There is no doubt that as time passes we are able to see many changes taking place, they go from the weather to the function of big business that is finding that what served them in the past is no longer fit for the purpose. Fortunately progress is being made through new ideas and methods, that will pull people into a new era where advantage can be taken of advanced techniques and methods that will quickly leave the old ways behind. For too long you have been denied much that would have made life so much easier for all of you. That time is now past and new ideas and inventions are gradually coming to light, and they cannot be stopped.
Everything that is inside you that makes you – you, is operating at less than half that it could. It is something you developed over years of free choice of duality, you selected how much dark and Light to put in and where to put it. You have selected how well you think, and how much your societies are going to absorb the idea that compassionate thought will heal the planet. The primary test and basic one has now shifted – you have graduated so profoundly. We have told you in the past that you will see the growth in human intelligence and compassion, and you are going to see it the corporeal level as well because as a human being starts to work at a better efficiency it is going to be obvious, and we have given you those channels and you can look for them. The last one was titled “Conceptual DNA” and we talked about the corporeal human being who stopped having what we would call “linear immune reaction” it is when the white cells of the body see a problem and race to it and fight it. That is as smart as it gets, and the problem may be beyond their ability to fight because the white cells corporeally do not have the intelligence to see the concept of the invaders.
Viruses notoriously seem intelligent for they have what you call a plan, whereas the white blood cells only know defence. It does not see the bigger picture, it does not know anything about cancers or how they operate, how they defend, or how they are immune to white blood cells. Basically Conceptual DNA becomes corporeal systems that know concepts, and that creates a human being who can fight any virus and any disease, because that part of the immune system is as smart as anything that can invade it is conceptual. This is an advancement of human DNA past 30% moving more toward 35% and 40%. How many masters on the planet do you know that died of a virus – most of them died at the hands of human beings. Masters of the planet had DNA that operated far better than yours, even some recently having the ability to create and manifest things in their hands – mind consciousness over matter. Human beings mind can control things and that was the design, consciousness over physics is the plan, always has been.
What do you think about spontaneous remission, what is it how does it work, does it require outside influence or was it created internally. This is DNA working at 100% for a moment and it is unexplainable but you can see it and you can recognise it, and document it, but the human can clean themselves from almost any disease almost overnight.
Through personal experience I can vouch for spontaneous remission. About 12 years ago I was suffering from bad knees, so much so that it was painful to bend my legs as it felt as though there was gravel behind the knee caps, and I had to stand up rather than sit down. One evening I went to bed as normal and when I woke up the following morning I noticed to my surprise that my knees no longer troubled me at all, and that I had been healed – overnight. I am pleased to say that I have not experienced any further problems with them since that time. Some people will no doubt say that they have prayed for a miracle, and they have had no relief from their painful condition and I must put that down to karma, and for whatever reason they have had to bear their pain. However, as some souls do, never become negative and stay positive because that is the only path to release you from your condition. Obviously try self-healing and imagine yourself healed, and your body will respond.
The power of thought will come up very frequently in the future, as every soul that has evolved to a higher level will acquire such powers and cause “miracles” through it.Think of the biblical miracles and whereas those writing about them did not understand how they were brought about, today we are more aware. It is important to have belief in yourself, but be ready to remain steadfast whilst you are trying and never give up. Sometimes results are not always immediate so be prepared for results occurring well into the future. The ultimate “miracle” is the raising of the dead and it suggests a body is restored to what it was when it was healthy. The bottom line is of course that as time passes, because of the rising vibrations there will come a point when the body will maintain its healthy condition, never to require healing again. The future is full of pleasant surprises and the problems of the past will gradually disappear.
The more you are told of your true potential will surely lift you up, to have the confidence to express yourself more fully and without any doubt. How do you imagine for example how solid objects are produced seemingly out of fresh air, and the answer is through the power of thought. The Masters can do it at will but do not do it simply for showmanship. The ego has long gone and there is no desire to “show off” or aggrandisement simply to get acclaim. Being highly evolved will be a new way of life for you, and you will gradually slot into it with ease, because it is quite a natural development.
Once again we have touched upon what your future holds for you, as it is important that you know where life is leading to and you are prepared. To have some of these changes thrust upon you without prior warning could overwhelm you, and harm your chances of calmly taking hold of new experiences. As usual we will add that as with any other period of learning there is always help on hand. But please remember that they will not do things for you, but give you every encouragement to ensure your success. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. It is certainly still needed as the lashing out of the dark is causing so many problems in these closing days of their reign.
This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
Source: Tree of the Golden Light
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message | May 10, 2019
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/10/2019 10:32:00 AM