Direct Contact with Pleiadian Extraterrestrials
May 28, 2019
By Suzanne Maresca

Thanks to Pippa for the heads-up on this emerging story. I followed the link she sent and found a website with three articles in English that reveal some rather compelling information relevant to us Earth-dwellers.
By way of background, the Pleiades is a star system also known as Messier 45 or the Seven Sisters. There are more than 1,000 stars in the system, with the largest eight having been given names rather than numbers…presumably by Earth scientists. Taygeta is one of them.
What follows is a synopsis of the text of the first two articles. First is the intro into how the contact came about, followed by Part One: Who Are We? There’s somewhat of a translation issue that can make reading the original challenging, so we present it here in an easier-to-read format.
All of this is from a series of communications directly between a young, female Pleiadian and a woman by the name of Gosha. A link to the website with the originals is at the bottom.
Introduction ~ September, 2018
Gosha is presenting this information. She wasn’t asked by the Pleiadians to share it, but she did feel that it couldn’t stay just with her. The extent of the knowledge is, indeed, extraordinary and impressive. It does need to be shared with everyone.
She describes the intel that comes through as absolutely genius information that fits in well with metaphysics and spirituality. It ties everything together nicely and makes perfect sense. It’s spiritually empowering, and of course, we must all decide for ourselves if it resonates as truth.
First contact between the two happened in December 2017. Since then it’s been regular, almost daily. The Pleiadian who communicates with her is named Swaruu, and they were introduced by a French woman she met at a ufology World Conference.
This group of Pleiadians have chosen to use the internet to communicate with Humans because they’ve found channeling to be unreliable way for them to get information to us. It avoids distortions, misrepresentations and the Human filter. The decision to start using the internet to get the message across was made by the Federation in June, 2017.
They’re restricted to using technology that’s currently available to us because of non-interference laws that they adhere to. This group has been in contact with many people around the world in all different languages.
Many different extraterrestrial races exist and they all have different technologies.
Who are they?
Those bringing these messages are mostly from Erra and Temmer, planets in orbit around the Sun, Taygeta, in the Messier 45 Star System, 422 light years away from Earth. They make up a task force of nearly 18,000 Taygetans in several ships.
They come from the Fifth Density, a term they prefer to use over ‘dimension.’ All outside of Earth is Fifth Density in the normal universe (including their ships), and only Earth is kept in super-dense Third Density. They don’t observe densities in the same way that we do. Rather, they see everything as a whole gradient of softly rising frequencies.
Space Craft and What They’re doing Here
Their ships are placed in orbit at a height above Earth in accordance with their individual tasks. The two larger craft are mostly stationary command-and-control vessels. The smaller, more agile ones have numerous tasks, including shuttling back and forth between the motherships.
One of the two large craft is a science vessel, the other is dedicated to enforcing the blockade. As you can imagine, the blockade is for keeping hostile forces from coming to Earth to reinforce the negative entities here already.
Another task of the blockade is to stop the smuggling of Humans for slavery and food to be sold in the black marketplaces on Orion and Zeta Reticuli.
The blockade is enforced mostly by three races: Taygetans in command-and-control, Alfratars from Alpha Centauri, and Antarians.
What was said about the Secret Space Program (“SSP”) wasn’t entirely clear, so we’ll go with what is clear and leave the rest to the reader to discern more. A link to the website with this information is at the bottom.
There’s quite a lot of space traffic around the planet at this time. Most of the large ships are under Federation control but there are others. Some are SSP, others are reptilian (tall white) or Maytree (tall grey) ships.
The Van Allen Belts mark the barrier of Fifth Density. They’re reluctant to label their smaller craft as fighter ships because of the way it sounds. I’ll refer to them as Lightships.
When we notice a Lightship in the sky, what we’re actually seeing is the ionization that occurs in the atmosphere as a result of the engine’s heating the surrounding ‘air’ molecules. Basically, it’s the ship’s exhaust we’re seeing.
There are 19 Alfratan fighter ships called the Black Knight Satellite that stay in low-Earth orbit. They’re like birds of prey looking for cabal, reptilian or other negative ships.
More Pleiadians are coming, mainly from the planets mentioned. For the most part, they come using what they call full immersion technology. Rather than be here in corporeal form, they access a computerized virtual reality where they hack into the digital matrix that controls Earth. Through this system, they appear and function as a human to achieve their mission or purpose.
Genetic Similarities and Differences
The Pleiadians are from the same Illyrian branch as Humans. The primary difference stems from their 12 strength (strand?), 24 chromosome DNA and our 2 strand, 23 chromosome DNA.
Their nervous systems and sexual organs are subsequently different from that of Humans. Their brains aren’t separated into right and left lobes, so there’s no conflict between the hemispheres. They think holographically in their understanding of duality, and they can see in the dark like cats can.
Their bodies are able to process oxygen more efficiently and their recovery time from physical activity is a lot faster. In addition, the mix of atmospheric gases on their planets and in their ships is the inverse of ours here on the surface of Earth. They’re at 78% oxygen and 20% nitrogen, and we live with a 20% oxygen level with 78% nitrogen.
Skeletal problems are rare for them because the gravity they experience is 80% that of Earth.
Most of them speak more than 10 Earth languages, and they’re learned mostly by telepathic download passed in bulk between them.
Their population is roughly 75 percent female, but it’s fairly balanced from a reproductive standpoint. The reason for that is that most females are very old and not interested in having a mate. They may be elders, but they do still have the bodies of younger women, depending on what they wish to look like.
Most babies are female, because most souls are interested in being female. Nearly everything there [in their society at home] is for women. It’s easier to have a project as a woman because they’re more respected in professional science and art circles.
Taygeta men are mostly interested in love and relationships, romance, sports and entertainment. Rarely are they into science and politics. Even if there are many more women in Pleiadian populations, most are not interested in men. Yet the men are nearly all interested in women, so it’s balanced.
Their native language is similar to Navaho, with a touch of Japanese. It’s verbal telepathic, meaning that individual words are loaded with extensive telepathic data. Each word is a vehicle for the telepathic load. They speak with their mouths like we do, but as they talk, they also load details to other words, passing close to 1,000% more data than a normal Earth language does per phrase.
It’s our perceptions and our frequency that determine our experience. They aren’t Earth Humans from the future. There is no future as it’s all occurring now…but it can be said that they’re from the future because traveling through space using a warp drive engine is time-traveling.
Humans are of Lyrian descent and that of countless other civilizations. Lyrians are the oldest known human-looking race.
Link to the original articles ~
Stay tuned for Part Two as well as a post about what kind of information they’ll be sharing.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
May 28, 2019
By Suzanne Maresca

Thanks to Pippa for the heads-up on this emerging story. I followed the link she sent and found a website with three articles in English that reveal some rather compelling information relevant to us Earth-dwellers.
By way of background, the Pleiades is a star system also known as Messier 45 or the Seven Sisters. There are more than 1,000 stars in the system, with the largest eight having been given names rather than numbers…presumably by Earth scientists. Taygeta is one of them.
What follows is a synopsis of the text of the first two articles. First is the intro into how the contact came about, followed by Part One: Who Are We? There’s somewhat of a translation issue that can make reading the original challenging, so we present it here in an easier-to-read format.
All of this is from a series of communications directly between a young, female Pleiadian and a woman by the name of Gosha. A link to the website with the originals is at the bottom.
Introduction ~ September, 2018
Gosha is presenting this information. She wasn’t asked by the Pleiadians to share it, but she did feel that it couldn’t stay just with her. The extent of the knowledge is, indeed, extraordinary and impressive. It does need to be shared with everyone.
She describes the intel that comes through as absolutely genius information that fits in well with metaphysics and spirituality. It ties everything together nicely and makes perfect sense. It’s spiritually empowering, and of course, we must all decide for ourselves if it resonates as truth.
First contact between the two happened in December 2017. Since then it’s been regular, almost daily. The Pleiadian who communicates with her is named Swaruu, and they were introduced by a French woman she met at a ufology World Conference.
This group of Pleiadians have chosen to use the internet to communicate with Humans because they’ve found channeling to be unreliable way for them to get information to us. It avoids distortions, misrepresentations and the Human filter. The decision to start using the internet to get the message across was made by the Federation in June, 2017.
They’re restricted to using technology that’s currently available to us because of non-interference laws that they adhere to. This group has been in contact with many people around the world in all different languages.
Many different extraterrestrial races exist and they all have different technologies.
Who are they?
Those bringing these messages are mostly from Erra and Temmer, planets in orbit around the Sun, Taygeta, in the Messier 45 Star System, 422 light years away from Earth. They make up a task force of nearly 18,000 Taygetans in several ships.
They come from the Fifth Density, a term they prefer to use over ‘dimension.’ All outside of Earth is Fifth Density in the normal universe (including their ships), and only Earth is kept in super-dense Third Density. They don’t observe densities in the same way that we do. Rather, they see everything as a whole gradient of softly rising frequencies.
Space Craft and What They’re doing Here
Their ships are placed in orbit at a height above Earth in accordance with their individual tasks. The two larger craft are mostly stationary command-and-control vessels. The smaller, more agile ones have numerous tasks, including shuttling back and forth between the motherships.
One of the two large craft is a science vessel, the other is dedicated to enforcing the blockade. As you can imagine, the blockade is for keeping hostile forces from coming to Earth to reinforce the negative entities here already.
Another task of the blockade is to stop the smuggling of Humans for slavery and food to be sold in the black marketplaces on Orion and Zeta Reticuli.
The blockade is enforced mostly by three races: Taygetans in command-and-control, Alfratars from Alpha Centauri, and Antarians.
What was said about the Secret Space Program (“SSP”) wasn’t entirely clear, so we’ll go with what is clear and leave the rest to the reader to discern more. A link to the website with this information is at the bottom.
There’s quite a lot of space traffic around the planet at this time. Most of the large ships are under Federation control but there are others. Some are SSP, others are reptilian (tall white) or Maytree (tall grey) ships.
The Van Allen Belts mark the barrier of Fifth Density. They’re reluctant to label their smaller craft as fighter ships because of the way it sounds. I’ll refer to them as Lightships.
When we notice a Lightship in the sky, what we’re actually seeing is the ionization that occurs in the atmosphere as a result of the engine’s heating the surrounding ‘air’ molecules. Basically, it’s the ship’s exhaust we’re seeing.
There are 19 Alfratan fighter ships called the Black Knight Satellite that stay in low-Earth orbit. They’re like birds of prey looking for cabal, reptilian or other negative ships.
More Pleiadians are coming, mainly from the planets mentioned. For the most part, they come using what they call full immersion technology. Rather than be here in corporeal form, they access a computerized virtual reality where they hack into the digital matrix that controls Earth. Through this system, they appear and function as a human to achieve their mission or purpose.
Genetic Similarities and Differences
The Pleiadians are from the same Illyrian branch as Humans. The primary difference stems from their 12 strength (strand?), 24 chromosome DNA and our 2 strand, 23 chromosome DNA.
Their nervous systems and sexual organs are subsequently different from that of Humans. Their brains aren’t separated into right and left lobes, so there’s no conflict between the hemispheres. They think holographically in their understanding of duality, and they can see in the dark like cats can.
Their bodies are able to process oxygen more efficiently and their recovery time from physical activity is a lot faster. In addition, the mix of atmospheric gases on their planets and in their ships is the inverse of ours here on the surface of Earth. They’re at 78% oxygen and 20% nitrogen, and we live with a 20% oxygen level with 78% nitrogen.
Skeletal problems are rare for them because the gravity they experience is 80% that of Earth.
Most of them speak more than 10 Earth languages, and they’re learned mostly by telepathic download passed in bulk between them.
Their population is roughly 75 percent female, but it’s fairly balanced from a reproductive standpoint. The reason for that is that most females are very old and not interested in having a mate. They may be elders, but they do still have the bodies of younger women, depending on what they wish to look like.
Most babies are female, because most souls are interested in being female. Nearly everything there [in their society at home] is for women. It’s easier to have a project as a woman because they’re more respected in professional science and art circles.
Taygeta men are mostly interested in love and relationships, romance, sports and entertainment. Rarely are they into science and politics. Even if there are many more women in Pleiadian populations, most are not interested in men. Yet the men are nearly all interested in women, so it’s balanced.
Their native language is similar to Navaho, with a touch of Japanese. It’s verbal telepathic, meaning that individual words are loaded with extensive telepathic data. Each word is a vehicle for the telepathic load. They speak with their mouths like we do, but as they talk, they also load details to other words, passing close to 1,000% more data than a normal Earth language does per phrase.
It’s our perceptions and our frequency that determine our experience. They aren’t Earth Humans from the future. There is no future as it’s all occurring now…but it can be said that they’re from the future because traveling through space using a warp drive engine is time-traveling.
Humans are of Lyrian descent and that of countless other civilizations. Lyrians are the oldest known human-looking race.
Link to the original articles ~
Stay tuned for Part Two as well as a post about what kind of information they’ll be sharing.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Direct Contact with Pleiadian Extraterrestrials | Suzanne Maresca
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/28/2019 06:15:00 PM