OSHO: The Compulsion to Reach Power
Opening, accepting, and receiving “Female Iniquity” in Yesterday’s Holy Spirit devotion all day meditation, has opened up “Another Unconscious Lifetime”, already accepted, and on the way to becoming received as, even more relief to be able to witness the rotting way of female man-hate gone Millennial Entitlement Political Narcissism viral.
“Who o o feelings” secure my old roots in a tortured slave lifetime, that compares beautifully with my last lifetime as a Mother-mercenary ‘female iniquity’ role to triangulate a husband>>>rocket to the Moon, as if he had not, even existed there with my Lover Son, and I. I sobbed when I watched a You Tube Video of “Who o o feelings”, just like when 15 years a teen I sobbed for three days when I saw pictures of our Kidnapped government treating slaves, so bad, they were, not allowed toilets, or food along any roads to be able to, even travel.
This lifetime suffering under the female sex-abuse and female Blackmail iniquities, had combined with my role-reversal Mother-mercenary past lifetime, that gave me such gratification to know how Karma Awareness works to adopt a Universal Cosmic Light Existence Holy Spirit devotion ID. As I’m writing now ‘receiving’ is taking place with tortured slavery in another Lifetime, mangled together with others treated as if we were dead, already in an elite-business well-manicured distrust of each other in a hold on a slave ship.
This magnificent experience on malevolent Earth, more than triples ‘relief’ from, mere female iniquity, yet Holy Spirit is laying another huge unconscious awareness lifetime on me, right after yesterdays being able to witness female man-hate, by seeing all Mortal things as just something more to let go of, more like chants echoing the rotten past lifetimes Silo-symphony away into faint sounds, and lonely echoes, in total relief~away.
Helpless surrender seems a Hell of a lot more fruitful in this way, instead of clinging to Power-compulsion past lives, all over again in role-reversal suffering with no relief from becoming meek to Holy Spirit forgiveness nurturing. The more I open, accept, and receive lifetimes awareness, the more enlightening Compassion seems to switch my allegiance from Mortal Creation Physical-role suffering Illusion, into Crystalline Universal Cosmic Light Existence Holy Spirit Devotion ID timeless~reverie ‘relief’.
Slave trader ship torture relieves female Iniquity Mother Mercenary Narcissism, even more than exponents can indulge the new me paying it forward, so feeling the loss of Loved ones from such constant treachery in many lifetimes reminds me, just how codependent resentment sets us up into many addictions, and especially sick loyal addictions to other hate-filled ashamed people just like us. Who o o feelings coming, and going under Earth torture lifetimes, also makes us mere collateral damage of our clever Satanic elite’s favorite ‘divide and conquer’ past times, but certainly, not from this Sex-slave tortured history in either role-reversal perspective?
Imagine all the relief I would miss, if I couldn’t even face the Earth-misery suffering in this one unconscious lifetime? I ONENESS Wonder, already about, even more similar lifetimes Awareness? Knowing I was a tortured slave on a trader ship means I, already am Aware of a past lifetime as a slave trade narcissist too, so now I have this raped, and murdered child lifetime combined with a Mother-mercenary Family triangulation Narcissist lifetime with both slave, and slave owner narcissist lifetimes relief in the mix, as if this lifetime will, ever take center stage again, as I witness the witness keeping up with exponential Holy Spirit Devotion relief anyway ya wanna Spell Pineal Portal Ascension Day/Night Time-relief.
Another Unconscious Lifetime | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/09/2019 11:51:00 AM