I Gotta Dispersion | Pine Cone

A telepathic empathy sublimating Creative Intelligence in a bubble of Enlightening Liquefiable Love Energy is anointing for~every~where in Aether Neutral Joy, as mist from absolute unborn infinity Spiritual Sovereign Singularity, is enhancing my Universal Ascension Cosmic Light ID intuitive Existence Love of, all invisible Immortal life.

Sentient Light Being Bubbleiscious Interconnecting Creative Intelligence sways in a Graceful Languid Rhythm wave of Higher Light Frequency Delight Bonding Communion Flux-flow freeing energy Vibration, so perspective-free, that any agenda seems impossible in this shared Inner Realm of unlimited dispersion annointing Bubble-popping possibilities.

Ever-new Joy intuitive intimacy to infinity sounds like fun within the unknown-before inclusion that, actually defines Communion, over shadow form-exclusion, only communicating a helpless separation-suffering arrogant unconscious self-hate Karmic-gender narcissistic agenda. I gotta Dispersion, better than a, mere idea, as if, even ‘I’ am in dispersion sublimating to infinity’s Universal Ascension Cosmic Light ID abundant unborn simplicity.

We Disperse me Now!!! Dispersion, ever-so willingly becomes the Celestial Music in Mystical Magical Miracle Delight dancing in stillness, and timeless reverie, where ‘I’ disappear into the anointing effervescent misting Love-scintillating Existence in a cool responsive total humility motive-free unknown-before agenda-free gentle-wave compassionate Diamond-kindness.

I gotta me-less Vast-beauty Dispersion Joy goin on…

Ascension Creator Light-existence Invisible-love Immortal-life

+Karma is Physical Creation Dark-mortality Visible-hate Death-illusion

*Gender is Physical Creation Dark-mortality Visible-hate Death-illusion

&War is Physical Creation Dark-mortality Visible-hate Death-illusion

^Marriage is Physical Creation Dark-mortality Visible-hate Death-illusion

%Time is Physical Creation Dark-mortality Visible-hate Death-illusion

$Earth is Physical Creation Dark-mortality Visible-hate Death-illusion

#Politics is Physical Creation Dark-mortality Visible-hate Death-illusion

@Collective Hive Consciousness is Physical Creation Dark-mortality Visible-hate Death-illusion

~Satanic Child-sacrifice Cannibals are Physical Creation Dark-mortality Visible-hate Death-illusion

<Reptilian Statist Stasis minions control Physical Creation Dark-mortality Visible-hate Death-illusion

`Separatists communicate division in Physical Creation Dark-mortality Visible-hate Death-illusion

Physical Creation Dark-mortality Visible-hate Death-illusion

+Karma-free is Ascension Creator Light-existence Invisible-love Immortal-life

*Gender-free is Ascension Creator Light-existence Invisible-love Immortal-life

&Peace is Ascension Creator Light-existence Invisible-love Immortal-life

^Spiritual Sovereign Singularity is Ascension Creator Light-existence Invisible-love Immortal-life

%Timeless~reverie is Ascension Creator Light-existence Invisible-love Immortal-life

$Universal Ascension Cosmic Alternative is Creator Light-existence Invisible-love Immortal-life

#Miracle Light exchanges are Ascension Creator Light-existence Invisible-love Immortal-life

@ONENESS Spirit Conscience is Ascension Creator Light-existence Invisible-love Immortal-life

~Sentient Light Beings interconnect Ascension Creator Light-existence Invisible-love Immortal-life

<Absolute Unborn Infinity surrenders to Ascension Creator Light-existence Invisible-love Immortal-life

`Aether Neutral Communes within Ascension Creator Light-existence Invisible-love Immortal-life
I Gotta Dispersion | Pine Cone I Gotta Dispersion | Pine Cone Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/02/2018 09:44:00 AM Rating: 5

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