Earth or Existence Switch | Pine Cone

OSHO: The Difference Between Dropping Out and Escapism

I was, am, and will be Physical Earthbound-addicted to Collectivist-ego Karma-competitive Power-over Hive-narcissist Unconscious-harm self defense/self-attack constant-anxiety Illusional-delusions, or I was, am, will be Relax-receptive to Surrender~switch to ONENESS Spirit Conscience with a Universal Cosmic Light Existence Holy Spirit devotion Kind Valid ID.

Thinking positive as if we, Mean-spirited Earth-ego Power-hungry Habit-humans have control over our, own Karma-delusions proves just how intellectually silly we can remain Earthbound, without a clue how unconscious we are about, not knowing we don’t Know unconscious harm has all the Power over on us.

Surrendering my Earth-metaphor, and all the Collectivist-ego Mean-spirited anxiety, that makes us what we become without switching my allegiance from Earth, to Existence, supports my Earth metaphor of all BS as if I am Earth, and Collectivist Unconscious-earth is mine, mine, All Mine to mind.

Before surrender to Existence I act, just like all Collective-unconscious Busy-human Bully-Hivists, without Spiritual Sovereign Singularity Individual absolute unborn infinity freedom, but after, even a little surrender to my unconscious, not Knowing anything enlightening, really, I begin to realize, that everything Earthly is just a refection of my own delusional Unconscious Earthbound shared Hive Illusion.

We try to fight our way out of Earth’s ego wet paper bag metaphor, but we don’t know we don’t know that unconscious means, YESSS, we don’t know how we maintain the body prison bars of our own Mean-spirited self-inflicted Shame-slavery. Thinking positive to hide our unconscious more, without admitting, all the Hive-ways we harm other Earthbound Zombies, really brings out the idiotic self-ridicule by doing the same insane intellectual things, and expecting different unconscious-increasing results.

More Power-over works as more ego-control increasing our unconscious meanness, but admitting my part in Earth-ego contrived BS defines surrender to ONENESS Spirit Conscience with a Universal Cosmic Light Existence Holy Spirit devotion Relax~receptive Valid way to shrink unconscious ego-driven Narcissist Zombie-supply Carnivorous Competition.

“OHHH, look at me how positive I can pretend and I, never have to admit how unconscious I am, ever again? I wasn’t, aren’t, and never will be any negative part of my Earth-metaphor, and you would be more escapist-unconscious like me if you, just keep repeating positives, until doing the same things over, and over proves everyone else is crazy not we, positive Baby-wet Diaper-diarrhea wall paperers. Our unconscious doesn’t stink, because we paint Busy rainbows, and flower wallpaper over, all our Machiavellian Earth-lying doing our ass-mask politically fake-it business.

Since I, actually “AM” ONENESS Spirit Conscience with a Universal Cosmic Light Existence Holy Spirit forgiveness nurturing devotion shine, my Nirvana Nothingness Awareness Aliveness depends on admitting everything Earthbound is, also mine to mind, all by myself into absolute unborn Infinity and, all I need to do is embrace my mean part, and Earth disappears as fast as any metaphor of my own meanness protection/projections.

“I am, not, just full-a insane-repeating Karma-BS, but I ‘am’ depressed anger, itself”; and watch me disappear with poop it-poof into Spirit Sovereign Singularity, so fast we can see Ascension, already happening in our A-holiness rearview mirrors? One admittance of an Earth-miming frailty, and we, all Ascend with me, but we are many, so Thanking Holy Spirit nurturing for directly experiencing abundant forgiveness miracles working through, and for my we/we, is just another, better way to say we have no more need to Power-over Unconscious-control with useless Denial-positives that, never work anyway, Earth-switchback Karma-whichway, and ego-twisting crooked.

Saying ‘whatever’ without saying it mean is a way to embrace, all my Earth-harm whatever-ours, and with this sincere embrace, the whole Physical Universe begins to disappear back inside where it came from in this Earth-ego Quanta-reflection Unconscious Karma-second’s co-created place.

Since I am A-holiness unconscious to, even think I am Earthbound ego-constipated here, what a relief it is to actually admit it~hear now, and voila! We are, all getting a little lighter, by stopping all the positive stopping, while our bound up positives bloat float sleeper in the septic tank of unconscious Earthbound Full-on Rainbow Flowery pretend wall wet-paper splattered Constipation’s Meaner-spirited Denial-increasing diarrhea.

Our unconscious co-creates all our hidden Quantum expectations, and “YESSS”, that means we don’t know about it, so to admit we are full of BS, actually does what no amount of thinking-positive does anything more than increasing our dysfunctional tension, and unheard-BS Elephant-herd Projection in the Protection Earth-denial Death Paradigm Matrix dying-room.

Holy Spirit woke me up early with a knock knock knock at the imaginary door in my Free Existence mind yesterday, just in time to write “Mother Triangulation Sibling Rivalry” with a video called “Narcissist Triangulation”. I had to leave on a long ride to town so it sort of finished ‘itself’, so I just got out of the way and posted it here, just in time to make it to my appointments down past the Spring~swollen Flood-rivers deep in the valley.

My two cats and I were, all startled together, as if there, really was someone knock knock knocking at our startled death’s door, but they were startled, because I was startled with as much Holy Spirit humor as it takes for the night’s vision to share some unconscious Earthbound Collective-constipation that we, all can appreciate surmising, just in case admitting something negative, really does poof proof away into Nirvana Nothingness Awareness Aliveness Relax-receptive, already Unconscious-poop Poof-relieved?

My middle-age Deaf Son identified with “Mother Triangulation Sibling Rivalry” right away and, later he motioned to his disabled Son sleeping in the other room, who was so addicted to his Narcissist Mother, that he tried many times to commit suicide last year, before she left and took another willing codependent victim/volunteer Blackmail hostage mirror-double. While my focus was on Chiro, visiting Son, organic shopping, and a movie, Holy Spirit validate my Son, his Son, and me, myself and I,_Earth too boo hoo-smiling away the self-blame Constipated-blues.

I, further admit I was, very tired letting Holy Spirit have, all the control in surrender, all day long, but it’s worth it, isn’t it, because, now I can repeat something from before, so we all, get a chance like my Son, his Son-sleeping her off, and now any, other possible Voyages of Light Rivalry-induced “It’s all about me” Mother Narcissist “I have no idea who I am” Earthbound-constipated same Sovereign-siblings? This kind of tired is the “Kind” of tired after a good day’s work, with so much satisfaction there are no more denial-distraction Positive-lying motives getting in Holy Spirit humor’s startled knock-cat, knock-cat, knock-me Funday funny door-way.
Earth or Existence Switch | Pine Cone Earth or Existence Switch | Pine Cone Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 4/25/2019 12:04:00 AM Rating: 5

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