Mind Over Matter | Pine Cone

OSHO: Intellectual Listening is a Kind of Deafness


What “Isn’t” mind over matter, as long as we switch our allegiance from Ascension Creator Light-existence Invisible-love Immortal-life BENEVOLENCE, to Physical Creation Dark-mortality Visible-hate Death-illusion MALEVOLENCE? Clicking on either, seeming different Titled-link takes us, right back to the same step a few days ago, yet this, very same “Mind over Matter” step Today is another, mere intuitive step toward a Mindless future “Prescience” step, that will be a Hell of a lot more difficult, than getting the meaning behind this easier forgiveness-step Today.

Physical Creation Dark-mortality Visible-hate Death-illusion Malevolent Science is a Mind-control Blue Pill Matrix suffering-victim parallel-dimension, so if we delete the ‘mind’ we, not only surrender constipated anal-control proof-poof, but we, also take personal responsibility, as Ascension Creator Light existence Invisible-love Immortal-life in Benevolent Prescience. Each allegiance has a list of features to identify as Benevolence, or Malevolence, so getting these lists understood before moving on to Today’s “Mind over Matter”, is one of many forgiveness steps into the same future, as crossing the forgiveness bridge toward enlightening compassion, that makes it a lot easier along this, seeming impossible way for you, and me right now.

For the Satanically judgM E N T A L intellectuals, if we, ‘all’ use ‘shit’ to mention the malevolent Title list, we will experience a little constipated relief, and if we use “Light” to mention the benevolent Title list, all, that appears at the end of this ‘up the Crown-colon’ Colonial mind-control sodomy Vatican Satanic Child-sacrifice DC-swamp tunnel is the eternal promise missing, shit-now, that “I am enough” in and of myself without Malevolent mini-me. Can I switch my allegiance from ‘shit’, to “Light” without forgiving others, as myself, to enlighten enough compassion to perform in the disappearance of Malevolent-shit hidden in mini-me, that co-creates continual unconscious solid-quanta shit-expectation matter-illusions?

Was I switched from Light, to shit, at birth, and what is the motive of malevolence except improving our proof of guilt to make more constipation possible, to pretend we have control over our minds, when the mind, just has to be the one to GO, before we discover we have, no control over Spiritual Sovereign Singular-hilarity Ho Ho Ho, really. If an apple doesn’t FALL far from the tree, and a Malevolent doesn’t Fall far from my mirror-double Duality shit heads, only “Light” can travel for~every~where in timeless-reverie, mindless-reverie shitless-reverie absolute unborn infinity Effulgence Joy mindless Harmony.

Take the pyramids, please? Move mountains as if Spiritual upside down Fountain-prescience were in charge of all Light exchanging Miracles, and imagine telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, and user friendly transfiguration without, ever bumping into shit? Awakening Awareness Atonement Ascension can’t happen to shit devotease, so if we, already are used to “Mind over Matter”, as if constipation over shit-control has our number, then even this little tart-rhyme can open up a little Prescience possibility relief, as if a Light-devotee, already built, all manner of Mind-control shit without, even having to prove it to science control-freak Reptilian Statist Stasis Government-paid Humiliation-spewing Political-BS choosing-sides Satanically-correct MSM-shit Corporation-crappers.

It’s not our minds that carry, all the traumatic lifetime memories, but every cellular memory in our bodies, that carry the Karmic-burdens forward for forgiveness reconciliation enough, to release all the constipated crap on the Malevolent Shit list, and funny thing about that good letting-go feeling is when one of us enlightens compassion, everyone feels that lovely(Love both ways) release, right after, that can, only be a Prescience Light ID experience, as if everything about science is, just more constipation control-freak stinky eye gossip-squirming around in our Monkey minds Proof of separation-fear in the shit Matrix addiction to branches-matter people/money Evil-infrastructure lightening the Lowest shit-common denominator denial-load at the Burning Bush diarrhea Light Title list surprise.

I can’t even imagine what the next step will be, and it’s as if yesterday’s step disappears, even before Today’s surprise can come, but if this is what benevolent Prescience is about, then I better enjoy this step if I want to be present for the next step, that isn’t, even visible yet. I see a picture of a little “Light” dream-bird perched on a stem above a beautiful flower, as a metaphor of receiving Today’s step, only if we, already preened everything we, only think we know, and get ready, because Tomorrow’s new step, isn’t, even possible until we let go of today’s “Light”step that, always disappears before we know it. Any Duality-devotee stuck in the crapper, imagines I am, merely talking shit, but even this constipation proof of science is, only possible on the shit Title-list of Malevolent ‘Mind over Matter”, more intellectual-listening control freak shit-coming attractions.

We have shit-mind over shit-matter, and we have Light-mind over Light-matter, but when we get rid of the mind, in mind-control, we get rid of the ‘matter’ in, Light control, that is impossible in Malevolent | Prescience, as if shit can be part of switching allegiance to the Benevolent “Light Title list. Me Karma Su Karma, and we both Be Karma, but one can switch allegiance, and still appear to remain here, so it’s, all about which list anyone favors, over the other with compassion, not self-hate projection Malevolence, back and forth in, like forever seeming Karmic-constipation *X* stinky-eye shit-spite Zombie-splat, gone Calcified Pineal Aluminum-waste Dentist-shit list viral.
Mind Over Matter | Pine Cone Mind Over Matter | Pine Cone Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/03/2018 11:32:00 AM Rating: 5

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