Fulfillment of desires, success, achieving goals, abundance
Sometimes I don't know what I want. Sometimes it seems to me that I understand my desires, but it turns out that I don’t need it at all. How can I determine what my true desires are?
Dear one, your true desires are the desires of your Spirit. These are the desires of your Divinity. The question is to hear the voice of your Divine Spirit. Sometimes it is difficult for you to break through to the Spirit - to this basis, essence, foundation of yours - because certain external layers, those parts of your being that are not the real you, interfere. These parts can be called differently - ego, mask, role, or another word that you have: image.
There is nothing wrong with having an image or playing a role - it is only important to do it consciously, clearly distinguishing between your real self and the roles that society requires of you. Otherwise, a substitution occurs. Otherwise, you begin to believe that the mask is you. Then the mask begins to control you. Then she dictates your desires and needs. Then the true needs of the Spirit begin to be ignored.
But only satisfying the needs of the Spirit leads you to a truly happy state, makes your life real and fulfilling.
Because the Spirit expresses the real you. The mask is just an appearance. It does not reflect your real essence. Therefore, the desires associated with the desire to correspond to this mask, appearance, image, simply cannot give you real happiness, success, satisfaction. They are empty and lead only to emptiness and disappointment.
Remember that you are Spirit.
Try, at least for a short time, to turn to yourself, look inside yourself, turn away from the opinions, desires, and needs of society imposed on you from the outside. Look at yourself through the eyes of love, through the eyes of God. Ask yourself in such moments of silence and solitude: “Who am I really? And what do I really need? If your intention is pure and sincere, you will definitely hear the answer.
Verbal formulas for realizing your true desires
? I am a particle of a perfect God. I have always been, am and will be perfect as a particle of God.
? I accept and forgive all my human imperfections. They are not my essence. My essence is a perfect Divine being.
? My Spirit is a particle of the perfect God in me. I trust my Spirit. I give Spirit control of my life and my desires.
? God wishes me well, the Spirit wishes me well. Every moment of my life I listen to the voice of the Spirit and follow the path suggested to me by the Spirit.
I? I let go of all the desires imposed on me from the outside. I let go of everything foreign, superficial, unnecessary to me. I follow the desires of the Spirit every moment of my life.
? I let go of myself and forgive all the insults caused to me by other people. I bless them to go their way, and I will go mine. I am protected by my Spirit and my angels along my path. Whatever happens, I remain in Light and Love.
I have a strong determination to achieve a better life for myself. How to make it start working?
Your intention is already working. Do you really think that God will make you wait in the waiting room with your intention until He receives you and signs your documents? No, dear. God is not at all like an official who gives permissions or prohibitions. And you don't have to wait in line. Your intention begins to act from the moment it arises in you. There are no other conditions for this.
You've probably wanted to ask why your intention isn't working as well as you'd like? Why don't you notice the external manifestations of its action?
First, figure out what exactly you understand by a better life and whether your ideas differ from the Spirit’s ideas about what is truly good for you. Perhaps the Spirit is leading you to your true good, but since you understand good differently, it seems to you to be moving in the wrong direction.
Secondly, figure out whether your intention is pure enough, and whether you are setting any conditions on the path to its implementation. Don’t you say, for example: “I want to live better - but only on the condition that I don’t have to change anything”? With such conditions you place obstacles on the path of the Spirit.
Remember that change is always change, even if it is a change for the better.
Be ready for change, trust the Spirit and allow it to guide you along the path of change in the way that is best for you.
Verbal formulas to give strength and purity to your intention
? I enter into union with God with love and gratitude to achieve my highest good and the highest good of all.
? I have unlimited trust in God, because I know that He has a better view of the big picture of my life and will find the most appropriate ways to achieve my goals.
? I follow the path of the Spirit because this path is the best that life can give me.
? I trust God to carry out my intentions and know that everything in my life happens according to the laws of boundless and unconditional love.
? I use my intention and achieve my goals in the name of the reign of Light and Love in my life and the creation of a universal paradise on Earth.
How can you learn not to make mistakes in your choice and always make the right decisions, so as not to regret it later?
Tell yourself this: “The choice that I am making now is the best choice for this situation, for this point in space and time.” Every moment of your life you make some kind of choice, even if you don’t notice it.
Do you think that the words “choice” and “decision” refer only to some rare fateful moments? No. Right now you are choosing whether to read this book or do something else. Every day you choose what information to let into your consciousness and what food to let into your body. You choose to be active or passive, calm or angry, cheerful or sad. You choose many different things, without noticing how they shape you and your life no less, and perhaps more, than the “great”, “fateful” decisions.
Be conscious not only of major decisions, but also of similar “little things”. Ask yourself: is this the best choice for me? Is this what the Spirit wants? By setting the intention to make the best choices every moment of your life, you will not make big mistakes.
In the meantime, accept the choice that you made before, that you are making now, accept it as it is, and you will understand that you have nothing to repent of.
Everything you chose was the best for you - the best possible at that moment, at that point in space and time. Accept the choice and the destiny that you created with that choice. Understand that nothing else was truly possible.
But something has changed now, hasn't it? And now you have another choice. Do it without delay. Make sure you hear the applause of the Spirit - applause for you for making truly the best and highest choice.
Verbal formulas to help you make the best decision and make the most favorable choice
? I am the eternal immortal Spirit acting on Earth in human form. I, as a human being, ask for the highest Divine guidance from my immortal Spirit, who knows all the ways and guides me for my highest good. I ask my Divine Spirit to guide me now on the most favorable path for me.
? I ask God, my angelic guides and helpers to help me make the best choice in all life situations that require me to make a decision.
? I submit myself to the guidance and guidance of the Spirit, but I also know that the responsibility for my actions lies with me. I gladly accept this responsibility and exercise my free choice to live, act, make decisions, and achieve the Spirit's intended purposes for my highest good and the highest good of all.
? I enlighten and purify my human Self with the Light and Love of my Divine Spiritual Self to become one with Spirit and create a happy present and future for both myself and all humanity.
How to combine “I want” and “I can”? There are many desires, but no opportunities...
Dear, the limit of your capabilities is exactly where you set this limit yourself. For every “I want” of yours, if it coincides with the desires of the Spirit, an unlimited amount of “I can” is given, corresponding to Divine power. It depends on you how much of this power you take to fulfill your desires.
If you take too little or even nothing, you may be driven by limitations inherited from the past. Were there times when you considered yourself too weak, incapable of anything? When did you think that everything good and important in life was not for you?
Darling, those days are gone.
Previous restrictions no longer have power over you. Express your intention to get rid of them. Express your intention to find your true power. You don't know your capabilities yet. Make it a point to get to know them, and you will realize that they are limitless. Just don’t set these boundaries yourself. Let God work through you. You don’t doubt God’s capabilities, do you? Know that these are your opportunities too. Claim them rightfully. Then your “I want” and “I can” will finally come into balance.
Verbal formulas for overcoming the limitations of your capabilities
? I am a beautiful Divine being with limitless possibilities. The limitless possibilities of my Spirit are given to me by birthright. I have the right to use my limitless possibilities in earthly reality to create the best for me - what I deserve.
? No one and nothing has the right to limit my limitless possibilities. Only I have the right to decide when and how to use these opportunities to create the highest good for myself and all souls in the Universe. I reveal my limitless possibilities every moment of my life to create my happy destiny and the best conditions of existence on Earth.
? I am now freed from all the restrictions that I mistakenly accepted. Now I see that all restrictions are the essence of illusions and chimeras of the material world. From now on, I refuse to support them with my faith and my strength. From now on, I believe in my limitless capabilities and invest my strength in this belief. What I believe in becomes reality. I know that with my strength, my faith and my intention I can create in my life everything I need for myself, and I do this every moment of my earthly life.
I have a feeling that I’m stalling, I want changes in my life, but they don’t come. What do i do?
It just seems to you that nothing is changing. Changes are always coming. They are just not always noticeable to you, because they first occur at energy levels invisible to you. In this way, the ground is prepared for external changes manifested in the material world.
You are doing a lot of inner spiritual work. You are changing and you know it, it’s hard to argue with that. But isn't this change? You envy those who have some stormy events in their lives, noticeable external changes... But if there is no great internal development behind this, then such changes are only an appearance. It's a waste of energy. Don't be jealous of it.
I understand your impatience, your desire to quickly see the external fruits of internal changes. Still, I urge you: be patient.
Just tell yourself that everything will happen at the right time, at the best time for it. Trust Spirit with the time, timing, and means of making changes. Do not try to change something externally if the changes are not ripe from within.
When they are ripe, you don’t have to rush things. You'll just have to keep up with the twists and turns to keep up with the events! And only those changes that are prepared by the Spirit will be the changes you truly need, desired and for the good.
Verbal formulas so that all changes are for the better
? I am the earthly material expression of the eternal immortal Spirit. I live on Earth to create here, together with God, the space of paradise. I have been given everything I need for this wonderful process. I create an earthly paradise with my thoughts, feelings, desires, dreams and intentions.
? I express my firm intention from now on to do only what will benefit me and all people. I radiate the bright creative energies of love, according to which my life is filled with light, love, goodness and all the best that I deserve in accordance with my status as a Divine being.
? I ask God to show me what changes I need in my life now. I ask you to give me hints in any form that is understandable and acceptable to me. I know that God wants to give me what is best for me - I am willing to make the best choice according to God's will.
? I am ready to go through the necessary lessons in order to clear my life of everything old, obsolete and get a new, better one. I ask Spirit to gently guide me through these lessons. I am ready to let into my life the best that will come to me as a result.
? I completely trust the Spirit to make the necessary changes in my life and smoothly, on the waves of God’s love, I move into the wonderful future prepared for me, which begins here and now, in my blessed present. I know: everything in my life is working out in the best way - for me, for my loved ones, for everyone around me and everyone living on Earth.
They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Indeed, sometimes you want the best, but you get the worst. How to make sure that both intentions and actions are for the good?
Truly good intentions always lead only to good. If the intentions led to something else, then they were not good, but only seemed so.
What are truly good intentions? These are the ones that are the intentions of the Spirit. But ordinary human logic does not always distinguish between them. Sometimes you accept as good what is not good for the Spirit. Pursuing such intentions can indeed lead to destructive consequences.
? I submit myself to the guidance and guidance of the Spirit, but I also know that the responsibility for my actions lies with me. I gladly accept this responsibility and exercise my free choice to live, act, make decisions, and achieve the Spirit's intended purposes for my highest good and the highest good of all.
? I enlighten and purify my human Self with the Light and Love of my Divine Spiritual Self to become one with Spirit and create a happy present and future for both myself and all humanity.
How to combine “I want” and “I can”? There are many desires, but no opportunities...
Dear, the limit of your capabilities is exactly where you set this limit yourself. For every “I want” of yours, if it coincides with the desires of the Spirit, an unlimited amount of “I can” is given, corresponding to Divine power. It depends on you how much of this power you take to fulfill your desires.
If you take too little or even nothing, you may be driven by limitations inherited from the past. Were there times when you considered yourself too weak, incapable of anything? When did you think that everything good and important in life was not for you?
Darling, those days are gone.
Previous restrictions no longer have power over you. Express your intention to get rid of them. Express your intention to find your true power. You don't know your capabilities yet. Make it a point to get to know them, and you will realize that they are limitless. Just don’t set these boundaries yourself. Let God work through you. You don’t doubt God’s capabilities, do you? Know that these are your opportunities too. Claim them rightfully. Then your “I want” and “I can” will finally come into balance.
Verbal formulas for overcoming the limitations of your capabilities
? I am a beautiful Divine being with limitless possibilities. The limitless possibilities of my Spirit are given to me by birthright. I have the right to use my limitless possibilities in earthly reality to create the best for me - what I deserve.
? No one and nothing has the right to limit my limitless possibilities. Only I have the right to decide when and how to use these opportunities to create the highest good for myself and all souls in the Universe. I reveal my limitless possibilities every moment of my life to create my happy destiny and the best conditions of existence on Earth.
? I am now freed from all the restrictions that I mistakenly accepted. Now I see that all restrictions are the essence of illusions and chimeras of the material world. From now on, I refuse to support them with my faith and my strength. From now on, I believe in my limitless capabilities and invest my strength in this belief. What I believe in becomes reality. I know that with my strength, my faith and my intention I can create in my life everything I need for myself, and I do this every moment of my earthly life.
I have a feeling that I’m stalling, I want changes in my life, but they don’t come. What do i do?
It just seems to you that nothing is changing. Changes are always coming. They are just not always noticeable to you, because they first occur at energy levels invisible to you. In this way, the ground is prepared for external changes manifested in the material world.
You are doing a lot of inner spiritual work. You are changing and you know it, it’s hard to argue with that. But isn't this change? You envy those who have some stormy events in their lives, noticeable external changes... But if there is no great internal development behind this, then such changes are only an appearance. It's a waste of energy. Don't be jealous of it.
I understand your impatience, your desire to quickly see the external fruits of internal changes. Still, I urge you: be patient.
Just tell yourself that everything will happen at the right time, at the best time for it. Trust Spirit with the time, timing, and means of making changes. Do not try to change something externally if the changes are not ripe from within.

When they are ripe, you don’t have to rush things. You'll just have to keep up with the twists and turns to keep up with the events! And only those changes that are prepared by the Spirit will be the changes you truly need, desired and for the good.
Verbal formulas so that all changes are for the better
? I am the earthly material expression of the eternal immortal Spirit. I live on Earth to create here, together with God, the space of paradise. I have been given everything I need for this wonderful process. I create an earthly paradise with my thoughts, feelings, desires, dreams and intentions.
? I express my firm intention from now on to do only what will benefit me and all people. I radiate the bright creative energies of love, according to which my life is filled with light, love, goodness and all the best that I deserve in accordance with my status as a Divine being.
? I ask God to show me what changes I need in my life now. I ask you to give me hints in any form that is understandable and acceptable to me. I know that God wants to give me what is best for me - I am willing to make the best choice according to God's will.
? I am ready to go through the necessary lessons in order to clear my life of everything old, obsolete and get a new, better one. I ask Spirit to gently guide me through these lessons. I am ready to let into my life the best that will come to me as a result.
? I completely trust the Spirit to make the necessary changes in my life and smoothly, on the waves of God’s love, I move into the wonderful future prepared for me, which begins here and now, in my blessed present. I know: everything in my life is working out in the best way - for me, for my loved ones, for everyone around me and everyone living on Earth.
They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Indeed, sometimes you want the best, but you get the worst. How to make sure that both intentions and actions are for the good?
Truly good intentions always lead only to good. If the intentions led to something else, then they were not good, but only seemed so.
What are truly good intentions? These are the ones that are the intentions of the Spirit. But ordinary human logic does not always distinguish between them. Sometimes you accept as good what is not good for the Spirit. Pursuing such intentions can indeed lead to destructive consequences.
The simplest example: sometimes it seems good to you to feed yourself and other people well with too much food that is too sweet or too fatty. You may feel good about eating it, your mood improves for a while, and you feel like you are acting for the benefit of yourself and others. And you drown out that quiet inner voice that tells you that you should be more moderate. As a result, you get that very “hell” in the form of a deterioration in your health. Because there is no other “hell” except the one you create yourself with your dissonant intentions and dissonant behavior - dissonant in relation to the energies and intentions of the Spirit.
Learn to distinguish which intentions are truly good and which only seem so.
Ask yourself what intention looks like from Spirit's perspective. Is it the best and highest choice? And sometimes look “beyond the horizon,” at least half a step ahead, assessing the long-term consequences of your actions. Then you will be able to act creatively and not destructively in all situations.
Verbal formulas for setting the mood for creative intentions and actions
? I am the Divine Spirit experiencing life in a human body. I came to Earth to act. I came to Earth to create, acting for the benefit of myself and all humanity.
? As a human being, I allow the Divine Spirit to work through me. From now on, everything I do is a manifestation of the will and creative capabilities of the Spirit.
? I turn to my Divine Self with a request to guide me on the right path and awaken my creative potential. I turn to my Divine Self with an offer to become the main guiding and creative force in my life, for the sake of creating all the best that I and other people need. I act only for the highest good of myself and all humanity.
? From now on, I become a co-creator with God in creating my own happy destiny as part of the future earthly paradise. My Divine Self becomes the main creative force in my life and leads me along the path of the highest good.
Dear Kryon, I have been trying for many years to succeed in my business, but I am not succeeding. What am I doing wrong?
Dear, what do you mean by success? Recognition, fame, awards - or the real benefit that you bring to people with your business? What comes first for you – external signs of success or how fulfilled the Spirit feels?
If you mean the material side of things, then it also depends on the degree of realization of your Spirit and on what you give to others, what fruits of labor you share with them. If you fulfill the tasks of the Spirit and act for the benefit not only of yourself, but also of others, God will not leave you without material reward.
It’s another matter when you do not fulfill the tasks of the Spirit and do not follow your destiny. In this case, no external signs of success will compensate for your internal feeling of failure and unhappiness. Because the unrealized Spirit suffers, and you as a person will suffer too.
In this case, there is only one way out: to leave the dead-end path, where you cannot realize yourself and the tasks of your Spirit, and find another path, truly your own. Each of you has your own niche. There is no person devoid of destiny, no one for whom the Spirit has not prepared wonderful gifts of success and self-realization. Don't stick to a path where you only experience failure.
There is another way and it is waiting for you, just look within yourself and then look around and you will certainly see a door that you should open.
Verbal formulas for setting yourself up for success
? I am the Divine Spirit residing in a human body on planet Earth, where I arrived for creative purposes. I came to Earth to act, create and bring light with every step, every action, every thought, every deed. I have been given enormous creative potential by birthright. Enormous spiritual powers awaken within me, and I use them to transform my life for the better, as well as the lives of other people and the entire planet Earth.
? I am the conductor between the Divine Spirit and the human world. I am called to bring the light and love of God to Earth, and everything I do is dedicated to this task. Every action I take is blessed and sanctioned by the Spirit. I am endowed with the most important mission of enlightening the planet, and I am fulfilling what is intended for me with honor and success.
? Everything I do is blessed by the Spirit, my every step, every action, every intention, every decision and every deed is done according to the will of the Creator and with the support of the Divine Spirit, therefore everything that I conceive comes true, and in everything that I do , success awaits me.
? I live and act in the name of the triumph of the love and light of God on Earth, and every moment of my life brings me great pleasure. I am happy to live and act on planet Earth for the common good. I'm happy to fulfill my purpose. I am happy to bring the light and love of God to all people and the world around me. I am fulfilling my purpose, my life is full of higher meaning, and everything that happens in my life is for the better.
I'm an indecisive person. It seems that I know what I want, but I do not have the strength and courage to set a firm goal and achieve its implementation. How to become more decisive?
Honey, it's not that you're indecisive. You have enough determination. Every day you decide on many things that need to be done, and you do them because you have to. Now do you understand what's going on? The fact that you are not sure that the goals you set are necessary for you.
Learn to choose for yourself those goals whose achievement is truly necessary. Ask the advice of the Spirit whether this or that goal is really necessary for you from the point of view of fulfilling the tasks of the Spirit, from the point of view of the highest good for you and others. Then the energy of your intention and your goal will lead you on its own, and you won’t have to deliberately force yourself to be decisive and courageous. Believe me, you don’t have to do either one or the other.
Each of you who has dared to travel into the material world is infinitely determined and courageous. Your determination and courage will manifest itself when your goals are truly significant, and their achievement is truly necessary for you.
Verbal formulas for correctly setting and achieving goals
? I am the Divine Spirit acting on Earth in human form. I came to Earth to bring the light and love of God here. I came to act in the name of creating an earthly paradise. I came to carry out the tasks of the Spirit. I hear the voice of the Spirit, which sounds more and more clearly in my heart every day. I set creative goals by listening to the promptings of the Spirit. I strive only for those goals that are approved by my Divine “I” and in his person the Creator of all things.
? By setting goals that correspond to the will of the Creator, I transform my life, the life of all humanity and the entire planet Earth for the better. I know what my purpose is - to transform the Earth towards Divinity. This serves my purposes. I know exactly what the Spirit needs, and I do it every moment of my life.
? It is easy, joyful and pleasant for me to set and achieve goals that are dictated by the Spirit. Inspiration, passion, and interest in life always accompany me when I set and achieve creative goals for the benefit of myself, all people and planet Earth. My life turns into a continuous series of miracles, bringing me a huge number of happy moments. I create my own destiny in co-creation with the Spirit. I trust the Spirit to guide me and act under its guidance, creating the magic of transformation for the better in the name of earthly paradise for myself and all people.
How to access the abundance of the Universe?
All the abundance of the Universe is already yours. Access to it is open and has always been open. There is no special key or secret code that must be used to open the door of the safe where the abundance of the Universe is stored.
Where do you imagine this abundance? Behind a closed door? Or in a cave, the entrance to which is blocked with stones? No. It is right where you are. It, like you, is part of this Universe.
And there are no obstacles separating you from abundance. Yes, you guessed it: no obstacles except those you create for yourself.
But these obstacles you create are illusory. In fact, there are none. They are just appearances. It costs you nothing to get rid of them from your eyes, to disperse this fog. And then you will see that you have always had access to the abundance of the Universe, and you still have it now.
How do you imagine the abundance of the Universe? Like a giant storage room filled with jewelry? Or like a cornucopia that can shower you with all sorts of gifts? No, dear ones, the abundance of the Universe is a completely different thing. This is the source from which it is given to you as needed. Do you understand? The source itself is inexhaustible. But what would happen to you if this inexhaustible stream suddenly fell on you? Nothing good, right?
So you get it as needed. To that extent, mind you! - which you yourself have determined for yourself. If this measure is too small in your opinion, reconsider it! Express your intention to receive as much as you really need. It is only important to notice that the Universe actually gives you benefits all the time. A roof over your head, food on your table, necessary clothing, sources of income, friends, loved ones... Not enough? Decide what else you need. And don't forget to tell the Universe about it. She has everything for you and is ready to share - when you are ready to receive. I think you understand my answer.
Verbal formulas for attracting into your life all the necessary riches of the Universe
? I am a beautiful Divine being. I am Light, I am Love. I am the creator and creator of my world. In the name of Light and Love, I am creating my own paradise on Earth.
? I am worthy of abundance, prosperity, peace and love. I open my heart to all the riches of the Universe. I let all the riches of the Universe into my life.
? I trust the world and life completely. I know that life has prepared for me many benefits that are available to me at any time, as needed. All I have to do is reach out my hand to get what I need.
? I myself create my world from the endless energies of the Universe. Through the strength and creative power of my Divine Spirit, I create abundance in my life.
? There are no limits to the creative possibilities of my Spirit. I'm happy to be a creator. I am happy to live on this beautiful planet at this wonderful time. I thank God for every moment on Earth, for all the blessings given to me and for the gift of life itself. I live each day in the Love and Light of God for my highest good and the highest good of all.
What if what happens to me is not at all what I would like? How to become the creator of your own life?
Exactly what happens to you is what you send a request to the Universe for. In other words, your life is built according to your own intentions. No other forces can interfere with how you build your life.
If what happens is not what you would like, it means that you are building your life with the help of intentions that you are not aware of. Or your intentions are formed by you when you are in dissonant states.
Ask yourself: “When I want something, does my desire come from love or from fear? Out of peace and tranquility or out of irritation and nervousness?
When you come from love and peace, you come from harmonious energies and the result is also harmonious. When you come from a place of fear and irritation, you come from dissonant energies, and don't be surprised if the result is not as desirable as you would like.
You know how to be the creator of your life - you are already creating it.
Everything you receive is the result of your creation. The question is what exactly and how exactly, by what means you create, what energies you use in the process of creation. Make it your goal to discover the plans of your Spirit and create with it. In this case, loss is excluded.
Verbal formulas for gaining the ability to manage your life
? I am a bright Spirit in a human shell. As Spirit, I feel my strength and power. As a human being, I constantly feel my connection, my unity with the Spirit. Powerful streams of strength and energy pass through me. This is the force that creates the world. This is the force that affirms the harmony of the world. I merge with this force and gain its power, its creative power, its harmony.
? I am open to a higher power, which is me. I trust the power of the Spirit to guide me through life and support me. This power gives me peace, tranquility, harmony, peace and allows me to feel and be safe, no matter what happens around me.
? Being completely safe under the protection and protection of the Spirit, I calmly and with dignity bring my light even into dark areas - and the world becomes brighter. With the power of my Spirit, the power of Light and Love, I transform the world for the better.
? The world around me is the way I create it. I create for myself a world of love, peace, harmony, light. My world is safe and beautiful - because I am a creator, powerful and creative, and I myself created my world this way.
? The power of the Spirit always shows me the right path. I receive the right advice and tips that my Divine hypostasis gives me. My angels and guides help me. I confidently, calmly and joyfully walk my life path, for the benefit of me and all people.
(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Fulfillment of Desires, Success, Achieving Goals, and Abundance | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/02/2023 08:29:00 PM