The Quantum Awakening Newsletter | December 2018

A Website, a Global Electronic Newsletter,
A Thought, A Way of Life, and a ‘Sanctuary of Truth ‘


December 2018
Issue #240

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Created, Channeled, Written, Published and copyrighted with Love and dedication to the Light This newsletter has been in circulation, hard copy and online, since 1986 and reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary Light-Workers.

Feel free to share this information from My heart to Yours
Quantum Newsletters have been lovingly translated into ‘Spanish’ by Suzy Peralta from Argentina. Thank you dear Lady of Light for all your hard work


***From your hostess of Light
***12 :12 The Light of Mary
***Becoming a Living Light on 12:12
***The Codes of Mary
*** HOLY AMETHYST: Archangel Sigil with Holy Amethyst Crystal points
***Transmission Sessions with Gillian
***Cosmic Classified

This December energy swooped in and caught us all in a swirling time warp, we thought we had more time but it seems the days are quickening as we get closer to the winter solstice. It feels like a black hole consuming daylight, our energy and thoughts. We ramble on thru the day fulfilling our planetary and personal obligations trying to shine thru the dark seasonal clouds while trying to keep one step ahead of ourselves. Rushed we are right by the beautiful scenery of life and light right in front of us. Our tunnel vision narrows as we go around the curves of life. Our sights are on the future and how that will reveal itself. The now is so demanding there is not been room for self, soul or Christmas wishes.

Pushed we are like a herd of reindeer's toward the north pole of self, seeking a place of peace and magic, wishing only to re-calibrate our self to a place of Love & harmony. We are each different in purpose and plan our DNA dances to a different tune and our facial expressions have many ancestors etched upon them. We are a collective of all we have been and seek to be thru time and space, past present and future.

This December we sit at a ‘crossing of choice’ as we get ready to release 2018 and receive the next year which will be filled with more than we ever expected. Like Clementine we will be coming around the mountain of self on a blind curve, 2019 will bring many of elements of Surprise.

12 :12 The Light of Mary

The vibration of all that is Mary through time and space comes forth to bring gifts to the table of light at this blessed time of year. They come forth as every aspect of a Marion light that wishes to bestow blessings of plenty upon Earth. They come forth through time space and ether to announce their Cosmic charitable contributions to humanity. Like all women that carry a vast light through time they've never given up on those they love for there can never truly be a lost cause as it is held in the heart of woman.12:12 (December.12) has always been a Holy vibration for it holds what is Mary of energy. This energy is displayed as holy grottos in the mountains, prayers hung on the cliffs and love in the flame of blessed lit candle. 12:12 is a day that holds every shade of Marion, from Mother Mary to Mary Magdalene to every Mary that has graced this Earth and wore a mantle of peace.

The year 2019 is all about the number 12. The vibration of 1 is about New Beginnings self-realization, self-motivation. Number one is the number of creation, the primal force from which all other numbers were birthed. It is said that when you truly understand the place and purpose of this primal number, you will know all there is to know and enlightenment is yours. One is a doer, a commanding force that produces results and does not allow anything or anyone to limit its potential. The 1 tends to have a simple, straightforward view of life and its many complexities. It trusts its own ability to separate right from wrong.

The number two is about faith belief and purpose on Earth. It is about the Reason God sent you here and what you are to accomplish. It is about peace and Harmony Within new challenges and new learnings. 2 is the frequency of Duality diplomacy selflessness Divine Purpose with a soul mission. In this vibration God is offering different ways to improve yourself, to upgrade your humanness. To make your home a happier a place, a place of Harmony, a place of love and a place to heal. As the most feminine among all numbers 2 is also the most underestimated. Two is almost always gentle, tactful, diplomatic, forgiving and understanding. Certainly, she likes to keep the peace and will avoid confrontations as much as possible. Her strength and power is resilient and lasting, just as the shape of the number 2 reflects that so beautifully. There is much more to her than meets the eye; she is often the true power behind the throne.

If you look at the shape of the 2, you will recognize a symbol of the ultimate survivor A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH. Her shape is holy and humble, as if on bended knee with head and back bowed in reverence. When the humble and feminine number 2 finds herself under attack or burdened with a crushing weight, she will bend like a willow. When the weight is removed, her elastic, flexible nature permits her to come back, with only a few stretch marks. This powerful energy teaches one to bend instead of break.

The goddess within the # 2 is the Mata Hari who outwits other spies with her grace, her sensuality, and her gentle force of persuasion. She understands the underlying qualities that make people do what they do; there is not much about human nature that escapes her. As the most intuitive of all single-digit numbers, she is drawn to the paranormal (only the double-digit 11 surpasses 2 in that department).

12 is a higher vibration of the number 3. Three represents the Trinity New Beginnings, Changes, Synchronization and balance within the trinity. 12 is about seeing the world through different eyes, new opportunity, letting go of doubts, and releasing old beliefs. The three energy is about Incarnational Christed Cycles. It is about generosity and kindness in a place where practiced blessings become second nature. This is a place of expansion in Consciousness; this is a place of universal Duty and Justice. Three is a highly dedicated number. The words associated with the vibration of three are ‘blessing, savior, deserve, teacher, thankful, peace, believe, fear and forgive.’

This 12:12 issues a divine decree that comes to earth in a multitude of forms. This powerful but gentle energy wraps itself around the earth displaying itself as many beautiful colors infuse the eyes and hearts of those on earth. This vibration is the mantle of peace that earth seeks. Opportunities abound but will humanity use their POWER and WORDS for good, or evil. Will they bless or curse their life into manifestation? Will they hold what is dark within them, keeping it at bay, keeping it from attacking others in a multitude of penetrating ways? Will they let love into their actions and world, with a thumbs-up and a happy face? We as a planet are at a very big point of choice. There is a deep line drawn in the cosmic sands which is been reflected by the aggressive weather configurations of earth.

Becoming a Living Light on 12:12

The true meaning of the season makes its way forward as we enter the 12:12 energy of the Holy Mother, known as Ascension Day in some religions. It is a portal of the Virgin Mary in her perfect posture and 12 strand DNA. The shortest day of the year 12/21/2018 (mirror image of 12:12) asks us to become the extra light that is needed to push thru the dark night of the soul. To become that which we do not see in our lives, To become hope and faith and love starting with self and all life choices. To become a living light no matter what season it is. (The number 12 means a complete cycle of experience. 12 precious stones in the oracle breastplate of the high priest, set in gold with God's unidentified names. 12 apostles, 12 signs zodiac. The soul attracts that which it needs to learn. Reversal of negativity.)

As the magic of the season spreads her wings of light, we all come to an interval in time and Heart. Do we allow ourselves to be flooded with Christmases from the past, or Christmases from the future, or do we go within to find the true magic of this Holy season. All roads lead to the upcoming arrangement of global events whether manmade or destined, the effect is felt. All of life knows they are at a turning point on this earthen journey.

Some sorrow waifs thru our hearts as we see many a splendored thing disappear from the planet earth in the blink of an eye. From this day until 12 full sunrises and sunsets have completed themselves, fill each 24 hour time-slot with one Christmas Wish for another. Known or unknown seen or just felt, spend your wish constructing a world full of love and miracles. Create a grid of stones or an altar; place your written wish for another within, and see it granted in your heart.

For many moons I have acknowledged that 12:12 was a powerful energy portal, an ascension day on many levels. I have gone to many a grotto on that date. It has always been holy and magical to me. As you set your ‘grid of miracles’ call in Mother Mary to bless all that is within that grid. Each kindness that you do known or unknown travels thru space and time touching all on its way to the Creator. You touch the very Source with your every action and inaction. Give to those who do not expect it, Give anonymously with passion. Give of your silent prayers to another as you pass them on the street, give without thinking, give in good thoughts and deeds, allowing it to be a way of life not a season

Let The True Light of This Season Radiate through You. Become the master of your fortune by making higher choices that move you into a space of liberty. Be thankful for all that is you. Let the five fingers of self-point you in a new direction that will support and enable you to be all that you were born to be. Stop fighting the currents of your life and drifting from drama to drama (real or imaged). Spend your time and energy wisely in your creational mode which runs full speed ahead Become that which you yearn to be in your divine heart. Become the picture in your mind as you embrace the higher credenza of purpose. You do not insult God by trying to be or do better. In the season of Christmas come into your Christ-light with purpose and proposal. Plan to be a better human with a vaster purpose. Listen to the signs via life and hear the future as it signals your attention. At that point of inner sight and universal choice, let your heart be the one to choose with purpose and pure intention. Each and every day listen with your heart and then move into that sacred abode of thought. Choice is the Grand Daddy of all human motion as it consumes humanity 24 hrs. a day. People are always at a point of choice it is their god given destiny.


The Mary code lives within the feminine presence of Light while on earth. All that is feminine in purpose and DNA holds such a recollection. At certain periods in the timelines, her holy presence is etched once again into the hearts of those that have ears to hear and eyes to see and are aligned with a purpose of Light. She represents all the levels of Sainthood in human form as well as the divine female on earth.

There are deep undertones that sound within her soul. She is the Innocence, the truth, the wisdom and the healing of ‘all that is’ that seeks to know itself. She knows what is to come as a holy woman and prophet. For Blessed she became early in life, destined to hold a divine cipher of such greatness that it has never been fully understood. Within this Mary Code lives a divinity so resilient of purpose and heart that nothing can outshine it.

The child Mary was gifted with Visions in the form of Dreams at an early age, sometimes they were heavenly other times sometimes hellish. Other young girls of her township saw her as different in agenda and path. She spent much time in the temples of the old teachings of the goddess, finding nooks and crannies and long forgotten power points to spend her dreamy afternoons. She listened, silent as a little church-mouse in her secret niches, absorbing all that was spoken in the temple, as it echoed whether meant for her ears or not. Sponge like she was as she absorbed like an ancient ink blotter all that she could. She innately knew that one day she would have to call upon the information from the deepest part of her soul.

Young and pure yet still an ancient relic of time, she incarnated in this physical plane holding a different vibration of destiny from the very beginning. She was a giving child so early, giving of her own food and clothing to help others in need. She knew in her heart she was destined for something greater than herself and shared all she had. In her heart of hearts she lived for what was enchanted and mystical of nature. The code of Mary houses ancient enigmas for those that knowingly embrace the light vows and promises from time eternal. When one represents what is light of Creation one is always true to their divine self, honoring the holy light within. Always knowing that the inner soul light and the Divine light are part of the ever moving Holy grids of Heaven.

From a young child on she knew her Destiny did not involve orthodox relationships, truth or understandings. She knew she would birth something big in her future. Her fears were real, her light was enormous, and her future was driven deep into the memory of Earth. Being a Seer of things to come is a great responsibility for anyone at any age. They are ‘privy to possibilities’ as they may fly about in a different path than others. The explanation of the future is multi-dimensional with a trillion possibilities all held within the Quantum Consciousness. When viewed the future begins to adjust itself, to change its colors, like fall leaves.

This young woman was taught in ways of wisdom and hidden truths that lived within her holy bloodline and ancestral memory. Her very DNA would glow under a modern day microscope. For her light had to be grand and spacious from the very beginning, for one day she would hold the light of the Christ child and that would forever alter her body, heart and shape her future. Changed she was forever as the light entered her to seed the Christ Child Holy of DNA. Altered in ways that were unknown except to Enoch, She became a holy Vessel of Living Light that held the future of Earth.

The story of Mary wanders around like a corn maze thru time. The truths the myths the maybes, take each person down a personalized trail of thoughts and beliefs. Her codes are written within the hearts of those that have a special Light within. She was destined to be a Child-Mother of a child-God who was destined to shift and change the world and she held this knowledge in every ounce of her being, waiting for it to come to past, feeling helpless as she watched powerless in the destined choices of others.

The Mary code asks us to find a place of power, of balance and peace as the human heart watches life unfold with a knowing. Like a vast light being of celestial proportion these Mary Codes allow you to see in divine portion to what is to come, but like Life itself, your intervention will not change the final outcome for all is a mixture of fate and freewill. In this place of grace and reception of divinity in action, is where the Mary Codes live, a place of living change, fluid in heart and love


Archangel Sigil with Holy Amethyst Crystal points

I was lucky enough to get more of these beautiful Lotus amethyst points however this time they have a different purpose and plan. The collective energies need a little assistance like one Hamm radio operator to another. All divine plans need a landing point and a human directional of sorts. I kept seeing the most beautiful of amethyst flame-beings every time I thought of these crystals. With all the weather lately, our energy is muddled and stressed I just could not get what the crystals were trying to tell me. Finally out of the blue….eureka I got the message with a big dahhh….. Holy Amethyst…. She is the consort of Archangel Zadkiel, they are the Archangels of the Violet flame.

Holy Amethyst and Archangel Zadkiel together with the violet-flame angels, reinforce the idea of true freedom, alchemy, transmutation, forgiveness and divine justice. They are the archangels of the seventh ray of the violet flame of transmutation and spiritual alchemy. Together with their millions of violet-flame angels, they serve mankind.Holy Amethyst is an Archangel or an Archeia, which is the feminine polarity of an Archangel. Archangels like Holy Amethyst are in the highest realms of light and have millions of Angels which serve under them. Holy Amethyst emphases the Mother qualities of the Seventh Ray and radiates that healing to earth.

Archangel Zadkiel is known as the angel of benevolence, mercy and memory. He helps us to truly forgive ourselves. This archangel can help heal troubling memories and lessen painful emotions that still bob to the surface. Whenever you feel that you can’t forgive yourself or another, ask for Holy Amethyst and Archangel Zadkiel’s blessed assistance

The Angelic Realms are magnetized by our feelings, vibrations and the love we extend to earth and her life. Angels have tremendous feeling bodies of light. Their purpose is to help us develop the higher aspects of our own feelings. One of the ways we can attract the light of Holy Amethyst is by keeping a place of blessed light in our homes and offices. We can do that with the ArchAngel sigil of Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst combining them with amethyst crystals as directional.

Holy Amethyst and Lord Zadkiel light is amplified by the color purple and the violet light within amethyst crystals. The amethyst symbolizes devotion, humbleness, genuineness and spiritual wisdom. Amethyst is worn by healers and has the power to focus healing energy. Use an Amethyst in meditation to increase light flow and clear the energy field.

Scepter crystals focus spiritual energy from higher realms into the center of a problem. They remind us of our true selves and our true paths. Because of their shape, Scepter Quartz crystals point the way in order to help us find our own empowerment, which may have been lost. They give you the power to reclaim your self-confidence in order to fulfill your life’s purpose or go after your dreams.

The color Violet relays to the crown chakra. Violet is the highest color in the visible spectrum. This powerful color relates to self-knowledge and spiritual awareness. Violet nourishes the blood in the upper brain and helps our body to assimilate nutrients, minerals and vitamins. This color has amazing healing powers it is a perfect mixture of red and blue, it has the ability to balance physical and spiritual energies. Violet controls irritability and anger and promotes tranquility and mental peace. It is the color that enhances spirituality and is the color of wisdom. Use an Amethyst in meditation to increase light flow and clear the energy field. Use this powerful stone during the dream time as an ally and companion for protection and direction while traveling thru the dream realms

The Sigil is a powerful tool of light, a focal point for good. It’s a jumping off and a landing platform simultaneously. Use it as you would any point or place of power. It can be used as a prayer platform, a financial blessings platform, healing platform, concerns for a loved one or pet focus point, personal clearing or just a making tough life decisions point. Anything you can imagine.

Place the lotus amethyst crystal scepter points with your heartfelt intention within each onto the Sigil Platform, creating the concentration point that you need. You can use each amethyst for a different person situation, etc or use them all for the same thing. By using this powerful sigil and amethyst crystals you are giving your concerns to archangel Zadkiel, Holy Amethyst and a million violet flame angels. Once you place the energy intention in the sigil it is written in stone like wet cement. No need to rinse and repeat, the angels of the violet light got it. You can clear the amethysts by running water over them and start over again at any time. For more info and to see pix and prices go to

Transmission Sessions with Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

The word transmission means “across, beyond, through” and that is exactly how these sessions can be defined. They are not just your vanilla box reading or session of truth, they are an experience for the soul filling you with pure light and healing Each session is uniquely tailored for your light and life. Each healing sound and each channeled word, is for your light, your body, your heart and soul.

Your ‘Transmission session’ will be a ‘remote session’ aligned with your soul light and soul purpose. It will be recorded and sent to you via
USB storage device via USPS snail mail. THIS IS NOT A PHONE READING.

Sessions are approx. 1.5 hour + long/ recorded/ costs $144
I will ‘snail mail your transmission session via USB storage device' which you can insert into your computer and keep to listen to your session whenever you want.

Total session cost $144 includes USB device and mailing costs
*** clear the energy field thru healing sound. Peruvian Healing vessels and/or crystal bowls
*** Protection statements spiritual release statements and clearing statements
***karma releasing/clearing technique
*** DNA healing / clearing bloodline
*** insights and truths from Gillian for year ahead
*** Channeled message from Gillian and your Teachers of Light

Please let me know when you are sending for a session
and for goodness sakes give me your phone number and email address if you send a check.
Please send payment of $144 via to
please let me know you have done this, I do not always get notice from paypal, thx

or send $144 USA check/ MO
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO box 217
Dandridge, TN 37725
email me at

Cosmic classified

Within this sanctuary, we let go of the old patterns of understanding. And with open minds and hearts, readjust and shift our perceptions so we move into our spiritual selves gracefully. Join me here, a place where your spirit will be enlightened and replenished. We’ll be joined by other awesome souls whose path of service is to reach out to all who wish to awaken their hearts. In doing so, we ready ourselves for the next step of bringing all hearts together on Gaia as one.

Portals of Light Vision Cards 1 & 2
by Judith Anne Thomas

Two beautiful decks of meditation cards created by the artist to inspire inner journeying, and the raising of personal frequency.Thirty-three inner-vision cards each carry the image of a multi-layered mandala. Inlaid with powerful light codes, the mandala is a portal to transport the viewer into an altered state of consciousness, and reveal the wisdom of one’s inner being.
36 A6 quality laminated cards - includes 3 intro cards - in a gorgeous gift box
$33 per deck includes shipping UK, +$4 Europe, +$7 international
Payment to to

This newsletter is lovingly crafted by Spirit
Any imperfections in spelling and grammar only enhance its beauty and uniqueness.

Support Where You Receive Your Spiritual Truths
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO Box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee
The Quantum Awakening Newsletter | December 2018 The Quantum Awakening Newsletter | December 2018 Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/11/2018 06:46:00 AM Rating: 5

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- Solely write thoughts, news, messages regarding the Event, Ascension, spirituality, and anything that is relates
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