Monday, May 15, 2023

You are Divine and Human | Nicky Hamid

(Golden Age of Gaia)

You are Divine and HUman .

Have you truly realized that you will change your reality, here and now, when you choose the thoughts and feelings you want to have.

And the basis of your reality change is to choose Love. Freedom, and Unity over fear and separation no matter what appears to the contrary.

Every single feeling you have is a choice.

Though you can experience any number of emotions, you can make choices of what feeling tone stays with you.

You can let go of the story lines with hand on Heart, three simple deep conscious breaths and watch them leave you by choosing creative, embracing, Love based, thoughts no matter what you thought before you began.

This will be your new world that you can experience immediately.

And it will magnetize a match everywhere you look, everywhere you step.

This will occur regardless of the realities others are choosing for their experience.

And when there is enough of us choosing the Love based reality in our day to day moments, the New World, the new consensus reality, becomes anchored in a Life that WE share.

Suddenly, quickly, quietly, miraculously, the bliss and miracle of Grace will be Present.

And because you have chosen to see, feel, think, and be that which you deeply desire, and know to be so deep within, it will be as though it never was not.

And that which you have experienced in fear will simply be neutral memories of your magnificent journey into Light.

This is how we are creating our New Life on Earth..

Reacquaint yourself with your Home feeling, and claim You, the Divine HUman Being.

If you choose your highest and make simple steps as often as you can you can’t get it wrong.

Shine My Magnificent Co Creators, Shine.


I So Love You