(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Meg Benedicte
With both Jupiter and Uranus transiting Taurus we are learning how to change our relationship to our bodies, money, resources, finances, nature and the Earth.
This is about being grounded firmly in the body and recognizing the power and resources we carry within, especially when we are embodying a higher state of consciousness – versus the lower animalistic state, which A LOT of the time isnt so “wise”.
Rather than needing to take, unhealthfully depend upon or profit from others (lower state, survival consciousness), we are realizing we have much of what we need within OR we have to ability to create what we need and GENERATE it from within.
We are releasing dependency on others and as a result becoming stronger and more empowered in our own bodies. We become self reliant in the best of ways, then we can come together with others and share ourselves healthfully. We make room for an elevated state of reciprocity between self and others.
With regards to the Earth, these transits can teach us about conservation and generation. When we take – we must/should ideally replenish. Do we really need something in the first place or is it our “automatic” behavior to buy, hoard, take, want, grab? Is this from a place of lack, creating an unconscious, or compulsive need to have? Why do we feel empty or lacking in the first place? What is it at the root of that? Do we push away abundance and materialism from a place of disconnect, separation, or disgust?
Some people have been taught money and material life is bad, secondary or just not possible to attain.
Neither gluttony nor poverty consciousness are healthy – both are extreme imbalances stemming from lack, separation, and fear, that reside within us in the root chakra or energy center of our inherent connection to life, Earth, to the Mother – all of which represents fullness, nourishment, connection and sustenance.
When we feel deeply supported by life, Earth and the Mother we can relax into ease and trust. Did you ever experience those moments in life? Since 2020 they have been few and far between for many.
Our security buttons are being pushed left and right. Things feel chaotic and uncertain. Many have lost their ground and center (Taurus) due to the planet of awakening, shock and awe being in Taurus.
This transit has created the necessary experiences we need to evolve our consciousness and awaken to our values, money, resources, self love and self worth, and the connections we have with our bodies and the Earth in general.
These things are so foundationally important to our lives.
Taurus is the 2nd sign and the first Earth sign of the zodiac – its where our ground of being is established, our root, our connection to our own bodies, to the Earth, to our survival instinct, to our senses. This energy helps us to survive and then to thrive. It says as a human in a body, you have the right to be here and to have shelter, warmth, food, and the means to get those things.
You have the right to peace, prosperity, happiness and well being. You have the right to thrive. Many people that live on this Earth have forgotten that and live as though they dont have these fundamental rights or they abuse them and start to cannibalize and abuse the material realm.
Each of us has to really feel our material connections in our bones, because many dont underneath it all AND because of the modern age and its conveniences we have lost touch with our foundational connections to Earth, the Mother, the Body and Self. Many dont know what it is to even feel good and safe in the body. This creates vast chasms between the have’s and have nots. This HAS TO CHANGE. These fundamentally “false ” beliefs that create the “misguided” actions we take in life have to shift now.
As Uranus plows through Taurus it opens our eyes in sometimes chaotic and jolting ways to the fact that this HAS TO CHANGE. WE get the most loud and disruptive wake up calls with this transit – for the purpose of creating healthy change.
Uranus in Taurus asks “what do you love, what do you value AND is it coming from a higher consciousness/higher mindedness within yourself”. If you’re coming from fear and lack, it’s going to be apparent during this transit. Change is required. We are shifting from fear and lack to love, trust and deep wisdom with the help of Uranus and Jupiter.
What have you been doing with your time, money, resources? What are your values? How is your self worth, self love, and self value? What is your relationship to your body? Do you feel safe and grounded within your body? Are your happy and thriving in life in the most basic ways? Do you feel life supports you? Are you in constant fear, ungrounded, just barely getting by financially? Do you respect your body and the Earth? Do you hoard or buy things to feel safe? Do you ignore your body and its cravings for peace, comfort, well being and ease? Have you developed any skills and inner resources that you can use at a job to make money? Do you fear abundance? Are you connected to your senses – are you able to truly enjoy life in the simplest of ways? Is life a constant struggle?
As you answer these questions, allow yourself to contemplate the underlying issues that may be causing you problems or distress in these matters.
Jupiter is in Taurus is a gift that can provide many learning opportunities for growth and expansion.
If you dive deep into the above questions, and answer them truthfully, you can take the steps needed to change in healthy ways. We are being given the opportunity to put our lives on the right track again AND for some – maybe for the very first time in their lives, which is so liberating (Uranus)!
Really define your relationship with your body, your self, Earth and the Mother Archetype. Define abundance.
What is it to feel safe? What is prosperity to you? Can you feel the reciprocity and interconnection with everything in life? How can you feel more grounded and connected to the Earth – which is your home that supports you in every possible way? Can you open to receiving good things that nourish you in simple AND deep ways? Do you inherently trust life and especially yourself to provide for yourself in ways that feel good? Do you respect the Earth, and your assets and resources? How do you manage money and how do you take care of your things? What is your relationship to rest, sleep, playtime, work, food, your body’s needs? Can you honor and respect your need for enjoyment, comfort and happiness and realize that those are unique to you – you dont have to like what others like or set your life up to mimick other’s needs for happiness.
This is a personal journey to find the hidden treasures within that mirrors the beauty and abundance all around us.
Hope this gets you in touch with these Taurean matters we are ALL being beckoned to explore and unravel!
Taurus Transit | Meg Benedicte
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/28/2023 01:52:00 AM