Two Unusual Experiences in Tobago | Narendra Mishra

Two Unusual Experiences in Tobago

December 13, 2018
By Narendra Mishra

Today is exactly one month since November 11, 2018 when I was privileged to join with other Lightworkers around the world in a grand ceremony for the Earth Ascension. I did not originally intend to publish this experience but following my Ascension in Progress post yesterday I feel I should say a few words about it.

Apparently, on that same day there was a most unusual earthquake that rippled across the world, registering on scientific equipment, yet no one felt it. Needless to say, it has geologists baffled. Read that story here at National Geographic.

Before I get into the specifics of that experience, permit me to say a few words about the significance of the date, November 11, 2018. That date was a rare 11/11/11 date (if you add together the digits of the number, 2018, you get 11). Eleven is a master number in numerology that indicates great shifts in Consciousness and its manifestation/expression. So that date was particularly important.

That date found me in the sister island of Tobago. Not by chance it seems. Following the busy Divali (1) season I had planned a mini-vacation with my sacred partner at that time, not giving too much thought at the time to the significance of November 11.

Now, Tobago is a very interesting place. Not only because of its warmth, sunshine, and wonderful people, but also because it also hosts an opening into Inner Earth, or Agartha. Several locals have reported accidentally entering into Inner Earth, meeting with the inhabitants there, and being allowed to leave. They’re always told to spread their story so the surface dwellers can know they exist and that we need to start living more loving and peaceful lives.

For we who are awake and aware, stories like these are no surprise to us. Unfortunately, for the majority who are not awake at this time, these stories are considered fabrications or hallucinations and dismissed outright.

Perhaps because of this proximity to Agartha, Tobago holds a particularly potent energy that many energy workers can sense and feel drawn to. Many of my own significant quantum jumps in consciousness took place in Tobago, starting with 2012. I will share two in this post.

December 20, 2012

Becoming aware in early 2012 of the Earth’s ascension process, I decided to meet the much anticipated December 21, 2012 date in Tobago. I was unaware why exactly I made that decision.

On the morning of December 20, 2012, I was awakened at around 5 am by the most vivid dream, and extreme emotions of Love and Bliss. I am not normally a dreamer, except for highly significant or portentous ones. This one I remembered clearly.

I was in the midst of a lush green field, in the company of a few friends. We were happy and content. There were no buildings in sight, just pure nature at its best. It was bliss.

Overhead, three spacecraft came into the atmosphere, intending to land nearby.

“Look,” I told my friends, “we have some new visitors to our planet. Let’s go welcome them.” It was apparently not a strange thing to receive visitors from other planets at the time.

After that, the dream fast-forwarded to modern society. We were standing in the middle of a cosmopolitan city. There were skyscrapers everywhere. Looking up at them, I knew that we were imprisoned, though we were apparently free. Our captors were the visiting galactic race, staying high up in those tall buildings. There was a feeling of hopelessness.

Suddenly in the sky I saw a ring of fire blaze forth.

“There is our first sign!” I said joyfully. Then in the distance a column of Light beamed down from the heavens to the Earth.

“And there is the second! Our salvation is at hand!” I was elated.

Whilst we were looking at the column of Light, the most radiant, resplendent form of Sri Krishna emerged from the column of Light.

That was when I awoke, awash in feelings of transcendent Love and Bliss. Tears flowed profusely from my now wide awake eyes. My heart felt it would burst, such was the force of Love that threatened to expand its walls beyond capacity. My body trembled, with each cell in resonating to the beauty and splendour of Sri Krishna- the Saviour, the Christed One, returned.

This was no dream I knew. It was a past life in Atlantis or perhaps Lemuria. I had lived at the time when the Annunaki first came, some 13 millennia ago. The shift in consciousness had taken place.

November 11, 2018

Six years later I was again in Tobago. I was much changed in the intervening years. My personal ascension journey had been harsh, yet the rewards sweet.

I sat on a bench overlooking Store Bay, with the sun appearing to take a dip in the ocean ahead before retiring for the night. I joined in meditation with my sacred partner, Vashti.

Spontaneously, we travelled in Spirit. I saw clearly the Lighted grids that were now laid out around the Earth – the new templates for Ascension. All manner of Lighted Beings were present, including the Company of Heaven, the Devas, the Galactics, the Ascended Masters, and innumerable Lightworkers in their Spirit forms.

Just then, the Ascension portal opened and, as one, the collective stepped through. The Earth and Her inhabitants were now fully anchored in the 5th through 7th dimensions. There were a few recalcitrants who chose to remain back, but I knew that the portal would remain open for a few years to come.

Returning from my Spirit journey I then contemplated the meaning of this momentous event. From my ample experience, Spirit journeys are ALWAYS true. The hardest part was what to make of it afterward.

Did the Higher Self of everyone make the decision to Ascend? If so, then it was done in Spirit and would take some earthly time to manifest in physicality. But how would it manifest? Would there be a gradual awakening of the masses, or would there be a quantum jump in consciousness- the ‘Event’? Or maybe both?

What was particularly interesting is the fact that on that same day a strong earthquake rippled throughout the world, registering on seismic equipment yet not felt by anyone. Clearly, this was a physical sign of the Earth’s shift. Yet how did no one feel it? Were we all taken out of body to make the transition and then returned, seemingly instantaneously?

Perhaps one day we’ll know the answer to these questions. For now, I know beyond a shadow of doubt that great things are afoot.


(1) Steve: Diwali is said to symbolise the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.” (Wikipedia) It is often associated with forms of the Mother, such as Lakshmi, Saraswati, and Durga.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Two Unusual Experiences in Tobago | Narendra Mishra Two Unusual Experiences in Tobago | Narendra Mishra Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/13/2018 12:28:00 PM Rating: 5

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