Core Shift in Gaia and Organic Timeline Restoration | Sandra Walter

Core Shift in Gaia and Organic Timeline Restoration

Dec 10, 2018

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Our sacred transformational passage is upon us, when deep collective and personal shifts may occur. The embodiment phase is bolstered by the cosmic flows, and this year’s deep cleansing provides the Divine revelation of the True Self for many. This download is long; it summarizes timeline shifts, migrating realities, and a hearts-up for the birthing of a new energy.

We are preparing to migrate all realities to the organic Ascension timelines. It has been a slow migration, building the crystalline pathways which bridge the gap between distorted inorganic timelines and the Christed timelines of organic intent. The frequencies which trigger an accelerated migration occur between the 12-12 and 12-27. It unlocks magnetics within Gaia’s core, which shifts all energy flows to the crystalline grid system, causing expansion.

The shifts created by this energy release may accelerate earth-changes, which also accelerates unity. Let us recognize that deconstruction of the old includes physical changes in these realms. That should not be a surprise, nor an opportunity for sensationalism. The inorganic realities must collapse, just as the time structures must collapse, in order to reveal the new. It is an honor and a blessing to be here to experience both – simultaneously. Starseeds, guide those who forget their hyperdimensional existence.

As I mentioned in the last Gatekeeper’s journal, I have been seeing many departing souls, similar to the visions before 2016 began. Let us focus on the Now service of migrating realities with as much ease and grace as possible.

The energies of 2018 were intended to mature our hearts, reveal the organic Ascension experience and amplify emotional intelligence in the Ascending collective. The Unity in Unity Consciousness will be emphasized, by whatever means needed by the collective consciousness, in 2019. Wayshowing becomes a pure expression of love, compassion, integrity and embodiment as we go through this transformational passage.

Organic Timeline Restoration

For years the Divine Team upstairs have said that 3D technically no longer exists. As with most of this intel, the supportive experiences and documentation eventually come to light. I AM feeling this strongly as I approach my 20th anniversary of delivering messages. Anniversaries are popping up everywhere for me, another indication that timeline shifts are upon us.

We have been running parallel collective realities for quite a while, with a slow divide as the lower realities/timelines drop away (aka division of worlds.) The inorganic timelines embedded in the lower realities were a creation fueled by HUman agreement. Lightworkers and Gaia made the choice during the harmonic convergence of 1987 to engage with the Ascension timelines. Rather than reset in an all-at-once, game-over scenario, we chose to walk through the 2012 Gateway as one, let the old realities dissolve, and experience creating the new.

We get so much more out of the journey this way. We learn to create in unity consciousness while old realities dismantle. We get the experience of transformation through the physical. And we learn time dynamics, honoring free will, and the true power of serving Source through the heart. Brilliant.

Lightworkers engaged in collective ceremony and constant gridwork through the 1-1-1, 2-2-2, 3-3-3 … for twelve years, ending in the finale of the 12-12-12 when Gaia birthed the higher realm of New Earth. Gaia broke away from the lower timeline reality back in 2011, a few months before the 11-11-11 reignited the Christed Heart flame in all willing vessels. An elegant orchestration of events. The Primary Christed timelines, a creation of our future selves as a possibility of experiencing Ascension for both the planet and physical BEings, began to override the lower and inorganic realities.

The Primary timelines became a physical experience available to all with the August 2017 Solar eclipse. This accelerated the drop-off of energetic support for lower timelines, which have been running on collective agreement. As we hit tipping points in collective awakening, the agreement dissolves in the higher vibration, and those manipulative realities can no longer operate. Old Earth can run for another 100 years if needed; there are benevolent timelines in place to bridge Gaia’s expressions. They can endure only a certain level of photonic light quotient before they collapse. Collective choice will reveal how long those are needed.

Positive photons create order, which can look like chaos as inorganic realities crumble. Apply multidimensional awareness to everything; the lower realities have been called an illusion for good reason. Lower timelines dissolve as we traverse the photon belt, and that activity accelerates as we collectively unify with the intent for peace, harmony, and creating in the highest interests of all concerned. Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, Lightworkers, Starseeds, Wayshowers begin to remember their higher skills and step into service. We unify with our future selves/Higher Selves during the embodiment phase and reunite with our multidimensional aspects (happening now.) No one is robbed of their Mastery experience; you can have this here and now, or experience it in another system. The honoring of free will is a major lesson in these realms. Mastery requires choice and action.

The Gateways we used to migrate realities to the organic timelines have activated the New Earth Crystalline -based Grid system. It compliments the radical magnetic shifts Gaia goes through to reveal New Earth, and assists in bridging the worlds. This is why we used crystals, sound, new geometries, and rejuvenated skill sets to create it. It is a crystalline, hyperdimensional structure which flows freely between dimensions, planets and star systems, rather than limiting or controlling realities.

Our current service is to bridge the gap between lower realities which are running on empty, and the higher organic realities. We rewrite our collective timelines to have a through-line; to mend the past intention of Ascension with the positive future outcome already taking place.

The positive photonic light promotes collective clearing. We are erasing, realigning huge sections of our past miscreations, distortions, old stories, in order to create an organic flow from past Self to future Self, and merge them in Zero Point.

This is why Lightworkers sense the past as long gone, dissolved, illusionary, like a strange dream dissipating with the New SUNrise. Because it is. Negative emotions cannot be recalled or re-experienced. We release ourselves from the spell. It also makes the lower collective experience feel dull; these realities are past their expiration date. So we turn our focus to the New, in order to unlock the Gates and bridges to the Primary Christed timeline experience.

Crystalline DNA is our body’s bridge between worlds. Christed hearts beam our intention through the DNA creating a passcode to the organic reality already in place. Running a higher vibration in the body turns on more DNA strands, and allows us to experience the higher organic realities. Starseeds have an advantage since we came in with unique codes, however everyone is capable of activating what their body, mind and heart can handle.

A Sacred Gift from Gaia

Gaia is about to give us a major boost from her crystalline core. You may have seen/felt the unlocking of the Living Library during the SUNday Unity Meditations, as the 12-12 Gateways opened. In order to realign the past intent with the inevitable future outcome of Ascension, Gaia will make a shift in her magnetic flow with a cosmic alignment between 12-12 and 12-27.

Cosmic rays are anticipated, however the adjustment is coming from Gaia herself, in order to align more fully with the Primary timelines. The lower timelines have no energetic support, so this event assists the organic reality to become more predominant.

It will cause a reverberation across the dimensions as the organic timeline restoration takes place. It won’t be over in a moment, it will initiate a phase of accelerated migration. This is a core rebirthing to allow the through-line of our past, present and future experience to self-correct.

Migrating denser realities to crystalline level during an Ascension cycle is a brand new experience, so it is unpredictable how this will unfold. We pray, intend and co-create a palpable and peaceful shift.

There may be several jolts felt to the New Earth Grids as time dynamics are adjusted. You may feel sudden rushes of energy or an intense blissy sensation as the organic experience returns. The planetary plate systems are most vulnerable to this expansive light. Just as our physical bodies adjust to hold more of our Higher Self in form, so must Gaia adjust. Remember it is benevolent, since the outward appearance may seem chaotic.

This is well-timed with our embodiment, which is accelerating this activity by quantum effect. The connection to Gaia is strong; she is very present in our hearts. Many will take on a new level of Christ consciousness to stabilize this beautiful new light. We become part of the bridge between worlds in this activity. Anticipate the Divine, this is a very sacred passage for demonstrating Mastery.

Suggestions for this Sacred Passage

Three Day Water Fast. One of the simplest ways to uplevel DNA, gain focus and raise your light quotient is a three day water fast. Just water. Limit screen time (online activity) and distractions for maximum effect. Follow your guidance; your body and path are unique.

Meditation and practices of highest intent. Bring all of your Multidimensional Self to the table right now. Practice radiant, expansive, Godhead-level meditation. Sound, toning and Light language are powerful activators in this Now. Join us for the SUNday Unity Meditations, use that collective support to create the New. We connect offline to practice the organic experience of unity consciousness. The vibration of Love on SUNdays is palpable and healing. That field is there every day to connect with and amplify.

Move your body … and lightbodies. Get those toroidal fields spinning diamond-solar light plasma. Yoga, exercise, dance, walk, whatever you love. Get the energy moving so you release the old timeline entanglements easily and encourage new DNA to reconnect. Play in the nature gym and move the light through Gaia as well. Oxygenate for maximum code-flow and clarity.

To know is to do. Apply Mastery skills of forgiveness, clemency, gratitude, unconditional love, and Ascension in every thought, word, and deed. Contact is stepping up, which requires a level of transparency which may be out of your comfort zone. Be seen, felt and heard as the Crystalline BEing you are. If you are feeling less-than-ready, perfect your intent moment to moment. Everyone gets points for doing the good work.

Connect with Gaia. We haven’t even begun to reveal what return of the the Divine Feminine truly means. Unity breeds unity; as active participants in this co-creation of Ascension, we level up our Creator skills with the unlocking of the Living Library. This isn’t just the revelation of who we were, but of who we are becoming. Be a good midwife and assist in migrating realities to the higher timelines. As Gaia has said; There are no old stories in the New Earth realm. Reflect this in your lifestream and trust your heart.

Anticipate brilliance. Miracles are a natural outcome of embodying pure spirit; expressing as the LoveLight of Source. As we become conduits of our pure Self, embodying the positive photonic plasma, our realities reflect crystalline BEingness (and it makes your skin sparkle). The Creator State is a very different way of BEing; encourage New in every moment.

Opportunities for Unification

We honor the collective experience of being on the bridge; crossing to the unknown, not able to fully grasp what we are becoming. It feels sacred and challenging. The organic reunification of the spirit-soul-form trinity is a pleasure beyond description. The freedom to experience Source-as-Self again is revelation; the highest level of HUman disclosure.

Organic Primary timelines operate in flow time. As they become readily available, let your plans be pliable, stay alert to higher callings in the heart space.

Embodiment takes focus. New light levels, paired with a core shift, can unfold in many ways. Remember we become purified fractals of the whole operation; what happens to Gaia, or the SUN, or the Galaxy, etc. also happens to us, through us, as us. For those who take on the challenge of leveling up, this opportunity feels Divine.

Many asked about invocations to use in ceremony. Here is a Gatekeeper decree for the Now:

We call forth the pure organic Primary Christed timelines of Ascension
to override and overwrite all lower timelines and distortions,
and provide the pure and true organic experience for all willing hearts.

We call forth the positive Photonic Light and Source-encoded plasma
to infuse the cosmic stargates, Solaris, Gaia, kingdoms, elementals and beloved Humanity,
across all timelines, parallel realities seen and unseen,
to puritize and Divinitize all creations to the highest level allowed by Cosmic Law.

I open myself as a conduit of Source, the One pure and true Infinite Creator,
to flow the Diamond-Solar Light of revelation, unconditional Love and purification,
through all of these realms, in the highest interests of all concerned.

Higher realms of highest service to the organic Ascension,
unify with us for amplification and acceleration of the migration of realities
and open the crystalline bridges to experience the New Earth, Now.

Sacred Gateways of the pure and true organic Ascension within Gaia,
HUmanity, kingdoms and elementals, ancient structures and future New Earth realities,
open and flow the Diamond-Solar plasma of Cosmic Christ consciousness
through all of these realms and grant peace, love and Ascension to all willing hearts.

I ordain this under all graces and forces of pure Source consciousness. So it is.

Unified Activities and Markers for this Passage

Wednesday, December 12: The 12-12 anniversary. Connect with Gaia, focus on migrating realities to reveal the Christed timelines for all. A strong day for first Embodiers and Gatekeepers. Get out on Gaia and assist with opening for the influx/outflux.

SUNday December 16: Global Unity Meditations in the photon-bath of Galactic Center. Join us at 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Time. Meditate with thousands of Lightworkers for 33 minutes, offline, in your style. Set a reminder and join in, the more hearts the better. Gratitude to those who spread the word. Details HERE.

Monday – Wednesday December 17-19: Earth – SUN – Galactic Center alignment. Not an exact alignment, thus the window of opportunity provided. Strong cosmic energies.

Friday December 21: Solstice at 2:23 PM Pacific Time.

Saturday December 22: Full Moon at 9:50 AM Pacific Time.

SUNday December 23: Global Unity Meditations at 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Time. The greatest Christmas presence we can give the collective is Peace, Love and our Hearts as One force of Source.

SUNday December 30: Global Unity Meditations at 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Time. Prepare for the Now Year in Unity with the Light Tribe.

Embodiment is an empowering activity.

No one should be waiting for a day, a moment, a flash, an announcement. Old systems dismantle on a collective level as easily as your old self dismantled during the Ascension process. Breathe. Patience = generosity. Acceleration is anticipated, since time dynamics are connected to magnetic flows, as well as gravity. This has a direct effect on DNA and can be (even more) stimulating. Starseeds with coherent hearts and emotional intelligence are encouraged to balance the collective fields during this passage.

Remember our fields and choices affect outcomes; we assist (not hinder) the expansion of Gaia. The heart can handle much more than the mind. It can also create with clarity from the higher perspective of Love.

I send all of you Love and strength for a Divine and Sacred passage. This is a phase of wonder and brilliance. May we honor it and use the energies to co-create the highest experience for all concerned. Blessings for a truly joyful holiday season. Let us show Humanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,

Note: This is the last post of the year. Weekly inspiration continues via the Newsletter.

Source: Sandra Walter
Core Shift in Gaia and Organic Timeline Restoration | Sandra Walter Core Shift in Gaia and Organic Timeline Restoration | Sandra Walter Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/11/2018 06:38:00 AM Rating: 5

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