Narcissists and Triangulation: When The Narcissist Involves Other People
Who doesn’t suffer under the “It’s all about me” Narcissist Mother-female Earth-icon disempowering neediness Physical/Emotional/Psychic Blackmail-mafia social-norm trauma?
Self-hate Narcissist Earth-ashamed Mother-victims ‘Own children’ as their Supply, that disappear together ashamed with, no idea who we are, and what we have Mother-replace become.
Narcissist Earth Mother’s Psychic Incest shames the child, with “I have no idea who I am” without any Spiritual Sovereignty, and causes untold neediness-addiction to our first Handler.
The second the second child appears, both children suffer under a Handler Mother’s Triangulation known as Sibling Rivalry, from the same initial Satanic Mother-mercenary Family Triangulation shunning Earth Fathers, already the second a first Mother-shamed Earth-child “I have no idea who I am” under the “It’s all about me” Narcissist Mother-female Earth-icon Physical/Emotional/Psychic Blackmail Psychic Incest Handler.
The second a first child gets used by a self-hate ashamed Satanic Mother Narcissist, to Father-rivalry shun the male-victim Icon out of the family, this fist child suffers untold shame from buying in to the Mother’s Blackmail, and exponentially increases the second a second child appears in new-overlays of the same Mother Monster Family Shame irreparable codependent resentment Supply. Narcissist Earth Mother “It’s all about me” females play this role from birth-role triangulation Mother role-models, so the “It’s all about me” Narcissist Triangulation young female is the first child “I have no idea who I am”, that begins all female worship to please the Satanist effort to ‘divide and conquer’ all Earth human assets.
With every young female there comes many Triangulations fighting over the “It’s all about me” Narcissist Female Earth-icon Honey bee Mothers to Wasp-sting bees. Actually a female Blackmail-fail defines the, very lack of others fighting over her lack of kindness, but doesn’t get in the way of any new Mother to pick up Man-hate Family Triangulation, right where new Handler-child Kindness leaves off.
As Father shunning increases Mother-shame Triangulation first child shame/blame, the second child has, no chance at all to escape this ever-increasing exponential International Triangulation Blackmail Sibling Rivalry into Icon-replications. Male children are shunned right from the start of Shame/blame role playing, so neither the Ashamed-female Blame-child, or the Ashamed-male Blame-child, ever enjoys any Spiritual Sovereignty, right up to “It’s all about me” bitter old woman Narcissist Earth Mother Ashamed Collective-inhumane death’s “I have no idea who I am” Karmic-repeating Machine-gun Mother-smothering anti-Sovereign Dispirited Triangulation Earth-strangulation Breakneck Child-speed Money-door.
Worshipping any aspect of Physical-role Karma Time Illusion calls Pregnant Earth Narcissism by it’s rightful Triangulation-name “Mother Earth-worship”, as if A Mother’s belly-bulging was the priority Earth-motive, itself the Worshipping Gambler’s tell to, never ‘get off’ the Wheel of Human Gender-flattening Gender-role self-hate Karma. All any child needs is a parent who listens with affirming Delight, and I gotta admit from my Enlightening-perspective now, that Listening with affirming Delight is, all I ever wanted, even over any Sexual-distraction at the essence of Chemical hijacking, at it’s Child-kidnapping Mother Narcissist Triangulation finest.
How would I ever “Have any idea who I am” if the whole Earth Icon Motive is to “It’s all about me” Narcissist censure-react to cut off anyone at the knees, from Collective-envy of anyone, even hinting at Spiritual Sovereign Singularity individual freedom from World-wide Mother-replication flies caught, already in the new born/death “I have no idea who I am” tangled ‘who’s who’ Sibling Rivalry spider’s-own ashamed Mother-666 dead-webber. Just this sucky aspect of enlightening, seems like enough, all by itself, to turn within unborn Existence-creativity, and hang out~without pushing the Triangulation-envelope right ass-backward from Kindness at all any Relax-receptive more, if you Love Ocean Freshet Pleasance-please?
Mother Triangulation Sibling Rivalry | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/23/2019 02:47:00 PM