Twelve signs of the Zodiac - twelve journeys of the Spirit. Sagittarius.
Sagittarius: Enlightener. “You are the one who brings the laws of the Spirit to Earth”
Sun's passage through the sign of Sagittarius:
November 23 – December 21
Dear ones, I am now addressing you, those born in this incarnation under the sign of Sagittarius. Oh, I know how you are drawn into unknown distances, beyond unexplored horizons, what a thirst you have for new knowledge that goes beyond the usual earthly boundaries. In many of you, this craving gives rise to eternal anxiety, because it seems to you yourself to be something incomprehensible. Sometimes you get scared that you are looking for something that doesn’t exist! So it seems to you, but in this case you are mistaken, dear ones. You are looking for something that exists - but not in earthly reality. That which exists and operates in your Divine home.
Your thirst for knowledge is a thirst for knowledge of the highest laws of the world order! You will stop worrying and feel satisfaction only when you begin to learn these laws, and most importantly, when you begin to convey them to people in one form or another.
Yes, you are naturally tuned to directly receive knowledge from the Divine levels of reality. And not just knowledge, not just information, but a coherent system of laws. You must bring new legislation to Earth, if you want, spiritual, Divine legislation, legislation according to which the entire harmonious Universe lives. Whether the Earth will join this community largely depends on you.
Many of you notice that you have the ability to think globally. You look for patterns in everything. You are interested in philosophical concepts and systems of laws. You are not interested in particulars and accidents. And if they are interesting, then only insofar as in the small you see a reflection of the big.
Your gaze is always directed into the distance and upward. Just like the arrow of the Centaur, the symbol of your sign. A centaur is only a half-terrestrial creature. But his earthly half is a guarantee that all the “prey” he “caught” in Infinity will be brought to Earth and given as a gift to people.
In past incarnations, you were already sages accumulating knowledge. But many of you did this as a hermit. This was a necessary condition so that you could receive undistorted knowledge and free yourself from possible obstacles that society created. But now you are strong enough to return to the people. Now the time has come not only to comprehend the highest laws, but also to bring them to Earth.
Direct the efforts of your keen mind into Infinity! You have been given enormous power of knowledge. Not only the highest information is revealed to you, but the fundamental laws of the Universe are revealed to you. The laws by which the Earth is already beginning to live.
But much still remains hidden from people. Which means you still have a lot of work to do.
Open your mind and you will get everything you need to know! Bring this knowledge to people, help them build their lives in accordance with the highest laws - and you will fulfill your highest mission.
Characteristics of a Sagittarius not awakened in Spirit
A Sagittarius who is not awakened in Spirit is often frivolous . He does not think about the purpose and meaning of his actions, as well as their consequences, simply following his immediate desires.
Adventurism , a tendency to take unjustified risks, dangerous and sometimes illegal actions are characteristic features of Sagittarius with unfulfilled karma. He needs new experiences, and he is ready to get them at any cost.
Sagittarians who do not follow the path of the Spirit are inconsistent, eccentric , can instantly change their views and beliefs, jump from hobby to hobby, take off for no apparent reason and commit unpredictable actions.
A Sagittarius with unfulfilled karma very often scatters his energies on many activities and hobbies, but ultimately does not get any significant results, and this despite the fact that he is endowed with great creative potential, good inclinations and abilities for many types of activities.
Unawakened Sagittarians are characterized by excessive straightforwardness , even to the point of rudeness; they are often tactless and do not think about the fact that their words can hurt others.
Sagittarius, who do not follow the path of the Spirit, are distinguished by a superficial perception of life , people and phenomena; they make hasty conclusions without delving into the essence.
Sagittarians with unprocessed karma are characterized by inconstancy of character : they can be either timid, sometimes extremely courageous, sometimes confident, sometimes cautious, sometimes relaxed and inspired, sometimes restrained, and they themselves are not able to control these changes in their manifestations.
Disregard for laws and morality, often on the verge of immorality, contempt for people who live “correctly” are traits that are often found in Sagittarius at a low level of development. They are prone to rebellion for any reason, capable of resorting to shocking behavior just to stand out from the crowd.
Narcissism, delusions of grandeur, boasting are the traits of an unawakened Sagittarius, who has not yet realized that he must share knowledge of higher laws, and not at all demonstrate his exclusivity, most often imaginary.
Sagittarius, who does not follow the path of the Spirit, is distinguished by arrogance and self-confidence . He is confident in his own rightness and in the wrongness of those around him, loves to teach and give advice.
Sagittarians at the lowest level of development do not know the limits in the pursuit of pleasure , which can lead them to an idle, riotous lifestyle and ultimately to self-destruction.
Undeveloped Sagittarius is distinguished by its disregard for the material , hence the lack of order, chaos in everything related to the material side of life (while Sagittarius at the highest level of development brings spiritual laws to the material world and thereby puts it in order).
Karmic tasks of Sagittarius
The first karmic task of Sagittarius is to begin to understand the highest laws of the Spirit and build their life according to them.
Otherwise, Sagittarius’ enormous gift of global thinking is wasted, and even to the detriment of himself and others. His mind is designed in such a way that he instantly identifies patterns in a particular phenomenon. Whatever he looks at, he sees how it works and thanks to what mechanisms it works.
If Sagittarius is not determined to comprehend higher truths, he begins to waste his energy on using social structures and his environment for his own selfish purposes. Since he sees the hidden mechanisms of controlling people and society, he is able to weave intrigues, change the course of events the way he needs, force people to adapt to themselves and get theirs by cunning, often at the expense of others.
Such a Sagittarius degrades. At the same time, he himself suffers, since he deprives himself of the possibility of that high flight for which he was created.
If Sagittarius turns to his own Spirit and begins to hear his voice, that harmonious and harmonious picture of the universe opens before him, which he has always strived to find in the depths of his soul. From this moment, his life takes on a new meaning, inner harmony comes to him.
It is only important that the process of cognition does not end and that this knowledge does not remain an abstraction inapplicable to reality. Sagittarius must strive to build his life in accordance with the highest laws of the Spirit and set an example of this to other people.
The second karmic task of Sagittarius is to overcome one's self-confidence and arrogance.
Even a Sagittarius who is not awakened in the Spirit feels deep down that he has a deeper and broader understanding of what is happening than other people. He sees not isolated phenomena, but a certain system, patterns in everything. Therefore, he has the impression that he understands life better than other people.
But if he does not have access to higher knowledge and the laws of the Spirit, this impression is false. However, he develops a sense of his own superiority and a desire to teach others. Because of this, he is able to ruin relationships with many people who do not want to receive unsolicited advice. Most people don't like it when someone puts themselves above them and tries to teach.
If Sagittarius awakens in the Spirit and begins to follow a higher mission, he loses the desire to rise above others. He stops acting as if he alone knows everything better than anyone else in the world. He begins to understand that the laws of the Spirit are the same for all people and everyone is equal before these laws. He stops imposing his point of view on everyone, but instead wisely shares his knowledge with those who are ready for it, and shows kindness and mercy to the rest and does not despise them for the fact that they are not yet ready to accept the highest truths.
The third karmic task of Sagittarius is to stop chasing a variety of impressions and pleasures.
If Sagittarius is not awakened in the Spirit, then his craving for something unknown can turn into a meaningless pursuit of new sensations. Such Sagittarius mindlessly flutter through life like moths, unable to stop and concentrate on anything. They change professions, place of residence, partners, friends, easily giving up what filled their lives just yesterday.
Since Sagittarians depend very little on all sorts of conventions, moral norms, rules and laws by which society lives, they have practically no restraining principles. In pursuit of pleasures and impressions, they can reach the point of self-destruction, or even crime.
If Sagittarius discovers higher laws for himself, then his thirst for the unknown takes on meaning. Knowledge of the laws of the Spirit and their implementation in the life of society can fill its life so that the thirst for pleasure for the sake of pleasure will be forgotten.
Following the laws of the Spirit brings him satisfaction greater than any most exciting adventure, than any adventure. Because now he is fulfilling his destiny, and his extraordinary abilities are not wasted.
Meditative exercise for transition to the path of the Spirit and overcoming karma
Place a lit candle in front of you. Look at the flame, breathe evenly and measuredly. Close your eyes (the candle must be extinguished before doing this). You will see the imprint of a flame before your mind's eye.
Take a slow, long breath, imagining that you are fanning this flame in all directions, so that it turns into a circle of light, taking up more and more space in front of you.
As you exhale, imagine that the flame is compressing into a point again. With each inhalation, mentally spread the light wider and wider until it covers the entire space, and with each exhalation, gather it into a smaller and smaller point.
As you take your next breath, imagine that you are smoothly and slowly expanding in all directions to the size of the infinite Universe.
Then hold your breath for 1-2 seconds and exhale slowly, imagining that you are contracting, gathering yourself into a luminous point. Take 2-3 more of these inhalations and exhalations.
As you take your next breath, again imagine how you are expanding to the size of the Universe and at the same time absorbing its energy. Together with her, you absorb the highest truths and knowledge.
As you exhale, imagine that you are shrinking to the size of a point and at the same time exhaling all dissonant energies, everything that does not correspond to the love and light of God. All this remains outside of your being. All that remains is your true essence, your Divine Self, light, love and truth, which are concentrated in that luminous point to which you have shrunk.
Take 2-3 more of these inhalations and exhalations. Mentally fix a luminous point in the solar plexus area. Return to feeling the real boundaries of your body. Feel the hard surface under your feet, press your feet firmly into it. Open your eyes.
Perform this exercise 2-3 times a week, each time freeing yourself from those dissonant energies that manifest themselves especially clearly.
Characteristics of a Sagittarius awakened in Spirit
Optimism and love of life are characteristic features of a Sagittarius who follows the path of the Spirit, and he generously shares his positive outlook with others, literally broadcasting the truth that life is beautiful.
The sincerity and openness of Sagittarius at the highest level of development are such that he is immensely attractive to others.
A Sagittarius who has worked out karma is always balanced , he finds strong support in himself, has a powerful spiritual core, is confident in his strength and knows his mission, which allows him not to go astray and not give up in the face of difficulties.
Sociability, friendliness , and the ability to build good relationships with everyone are characteristic features of an awakened Sagittarius, associated with his highest mission: in order to convey to people the knowledge of higher laws, you need to be able to communicate well.
Sagittarius's independence and love of freedom help him break out of the limitations of the material world and comprehend the highest truths, as well as boldly break outdated rules and outdated norms.
A Sagittarius who has reached the highest level of development is distinguished by honesty and nobility . He can be trusted and relied upon. He is incapable of cunning, he cannot hide anything, let alone deceive.
Sagittarius is endowed with a philosophical mindset , he is passionate about the search for the meaning of life, he has a breadth of views, is able to see the big picture behind the details, and identify patterns in everything that happens.
Sagittarius, awakened in the Spirit, are generous, kind , easily forgive both insults and evil caused to them, and are capable of sincere unconditional love.
Sagittarians are active , but if they are awakened in the Spirit, this is not chaotic activity, but directed towards deliberate goals, which they always achieve.
Great vitality , mobility, endurance are the characteristic features of Sagittarius.
Sagittarius, awakened in the Spirit , knows how to treat himself and others objectively , he is not alien to self-criticism, he knows how to admit and correct his mistakes.
Sagittarians are usually distinguished by courage, determination , and the awakened representative of the sign uses these qualities to better fulfill his mission, because the one who brings new laws to society has to deal with environmental resistance, misunderstanding and many other obstacles, and Sagittarius can overcome all this.
The Highest Purpose of Sagittarius
The highest purpose of Sagittarius is, firstly, to receive directly from the Divine spheres knowledge of the highest laws of the world order, secondly, to comprehend and organize this knowledge in the form in which it can be perceived on Earth, and thirdly, to transmit people have this knowledge in the form of a system of laws, fourthly, to contribute to the transformation of society and earthly life as a whole, in accordance with these laws.
Thus, Sagittarius carries the gift of reorganizing earthly life, transforming society in accordance with the laws of the Universe. He carries within himself and with him, first of all, high ideals, the ideals of the Spirit. He is not a practitioner, but also not a theorist in its pure form. He is rather an organizer who sets the rules by which many other people will live and act.
There are many ways in which Sagittarius can fulfill his mission. He can share his idea of the world with those around him who are ready to accept this knowledge. His intuition and practical experience will tell him with whom it is appropriate to share and with whom it is not.
Sagittarians, awakened in the Spirit, are practically not mistaken in this. They unerringly choose the time, place, and form in which to present this knowledge. Someone will be brought the right book at the right moment, someone will be invited to a lecture or seminar, someone will simply be told the very word that can radically change a person’s life.
Sagittarians make the best teachers, mentors, missionaries, representatives of all professions who disseminate systems of knowledge corresponding to the tasks of the Spirit. But this does not mean that other activities are closed to them. Wherever they work, they are able to transform that type of activity so that the Spirit can manifest in it. They are good leaders and organizers and, at the same time, born reformers, so they can reform entire organizations and even industries.
If they are not in leadership positions, then they introduce reforms within the framework of their responsibility, within the tasks they perform, setting an example for others, which ultimately can also lead to the transformation of entire industries.
It is very important for Sagittarius not to become a hermit, not to lead a solitary lifestyle. They are philosophers, but their task is not to think alone, but to share their thoughts. Therefore, it is important for them to live and work among people. Since their task is to connect the Divine and the earthly, they must serve the Spirit by living everyday life, and not constantly soaring into the clouds and not living only on the mountain peaks.
By doing his job calmly and balancedly, not giving in to difficulties, not giving in to the inertia with which the material world accepts spiritual laws, Sagittarius will acquire the necessary strength for the great task of transforming the laws of earthly life into the laws of the Divine house, which is its highest mission. It works precisely at the level of laws. It changes not just individual manifestations of earthly life - it changes the very laws that rule in the world. This reveals the scale, the size of his figure in its highest manifestation. He has a great task, and it is worth his while to accomplish it.
Meditative exercise for entering the path of fulfilling the highest mission of Sagittarius
Imagine the image of an educator, a spiritual teacher, a thinker, whose gaze is directed to the sky, to the depths of the spiritual cosmos. This can be any conventional, symbolic, fairy-tale image - for example, an astrologer or a sage, but it can also be a completely realistic image, any one that evokes your affection and acceptance.
Stand in a position that makes you feel stable. Close your eyes. Feel your feet pressing firmly into the floor. Breathe evenly and measuredly. Imagine that you see in front of you the image you have chosen - a sage, a philosopher, an educator. He is dressed in white and gold clothes. You see that he is standing on a smaller copy of the globe. This is the Earth as seen from space. He stands on its surface, and his head touches the sky - black, strewn with stars. He directs his eyes upward, to the sky, and stretches his arms out in front of him, palms up. Stars like shining diamonds fall right into his palm. He collects whole handfuls of these diamond stars and brings them to his chest. And then he blows lightly on them, as if reviving them with his breath.
And now fireworks of shining stars-sparks envelop him. His entire figure is now surrounded by a sparkling star halo. This star firework touches the surface of the Earth, and the entire globe begins to glow with a golden-white radiance, like a new star.
You take a few steps forward and become one with the luminous figure. Now you are surrounded by a shining star halo and standing on a shining, transformed Earth.
Take a breath, imagining that you are breathing in this starry glow. Exhale, imagining that you are exhaling the starlight and the halo around you and the Earth becomes even brighter. Say out loud or to yourself: “ I am an educator, I am the one who brings the laws of the Spirit to Earth, who puts these laws into action on Earth, creating step by step, day by day, an earthly paradise for the benefit of myself and all people. I take upon myself the highest mission of an educator, a conductor of Divine laws that transform the Earth and all people in light and love. Dear Almighty, help me fully understand my highest mission and implement it in this earthly incarnation .”
Take a few breaths in and out, imagining starlight flowing into your body. Complete the exercise, open your eyes.
(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
12 Signs of the Zodiac and 12 Journeys of the Spirit: Sagittarius | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/02/2023 08:22:00 PM