History of Humanity Mostly a History of Wars | Steve Beckow

History of Humanity Mostly a History of Wars

December 13, 2018
By Steve Beckow

Every source I read – celestial and galactic – seems to say, don’t be following events with the deep state and cabal.

What you put your attention on grows.

Focus on what you want to see happen. Dream. Imagine. (Imagination in the Fifth Dimension is creative thought – it creates.)

And I get it and by and large I do.

But I still have this desire – perhaps the historian in me – to know the bigger picture of what happened in human history over the last 3400 years (since 1200 BC, when the galactics left Earth). (1) I really want to know what happened here before I leave it.

I don’t want to increase the magnification so far as to reach the political. I have no interest in the day-to-day conflict. The bigger picture is what I want. I want the historical record, but, within that, its kernel – the evolutionary record or overview.


From what I’ve investigated so far, one thing stands out. Human history throughout the last 3,400 years can be said to be mostly a history of wars.

Constant warfare. Constant conflict and treaties, all designed to advance one person’s or one country’s power and prestige. A huge chess game among those who consider themselves world leaders, with fatal consequences.

A history of one country seeking power over, dominion over, sway over another. For sometimes trivial reasons, although all reasons for war are trivial compared to reasons for peace.

This holds true, I assert, throughout the world – in Europe, the Middle East, China, Japan, South America, Russia, etc. In America, it isn’t simply a case of a cabal eyeing its neighbors’ territory. The deep state here, the New World Order wanted everything.

This history also holds true throughout history – Wars of aggrandizement have been started by the Babylonians, Syrians, Assyrians, Persians, Egyptians, Hittites, Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans, Mongols, Tatars, Huns, Muslims. Let me stop there. (2)

But war on Earth never stops.

Can the uprisings in France be the first sign that the people of the world are, in common, tired of constant warfare and false-flag mass killings?

Can it be that we may be emerging from this period of constant death and destruction, raping and pillaging?

That period will stop with this generation. That we already know.

We’re pulling out of it through the elevating forces creating our Ascension. Those who insist on continuing will find themselves thwarted and isolated.


But to speed the end of war along, I ask you to align with me that all war stop on Earth on or before Jan. 1, 2020.

Yes, that’s the same date that all child trafficking, all gender persecution, and any other unworkable condition you want to include will stop. I ask you to align on Jan. 1, 2020 being that day. We need a deadline to coordinate our efforts and, given those who are with us – who are far stronger than those who are against us – I think this deadline is do-able.

All conditions of unworkability on the planet ceasing will be by our creation. It couldn’t be any other way. We are in charge of this planet. The galactics and celestials can only intervene if we ask – through our leaders but, if our leaders won’t ask, then through the collective consciousness.

We have the power to stop war on Earth through sending our love out to the world and raising the collective vibration. Once the collective consciousness tilts towards peace on Earth, the galactics and celestials are empowered to intervene.

The collective consciousness, applied to you, means your thoughts and feelings. We need to elevate our thoughts and feelings to serve as the yeast in the loaf of the collective consciousness. We do it by feeling the love in our hearts and sending it out to the world. I think that is the quickest and most promising way to raise the collective vibration.

Apparently, only a small percentage of us is needed to shift the population.

Let’s align on asking celestial and galactic intervention to make all weapons on Earth inoperable. Let’s ask the Divine Mother and invoke the Laws of Sacred Purpose and Intention to the effect that all hostile actions on Earth be halted.

Non-violence takes care of the outer domain. Compassion and love take care of the inner.

Then we need to practice peace. True peace, as you’d expect, is found … yes, that’s right … in the heart – as are all good things. (3) Its language is love and compassion.


(1) “Archangel Michael: What Happened to Civilization in 1200 BC?,” Golden Age of Gaia, November 24, 2017, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/11/24/290782/

(2) The Vikings in England. The Northmen on the north coast of France. Everyone taking a swing at the Poles, Czechs, Serbs, etc. The Swedes commanding swathes of Europe. Napoleon marching across Europe and subduing it and then being subdued. Russia conquering surrounding countries.

Germans against French in 1870, 1914, and 1940. Japan against China, Korea and Manchuria. Italy against Ethiopia. Russia and Iron-Curtain suppression. Korea. Vietnam. 9/11 false-flag wars against Afghanistan and Iraq. Libya, Syria, the cauldron of the Middle East.

(3) Yes, the spiritual heart, not the heart chakra. It’s located two digits right of the breast bone, behind the closed spiritual aperture, portal, or door known as the hridayam. Use your imagination to enter the space of the heart and dive deep.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
History of Humanity Mostly a History of Wars | Steve Beckow History of Humanity Mostly a History of Wars | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/13/2018 12:29:00 PM Rating: 5

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