Voltaire - When You're Evil (Lyrics)
It’s comforting to experience any self-disclosure commitment to our blind, and Deaf Dead Earth Evil><livE” backward Matrix, where everyone Deaf, only hears what they wanna hear, so we can take autonomic Deaf-censure Evil, as Praise from the Dead, considering any Innocent vulnerable codependent mind-control Earth relationship vanquishes, all emotional safety.
The more we experience Bully-censure, the more our young Progeny become addicted to Deaf Dead Evil Earth Social-norm Blackmail Narcissism, where the Dead Bury the Dead in the constant din of Duality-clamor unaware Bubbles of denial-glamor. Just imagine there isn’t one among us that hasn’t, already triggered past unconscious Karmic-traumas like a dense fog enveloping us right here, right now, the scariest part of this everyday habit to, never hear what’s been said and, then Wonder how anyone can be so crazy to keep pretending Earth can hear with the, very Deaf Dead Evil Earth Ear.
Children must be amazed how we Censors can take what’s been cried, and use it against Innocence, all in the name of sad faces, that the same Deaf Dead Evil Matrix can, never see Innocent sorrow, right out in front of the “Blind leading the Blind”. I can say, exactly what’s on my mind, knowing full-well, that the, only response is “I Wonder what’s wrong”, just like any Medical Murder association Deaf, and Blind Dead Evil Doctor can’t hear for the undead-life of themselves, to make any, already dead Patient become part of their, own well-deserved solution, instead of a Doctor’s codependent-resentment biggest trigger Karmic-problem.
All of us have become the Doctor Narcissist Supply, and have become the Doctor-rich icons as if we are here to make the Doctors wealthy, as long as we shut up, and do how they kill us. Imagine how ignorant I am to explain this, when the Collective is, as addicted to Medical Murder censor, as the Doctors are addicted to turning patients into money and Evil><livE swing around into vaxxed Deaf Dead backward?
I am, almost ready to surrender to stop scaring the Hell out of the Deaf Dead Evil Complicit Collective, and stop “What am I thinking” in here, that makes everyone act so crazy out there? Would that I be Kind, maybe I can post a simple Title, and only a beginning “(“ with a huge empty space in between the initial “(“ and the empty indicator ”)” at the end of a forgiving unconscious blank non-trigger? Already we can expect, most have no blankety blank evil-idea presented, so here is an example of a safe-for-others way to safe-for-me way to think a Title, and say nothing to trigger the mind-control Matrix from Deaf Dead Evil Earth Hell:
“Deaf Dead Evil”
(…………………………………………………………………………………………), enough Dead-said!!!
Or I can say, all the beautiful, most pretty words, like spreading up the A-holiness smoke over the busy bees, and spray the Deaf Dead Evil Matrix with more of what makes them seem to wanna disappear on Mafia Bully Earth Narcissism in Deaf Dead Evil Matrix-complicit say nothing-different Supply, cash out end, even before saying anything triggering, in between the “(“….., and the “)”!!!
I can visualize the next peaceful step toward becoming Kind to the Bubble of denial-glamor Duality-censure clamor-here is to not, even post any title in the event that that, already triggers someone, just in case the Deaf Dead Evil Earth Spellee, itself can’t, even read any more?
A last step, after posting only Pine Cone Crazies, will have to disappear too, because the Dead Bury the Dead Earth Motif has, already tagged Pine Cone, crazy, even though Deaf Dead Evil Earth-genocide is, no more Deaf Dead Evil alive than, even One Sociopathic Mary “Let them eat cake” Psychotic Narcissistic Mother Blackmailing, all our lost Child-supply. Call me crazy here but, all the freeing energy seems to abide inside as far away from Deaf Dead Evil Outside as anyone Kind~innocence is Telepathic Welcome-celebrated, without even having to speak the language of the Dead-bury the Dead “Evil><livE backward Deaf Dead-censure.
I mean, and I do mean a mean-spirited ‘mean’ right back at Deaf Dead Evil ‘crazy-projection meanness Mafia Matrix-complicit in Deaf bury the Deaf, on Dead bury the Dead Evil Earth Death Paradigm, and please for Christ sake forget, all about Pine Cone boo boo for, not knowing anything about all the unwritten rules to, not think, not talk, and not, ever feel anything that can trigger, almost anyone who needs to put Peace ahead of surrender to ssshhhhhut the Duck Mother-up this Tree-seed from sacrificial Hell!!!
If I listen to myself, just on the off chance, no one here, really can hear, and see beyond so many lifetime Triggers: There is a context here and if _I single Eye had to Hear Eye guess it seems having no one able to affirm, and on top of that having a few that don’t, completely ignore vulnerable self-disclosure, some come right out, and express Wonder at what context never gets received, even though all, any one can see is Context, that reveals the, very motive for another slap in the face to make sure I understand there is no welcoming committee for anyone refusing Prison initiation, so Pine Cone remains on “It’s own” until Deaf Dead Evil becomes so complicit Death looks better, than favoring innocence any Evil Weak Earth Daze more?
Oh yeah Baby, relationships on Earth-disgrace vanquish Sovereignty, as if any other too close works for the thought police, as Deaf Dead Evil Religious Trojan Horse infiltrator censors, so what in the Hell would I want to sleep with anyone for, except to wake up in hand cuffs for favoring innocence missing here, already Deaf Dead Evil mind-mangling children, even before they acquire cognizant ability? Lovers on Earth are Deaf Dead Evil-complicit Haters, even before pubic hairs appear for bald-trimming, and little helpless children become battered Hostages to a pretty ugly inside walking around, as if the only beauty can survive outside in Sex-fakery eating Money-birthday cakery at us Mary Antoinette Mother-smothering Mafia Matrix censure-daze.
Let me get this straight: even the Deaf Dead Evil name “Mother” tagged on Earth say all we need to know about Death Paradigm, so why, even have anything else to say about burying children to eating cake Death, even before we are Karmic-born dead, already? Yeah so deny this context, and have a good time Wondering what in the Hell is Pine Cone crazy-ass talking about? Everyone says I am pretty, and I didn’t do anything wrong, because wrong Mother isn’t even in our vocabulary, any more than Mother rape control, if she ever gets a really live one oh her hands to cull out of the Deaf Dead Evil SSShhh, “Baby now don’t you cry” because everything is going to be, all right now, just you Deaf-wait, and Blind double-bind see, only men can be wrong, and don’t you forget it you lonely little bastard?
Ok OK OK you(who) get it, I am angry, and enraged for getting raped, and murdered by my Queen Mother, and then over the top PTSD, into MPD on the Trauma scale abuse-continuum to, never get validated yet, but even worse(whatever that unknown word can define) is that the whole Deaf Dead Evil World acts like it’s, really evil of ‘me’ to speak about it, and I would be better off disappearing from among us, because the constant battering increase means SSHHH, or else we will blame ‘you’ for being the crazy one, so put that in your Censure-pipe and Die-again choke-smoke on on it Bumble-bee eyes from Truth-hell on Earth Money-bee funny-business mind-control 55 book-less rampages?
Watch what happens, as if I am Psychic while no one affirms me, then a few will Wonder what’s wrong with Pine Cone, when the next stage-specific double-censure begins to have to save me from my crazy-self unless Pine Cone SSShhh’s up or the Deaf will bury the Dead and forget about everything, except keeping the corrupted Peace at any cost, just like the Collective sweep poison over on us to deny they, never hear either. Now I/m getting confused about who is speaking, and who is Listening, but I hear it’s impossible to experience anything here, and get away with speaking about it? Good Title and, even better context hidden right out in front, so we can deny it easier, so thank you for ‘nothing’ you evil bastard, and don’t, ever come back because we are too Heavy Gold, and busy shining here to listen, and you SSSHHH understand now, don”t ya?
Gulp Choke Smoke Cough Puke SHTF Oh yeah, and thank you, all for letting me live, because little did I realize how important censuring little children is to stop any cry-baby stuff, even before the tears dry out to die with the rest of us, ever so pretty on the outside hiding uglies on the inside, so our children will never guess how evil we really are here…, still; hush little baby now don’t ya cry, or you will find out what’s good forus; not-ever yas. “Oh that Pine Cone again, upsetting our Bubble of denial-glamor tea~party tapestries, with dirty poverty-pastries!!! Call the Mafia-cleaner number, right away, while we move to the Channel-terrace, and be petticoat-slippery Quick about it!!!
Can an innocent left-over whistleblower become the Crazy-mole in this SSSHHH Wack-a-Mole Deaf Dead Evil Earth-embarrass-pounding??? | No Patsy-doubt!!!
Watch the polite-censor Chamber of Commerce experts come out to become the fake Collective-disenfranchised heroines? Here they come now 1Deaf, 2Dead, 3Evil on a triple SSSHHH neutering header Male-spay stinky eye spreee Huh Duh Shrug-wha ???
Oh we forgot about our main Divine Feminine sodomy-thrust to take back Mother Earth-motive? Please stop this rear-ending Tree Seed sodomy rotor-router Earth clogged vengeance Patriarch Plumbing, and let’s all keep doing Ugly Mother War, as just good Mafia Money Peace-making business SSSHHH-appeal. I know let’s make up a lot of BS Bible stories for children, and then keep doing the same things expecting different results, but never stop playing Wack-a-Mole, in case a Pine cone comes along, that needs more pounding than Whole MPD Earth-denial Deaf Dead Evil Usual.
We can pretend to answer emergency calls, and keep repeating ?Calm down ma`am, calm down sir, and clam down you poor little bastard, as if that’s, even a possible affirming welcome to, even be able to pass on the emergency information to total Bully-censor for Peace at any Dead bury the Dead; too busy to Listen-cost? Is there no end to all this upsetting Pine Cone triggering Crazy BS? NNNOOO Duck Daffy we SUCK “To err is human” u fill in the rest, if you can remember, while your Polite-tea Party is getting cold? Human unconsciousness co-creates, all evil attractions, while the Collective keep controlling, only what we are Conscious of, and if that doesn’t take the cake and eat it too, ‘unconscious’ means YES… we don’t, even know about it, and, never will if we keep Bully-censuring our Innocent-mirror Savior Progeny-gifts?
There are about twenty precious gems sparkling here yet most can’t even smell the, so called petty-empty icon flowers with, all the hateful energetic Elite Kissenger Evil-clogging up the Deaf Dead Earth Marylin Monroe Puffy red lips/red dress BJ Round-eye Ugly Sex distractions. Stop Stop Stop and SSHH SSSHHH SSSSHHHH Pine Cone, calm down, and tell us what your emergency is… This defines the SSSHHH context best; I guess, say what? Can ya hear me now??? NO don’t have to, don’t want to, and ya can’t Deaf Dead Evil Earth Mother-mafia Matrix-make me!!! Triple raspberry loud-splashhhh, all over anyway!!!
Oh I see we are, all so scared, and ashamed the end has, already begun, we feel as helpless as we make our children feel, as if Nothing matters to us, or them, either any more?
I guess??? The ones we worship the most are trying to kill us all, and if that’s not bad enough, we need to remain Peaceful enough so we can, all die in our sleep, as way, not feel all this rage on our way out, and back again if that’s, even possible any Karmic-more.
Well I am, sure feeling helpless too, with the endless-censuring way you get this unconscious hidden message across, so thank you for responding, so we can, both feel as helpless together, as our precious innocent children must feel as adult-ugly human-error on the unforgiving inside, altogether too?
Voltaire - The Headless Waltz (Lyrics)
Deaf Dead Evil | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/24/2019 12:08:00 AM