Saturday, July 29, 2023

Casting Down a Lack of Self-Confidence | Steve Beckow


By Steve Beckow, July 29, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Things are moving through me at such a rate that I may have to resort to posting notes if I’m to journal my own Ascension, as I agreed with Michael and the Mother to do. (1)

Only if I write these things down will I remember them.

Never mind what I ate for breakfast. Right now I can’t remember if I had breakfast. I’m forced to live in the moment.

In this last moment, I just cast down a lack of self-confidence. In the middle of being outraged at feeling that way this late in the game, I invoked the Law of Elimination and the Divine Mother and cast a lack of self-confidence away from me with a resounding “Yes!” – and a thank you to my guides.

I don’t for a minute overlook the role of the Company of Heaven likely plays in such a move. I have every faith that they took me at my word and removed it.

Michael was quite candid about anchoring in a different clearing experience I had, demonstrating right there the role the celestials and the Mother play in our spiritual experiences:

Steve: The experience I had last night where I went back to age six before all the fighting started in my family [and drove a stake into the ground, pushing away all the bad stuff since then], is that going to produce a permanent effect or is it going to just pass again like so many other things?

Archangel Michael: No, it is not simply going to pass. It has been a true and deep transformation, release, but also what has been happening is that you have made the decision, and that is part of what has triggered all this, to anchor that release. So sometimes there are events or releases that are not fully embraced, can we say? Therefore they are not anchored in the permanency of your field.

But you have chosen, and we have anchored the permanency of this situation to be gone. (2)

“We have anchored the permanency of this situation” – where in any enlightenment text will you read that the celestials – in this case, the archangels – participate in everything to do with our spiritual experiences? And yet this generation (us) is getting this information.

Getting back to the experience itself, I put nothing in place of the space I created by letting go of the tale of family woe. For me, this isn’t about filling up the space. It’s about emptying it. It’s about creating it.

I am space, after all. Intelligent, loving space.


I notice that other things went with it. I think all my life I’ve had a certain belligerence, which is most noticeable in the range of my voice. I lived down among the growls.

My voice has been freed up now. Of course its remaining freed up depends on me not resuming being (a leftover from dissociation) un-self-confident. (3)

My voice is still in the same range because I probably always will be a serious person (non-fiction, don’t waste time, married to his work, etc.) but there’s no hook in it now. It’s just who I am, not who I’m pretending to be.

I also notice that other things go with self-confidence. I’ve noticed how many situations lately can be solved by my being humble. If I feel self-confident, I don’t need constant affirmation. I can yield, give way.

A friend just about caused a fire. In the right/wrong world, I was perfectly justified to scold and prance up and down as a person who would never make that kind of mistake (at least, not recently).

Instead I found myself able to remain quiet and calm, clean up the mess, and later replace what was destroyed. How many years have I spent in the other world of charge and counter-charge, attack-and-defend? How grateful am I even to feel as if I’m on more dry land now.


(1) I agreed to ascend with everyone else and, as Everyman, write about it:

Archangel Michael: There is much to be said for Everyman, and that is part of the role you play. Yes, you are a pillar. You are an anchor. You’re [a monitor] but you’re also playing the role of Everyman – with curiosity, with exploration, with insight. So our desire is not to separate you from the collective. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Nov. 11, 2015.) (Hereafter AAM.)

We’re all angels. What Michael says about me could also potentially be said about anyone else. See An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness at

(2) AAM, May 9, 2014.

(3) I dissociated at age 7 when my Dad yelled at me from inches in front of my face. I shattered into a thousand pieces; hence the Humpty Dumpty Man, as I thought of myself later in life.

This casting down of a lack of self-confidence is another stage in the Humpty Dumpty Man’s recovery from dissociation.

See “From the Humpty Dumpty Man to Here: Completing the Fear of Being Wrong,” June 5, 2019, at