(Golden Age of Gaia)
by James McConnell
I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in these times now where so much is happening all around you.
But where you are being guided more, and more, and more to find yourself in the moment, And not to focus on the past or to look only to the future, but to be in the moment. And allow everything that is going on in the third-dimensional expression in the illusion to be exactly that: just an illusion.
For some of you, when you walk around in your daily activities around where people are, whether in your shopping centers, or your grocery stores, or wherever it might be, and you are walking around other people, does it not seem like an illusion at times, does it not seem quite surreal at times?
Because in those moments, you are interdimensionally traveling, if you will. You can be in one dimension, which you are at that point. If you are feeling joy, if you are feeling joy, if you are feeling happiness, if you are feeling cognitive about your world, your own personal world, then you are in a higher dimensional frequency at that point. And everything around you seems surreal, seems like just an illusion that you are walking in a different dimensional frequency, while others are in their own dimensional frequency in a lower dimensional frequency. Not all, of course.
Some are also doing exactly as you are doing, but you would not necessarily know that unless you focus on that individual directly. And that can happen because of attraction process. Light attracts light. High vibration attracts high vibration. And you will find that more and more in your life as you move along here that you will be attracted to those that are of the same vibration as you are.
And those that are of lower vibrational frequency will no longer hold attraction to you. Friends, family members, all of this is the great divide that is happening. The chasm, if you will, that is creating a division across the entire world, your own world I speak of now. Not so much the collective world, but your world is in its dividing moment. Now that does not mean that you are not unity consciousness, that you are not connected to everyone, for you are. You are all brothers and sisters together. You are all one together.
But the vibrational frequency is creating a chasm that is dividing you apart, and that is okay. That is what is expected to happen. Do not focus on that division, though. Do not focus on being divided from your brother and sister, whether it is from the country you live in now, or from other countries across the world, other races, other religions, whatever it might be. Yes, there is division. But that is not to be focused on. Focus instead on the love of brother and sister, brotherly love, sisterly love. That is what you need to focus on now.
For as time continues to move on here, and the frequency vibration continues to rise and rise and rise, and rising it is at this time across the collective, consciousness is raising. People are awakening everywhere. It may not seem so because there are still so many that are fast asleep in their slumber. But even they at one time or another show more and more awakened, maybe not fully to an ascension level, but they will come to an awakening which will create a reverberation across the entire collective consciousness and a full awakening of more and more of those that still yet sleep.
It is not up to you, each individual, to help those that are yet asleep. It is up to you, though, to assist those that are ready to be assisted, that are waiting to be guided. Just as we can only guide those of you that are ready for the guidance. We cannot guide those that are asleep, those that do not know of even who we are, or recognize that we are anything beyond what they are. So allow yourselves to focus more, and more, and more in the now moment, and do not hold onto the past. The past is exactly that, the past. The future has not yet been written. And you, right now, are the ones that are writing that future. You are the ones that are creating the New Golden Age of Gaia.
I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness, and that you continue to create, manifest, exactly what you wan the new world to be like.
Focus More in the Now Moment | Sananda via James McConnell
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/28/2023 01:53:00 AM