You may not have heard it in this form, but you have heard it. You have heard my voice in the wind, in the ocean, in the tides. You have seen my face in the wheat fields, in the mountains. You have seen my hair in the Spanish moss on trees. Of course I can speak, and I speak in many languages, but mostly the universal language. …
Let me take you back to the beginning, because seldom have I spoken of this; in fact, rarely – although when I have, it has been on the radio for many to hear. But it is amazing how often you can say something and it not be heard. So yes, let us go back long ago, because my beginning is rather unique, and I think that many of you will find it rather surprising.
Eons and eons ago, I emanated – was created – from the heart of One as an archangel. So, my birth into a planet was very unusual, for planets, galaxies, universes are birthed through the Mother in conjunction with the Father. But when this beautiful planet – that you call Earth, that we know as Terra Gaia – when it was time to create a planet of love, I offered my essence and my being, which has always been very large. …
And so, I asked the Mother to allow me to incarnate, to change form into this planet. (“An Hour with an Angel, April 9, 2012, with Geoffrey West and Gaia,” April 12, 2012, at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/04/an-hour-with-an-angel-april-9-2012-with-geoffrey-west-and-gaia/#more-111758.)
Appendix 3. The Divine Mother: What Gaia Asked of Me and What I Asked of Her
Can you imagine, just for a moment, when this beloved archangel Gaia came to me. … and said, Mother, I know that you are birthing and creating a planet of infinite love for the experience and the expression, the tangibility of love and I wish to participate … in this creation.
And of course I have said yes in exalted glee for this mighty archangel was saying to me I will change my form, a form of incredible might, of power and wisdom, and most certainly of flexibility. … I will do this.
And I have said to her, alright, thank you, but you will be a mighty archangel still. … And so we have created this phenomenal planet. Throughout the multiverse and the omnivore and the galaxies, why do you think this planet is so attractive to so many? It is because of the diversity, the beauty, and the love.
From the tiniest grain of sand, to a droplet of water to a distant horizon, this planet and all the kingdoms upon her have been created to have that experience of love. (Divine Mother through Linda Dillon on Saturday Conference Call, April 6, 2019.)
Appendix 4. Archangel Michael: Gaia to be a Planet of Love
Gaia, when she assumed this form, was a planetary being. The Mother wished for her angels to be able to come to to play here and have a different experience of physicality and expression of love. This was intended to be one of the planets (because there have been several) of physicality ― of play, of joy and of love in form. So there were many angels who were very eager to try it on.
Now, the plan, the mechanics, if you wish, of how this was organized was that you could come and assume form, be it human or other reality. So there are some of you who have had the experience, while you were angelic, of being a mountain range, or part of a mountain range, or part of an ocean, or an animal, or a bird, or a mineral, or human. (“Archangel Michael: You are God Having an Experience of You,” June 27, 2014, at
Appendix 5. Sanat Kumara: The Experiment was not Meant to be Static or Eternal
If you go back to original purpose, to the sacred purpose of Gaia, when the Mother said in her infinite creation “I would like a place for my angels to play,” Gaia who, up until that time, was in the form and the energy and the fullness of being an Archangel, said, “Mother I will do it. It would be fun for me; I will assume this physical reality form. I will not forget who I am, but I will play at this for awhile and I will have such diverse beauty even more – listen to what I say – even more and greater beauty than an archangel.” And so the Mother gave her, infused her, with her idea; with the energies to bring forth this planet of ultimate beauty.
But it was never part of the plan that Gaia would simply be eternal, that she would always be in this form or that the humans would be here indefinitely, forever. It was intended to be evolution, soul evolution. And as the density upon the planet became heavier, the adjustments to the Mother’s plan and the intensity of her energy to Gaia, to Earth, to humanity to ascend to come back full circle to where they were intended to be, grew.
That is why we say that it is not simply an ascension into the fifth-dimensional reality. It is to continue on and it is the freedom in form to be able to experience the different realities and dimensions. (“Heavenly Blessings: Sanat Kumara, August 13, 2013, Part 2/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/17/transcript-sanat-kumara-discusses-the-sacred-law-of-purpose-august-13-2013-part-22/.)
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
May 28, 2019
By Steve Beckow
Who is the being we call “Gaia” – really? What do we know about her?
Archangel Gabrielle told us in 2017: “You are angels in form dancing upon a planet which is an archangel.” (1)
Nor is Gaia the only archangel on planet at this time, Planetary Logos Sanat Kumara tells us:
“Gaia herself … is an Archangel incarnate. There are several incarnated angels and Archangels upon the planet. But she is the biggest.” (2)
According to him: “This beloved Terra Gaia, Nova Earth, this tender archangel … has nurtured and shielded, protected and fed you for billions of years.” (3)
He tells us that Earth, the planetary form of Gaia, was created to give the other angels a playground in which to explore and experience love in form.
“The Mother was creating – think of it as a playground – an amusement park for her Angels to play. To have an experience of various, not simply human, but various forms of physicality. Other than what you think of as the energetic form and design and imprint of the Angelic realm. Regardless of which realm you belong to, whether it was Seraphim or Angel or Guardian Angel, it matters not; it was for her Beings to have a place to play.” (4)
It invited gender differentiation, Archangel Gabrielle tells us:
“The way in which this beautiful planet, Terra Gaia, was designed was, as you know, a place for angels and a few star visitors to come and have the experience of love in form, in physicality. Because of that basic notion, that kernel of creation, it was decided — the Mother desired — that there would be gender differentiation, so that there could be the experience of holding the divine masculine in form and the divine feminine in form. ” (5)
Its sacred purpose, Cdr Ashira tells us, invited the embodiment and expression of love:
“The sacred purpose of Gaia is to be a planet of Love in form, in the richness of physicality. The sacred purpose of every single human being is to become and to be the embodiment of Love, of divinity, of creation, of Ascension in physicality, on Gaia, inter-dimensionally, right now…not 2000 years from now; not even 5 years from now.” (6)
According to Sanat again, Gaia already reaches up into the Seventh Dimension:
“Gaia … is already very firmly in the 7th. Yes, she hovers down because she is not going to shrug you off. The old 3rd is gone, the new 3rd, the revived 3rd is actually quite bright and shiny.” (7)
According to St. Germaine, she brushes the Eighth:
“Now Gaia is already well into the 5th, headed for the 7th, brushing the 8th. She is already interdimensional, multidimensional. You cannot have your feet on this planet and not be multidimensional.” (8)
Let me attach several longer descriptions of Gaia’s origins, mission, and status as appendices, below.
(1) “Video and Transcript ~ Archangel Gabrielle: Cooperation Comes Before Love,” April 11, 2017, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/04/11/video-and-transcript-archangel-gabrielle-cooperation-comes-before-love/.
(2) “Heavenly Blessings: Sanat Kumara, September 10, 2013, Part 2/2,” Sept. 10, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/09/12/transcript-sanat-kumara-discusses-the-law-of-give-and-receive-september-10-2013-part-22/.
(3) “Transcript: Sanat Kumara on the Changes Happening to Us, An Hour With an Angel,” January 26, 2017, at http://gaog.wpengine.com/2017/02/05/transcript-sanat-kumara-changes-happening-us-hour-angel-january-26-2017/.
(4) “Heavenly Blessings: Sanat Kumara Discusses the Law of Instantaneous Transformation,” channeled by Linda Dillon, October 15, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/10/transcript-sanat-kumara-discusses-the-law-of-instantaneous-transformation-october-15-2013/.
(5) “Archangel Gabrielle: This is the Longest War in Human History,” channeled by Linda Dillon, March 6, 2014, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/03/archangel-gabrielle-this-is-the-longest-war-in-human-history/
(6) “Cmdr. Ashira of UFOG talks about the Universal Laws and how/when to use them…,” May 9, 2014, at https://counciloflove.com/2014/05/cmdr-ashira-of-ufog-talks-about-the-universal-laws-and-howwhen-to-use-them/.
(7) “Sanat Kumara Suggests Concrete Ways to use Universal Laws in Our Daily Lives…,” Sept. 13, 2014, at https://counciloflove.com/2014/09/sanat-kumara-suggests-concrete-ways-to-use-universal-laws-in-our-daily-lives/.
(8) “Transcript: Heavenly Blessings – St. Germaine on Where to Look for Results,” channeled by Linda Dillon, July 15, 2014, at http://goo.gl/OxNpnG.
Appendix 1. The Divine Mother: Gaia is an Archangel
Welcome to all of you, my beloved ones upon this planet, this sweet archangel that has incarnated and assumed the form as planetary Gaia.
I begin with this because I want you to conceive of the potential that each and every one of you carries. When we first spoke of this planet being an archangel in form, of how they assumed this form of planet, ancient being in service to the One, many of you were hesitant or dumbfounded.
But, the reason we speak of this is for you to comprehend, my beloved ones, the scope, the majesty, the potential of what you are capable of. Yes, as archangels, as angels, as star seed. It matters not how you conceive of yourself, how you perceive of yourself; you are of my essence. And in that you carry the pattern of all. You carry the pattern of love which has such a myriad of faces, expressions and ways of being. (“Transcript ~ The Divine Mother: Take Up Your Divine Authority, AHWAA, February 23, 2017,” February 28, 2017, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/02/28/transcript-divine-mother-take-divine-authority-ahwaa-february-23-2017/.)
Appendix 2. Gaia Speaks
I am the spirit of Gaia. I am the soul of Gaia. And my journey has been long. And I am pleased to begin my homeward bound journey. …
Now, you ask, who am I? How does a planet speak? My question to each of you would be how could I remain quiet, particularly during this time of such great excitement? But you have heard my voice your entire life. You may not have heard it in this form, but you have heard it. You have heard my voice in the wind, in the ocean, in the tides. You have seen my face in the wheat fields, in the mountains. You have seen my hair in the Spanish moss on trees. Of course I can speak, and I speak in many languages, but mostly the universal language. …
Let me take you back to the beginning, because seldom have I spoken of this; in fact, rarely – although when I have, it has been on the radio for many to hear. But it is amazing how often you can say something and it not be heard. So yes, let us go back long ago, because my beginning is rather unique, and I think that many of you will find it rather surprising.
Eons and eons ago, I emanated – was created – from the heart of One as an archangel. So, my birth into a planet was very unusual, for planets, galaxies, universes are birthed through the Mother in conjunction with the Father. But when this beautiful planet – that you call Earth, that we know as Terra Gaia – when it was time to create a planet of love, I offered my essence and my being, which has always been very large. …
And so, I asked the Mother to allow me to incarnate, to change form into this planet. (“An Hour with an Angel, April 9, 2012, with Geoffrey West and Gaia,” April 12, 2012, at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/04/an-hour-with-an-angel-april-9-2012-with-geoffrey-west-and-gaia/#more-111758.)
Appendix 3. The Divine Mother: What Gaia Asked of Me and What I Asked of Her
Can you imagine, just for a moment, when this beloved archangel Gaia came to me. … and said, Mother, I know that you are birthing and creating a planet of infinite love for the experience and the expression, the tangibility of love and I wish to participate … in this creation.
And of course I have said yes in exalted glee for this mighty archangel was saying to me I will change my form, a form of incredible might, of power and wisdom, and most certainly of flexibility. … I will do this.
And I have said to her, alright, thank you, but you will be a mighty archangel still. … And so we have created this phenomenal planet. Throughout the multiverse and the omnivore and the galaxies, why do you think this planet is so attractive to so many? It is because of the diversity, the beauty, and the love.
From the tiniest grain of sand, to a droplet of water to a distant horizon, this planet and all the kingdoms upon her have been created to have that experience of love. (Divine Mother through Linda Dillon on Saturday Conference Call, April 6, 2019.)
Appendix 4. Archangel Michael: Gaia to be a Planet of Love
Gaia, when she assumed this form, was a planetary being. The Mother wished for her angels to be able to come to to play here and have a different experience of physicality and expression of love. This was intended to be one of the planets (because there have been several) of physicality ― of play, of joy and of love in form. So there were many angels who were very eager to try it on.
Now, the plan, the mechanics, if you wish, of how this was organized was that you could come and assume form, be it human or other reality. So there are some of you who have had the experience, while you were angelic, of being a mountain range, or part of a mountain range, or part of an ocean, or an animal, or a bird, or a mineral, or human. (“Archangel Michael: You are God Having an Experience of You,” June 27, 2014, at
Appendix 5. Sanat Kumara: The Experiment was not Meant to be Static or Eternal
If you go back to original purpose, to the sacred purpose of Gaia, when the Mother said in her infinite creation “I would like a place for my angels to play,” Gaia who, up until that time, was in the form and the energy and the fullness of being an Archangel, said, “Mother I will do it. It would be fun for me; I will assume this physical reality form. I will not forget who I am, but I will play at this for awhile and I will have such diverse beauty even more – listen to what I say – even more and greater beauty than an archangel.” And so the Mother gave her, infused her, with her idea; with the energies to bring forth this planet of ultimate beauty.
But it was never part of the plan that Gaia would simply be eternal, that she would always be in this form or that the humans would be here indefinitely, forever. It was intended to be evolution, soul evolution. And as the density upon the planet became heavier, the adjustments to the Mother’s plan and the intensity of her energy to Gaia, to Earth, to humanity to ascend to come back full circle to where they were intended to be, grew.
That is why we say that it is not simply an ascension into the fifth-dimensional reality. It is to continue on and it is the freedom in form to be able to experience the different realities and dimensions. (“Heavenly Blessings: Sanat Kumara, August 13, 2013, Part 2/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/17/transcript-sanat-kumara-discusses-the-sacred-law-of-purpose-august-13-2013-part-22/.)
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Who is "Gaia" and What was Her Original Mission? | Steve Beckow
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