Published on May 8, 2019
My gratitude to Meditative Mind on YouTube for many of the selections that I use for my videos.
The images and music do not belong to me and no copyright infringement is intended
~Young Lightworkers~
Beloved Ones We Greet You, There is much to celebrate on your earth plane, as a sacred juncture has been forged through the ‘Awakening of the Dove’. The blessed Christ light is active on your planet and resides alive within your sacred Hearts. The Holy Spirit is interweaving through your path.
This is your time to begin another step as you have come to a crossroad. Through this active arising light, which is within you, you are given natural access to the Higher Realms. The opening has been created and is wide open for you to engage.
This doorway is your access to your higher elements of consciousness, opening you into a communion within your resident Universe. There is a heartbeat that is birthing within you. This is like a pulse, that links you to Home and to a sacred communion to the God light of Self, which exists within the Universal realms.
Open up to your Heart and reclaim your place within this communion. Now is your time to take your place.
1. Hold your Heart, and use the Conscious breath. Let your awareness open through the space of your heart.
2. Use the Conscious breath, and Let go… Let go.
3. Use the sacred sound, HANN….(pronounced harnnnn…) Build the sound within your Heart.
4. Let go and keep building the energy with your sound and allow your sound to flow. Follow the echo that begins to build through your Heart. Keep breathing and letting go, forging the connections and allowing your awareness to open further and further within the space of your Heart.
Blessed are you, we hold you and witness you as you enter this crossroad of transformation.
The Pleiadians
Pleiadian Message for May 2019 via Christine Day | Young Lightworkers Channel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/09/2019 11:49:00 AM