OSHO: The Fear of Intimacy ...
Deprogramming from Mortal mind-control Social Mob-filters seems impossible to do and, still use words or, even pictures, so I want to express focusing inside Pineal Portal devotion as a feeble way, not to focus on Collective-contaminated filters away from Mortal misunderstanding. A Mortal is, already dead for example, yet we, mortals have misused every manipulation possible to deny focusing within on Invisible Spirit. Spirit is another misunderstanding, already dead, that like there are 8 billion definitions of Love, so too 8 billion Mortal interpretations of Sexual Mortal filtered Spiritual-justifications.
Scaring the Hell out of every Mortal about Life, real Life by turning within to Surrender to Spirit, without refreshing, restarting, ‘ I T turning it off, and turning back on again’ never stops filtering every new idea through self-destruction filters of the 3D Duality’s tiny Gender evil ID control-freak demands of the worst curmudgeon religions on the sagging Planet. Keeping single eye vision on the Crystalline Universal Cosmic Light Existence Holy Spirit devotion surrender ID Prize keeps creative Intelligence, as alive as this inner focus keeps animating Spiritual Sovereign Singularity innocence “I don’t Know” humility refreshing constantly.
Every Mortal, always comes back, but not like Mortals filter ‘resurrect’. A focusing inside-on-Spirit devotee doesn’t focus on old worn out Social Mob-rule Political-definitions. The other, very clean definition of leaving Death Mortal Matrix Paradigm is to reconstitute Karma in Akashic records to appear again in another innocent play of Consciousness to compliment past, and future Unity mindedness while, always keeping single eye vision on Crystalline Universal Cosmic Light Existence Holy Spirit Devotion ID Precious liberation sur~prize.
Mortal control freaks are, so afraid of their dead version of ‘resurrection’ that as soon as a dead one comes back in the same boring filter mask, every one in the Mob keeps focusing outside themselves in favor of a possible, rare live one among us. Focusing on another Mortal is in, no way a true resurrection motive, because this breaks all the individual Akashic record-keeping to smithereens, like censors burn Spiritual books, and destroy unfiltered libraries@ Money focus back on Satanic-death control, never alive so full of Military Mortal Industrial Satanic-fear.
Mortal bottle redemption, actually captures the similar notion of Mortal Salvation cleaning up one dead-generation of the same dead family suicide physical-role dysfunction. Keeping the focus inside on Holy Spirit forgiveness nurturing eventually reveals other lifetimes Karma gratification Prizes, so no present Mortal lifetime plays center stage any more. Evidently playing a dead Mortal role on Physical-center stage is not, very refreshing for the soul, and keeps akashic records so boring nothing dead changes when nothing bored to death changes.
Attenuating a focus with a singe eye vision on the Prize inside on Crystalline Universal Cosmic Light Holy Spirit Devotion ID precious Innocence long enough, enlightens Compassion to shine on, so many other lifetimes suffering ‘dead bury the dead’, that no Mortal filtered words have, ever even been invented yet to destroy what cannot be, ever-so censure-sacred. I realize my helpless way is a poke in the eye of Mortal filtering, but imagine how a kid would approach an adult-need for one eye problem with, only two eyes filtering everything with no depth perception where Mortal beauty is only skin deep?
Mortal Afterbirth:
Mortals take kindness as weakness, just like we take Immortal Power-over as the antonym for filtered Mortality, but the Commonality essence of Immortal motives remains Kindness as Kind as can be responsive to others, as ourselves, without any Mortal filtering to protect Satanic Mafia Matrix Bully-curmudgeons from losing Narcissistic Mortal political Power-over innocent Supply unfiltered Humble Surrender, Spiritual Resurrection, and a new Refreshing-idea of Salvation, that works for everyone, inside, never Iconic=Separate out-die-side.
Mortal control freaks batter the Hell out of each other, and then send bounty hunter, sex slave catchers, paid big money, instead of taking response~ability for what constant humiliation-torture does, that destroys what has, never been kept precious in children, on this evil Planet and, never will stop Karma’s need to keep the lifetime akashic reconciliations in accurate individual Atonement order. If we, all pinned a note on our shirts, “IALAC”(I am Lovable and Capable) and tore off a piece every time another humiliated us, an hour later there would be no inner~eye Prize(IALAC) left on ANON Earth to keep any Light~right focus in~on.
Mortals change the subject, and ignore each other so bad, that after peering at the 12 roadblocks to communication , mortals angrily demand-react, “OK OK Ok so what is an Ok response, then?” Holy Spirit arranges, all our mirrors for us, so when we refuse Alive-intimacy with our mirror Salvation gifts, it’s like spitting in the eye of Holy Spirit Surrender, and Resurrection, but not the Mortal filtered Power-over ‘unkind’ Political Social fan-base Mob of Collective-hate Dead-misunderstanding…
Eye on the Prize | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/10/2019 10:26:00 AM